: O

Blackhoof's picture

Name: Blackhoof
Standing from: 21.4 to 62.4 inches
Weighs: 88 to 570 pounds
Antler classification: Three -antlered deer


-has fur that grows from his neck fur all
the way down to his tail

-his left hoof is white

Yes tis B.H's face I drew. I wanted to still keep
the eyes in but made it look like his eyes where still
bleeding. So I colored the white of the eye, Halogen did
this when drawing Selig. I though it twas clever ^-^?
I was bored at school, so I drew B.H.
He's a unrefrenced lil doodle that enjoys to
look handsom... With bordem story writting
of one of my deer, dancing around his
antlers ( I know... I was very bored) : P

I based his anatomy and such from the real deer breed called the Sambar deer...
hey can't a person dream of there deer being something less Red deer-ish?
Official lil apperance sheet I guess. I shall color dis later ... long post XP
Emiva's picture



Hugs and kisses,
Emiva <3
Blackhoof's picture

Thanks Emiva <3 Poor thing

Thanks Emiva <3
Poor thing is probably struggling to keep himself up
though x D

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Kaoori's picture

My deer's based on a little

My deer's based on a little old Japanese deer called the ezo shika. I couldn't see her being a red deer either. Eye

I'm a little wolf inside a girl.

Lightbringer-apprentice to Yorres
Blackhoof's picture

Woah! That's a purty deer! I

Woah! That's a purty deer! I love the
black line going down there back ^-^

I wonder if where the only people who don't imagine there
deer only as Red deer?

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