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BodyHere is the tooltip text.
MindHere is the tooltip text.
EmotionsHere is the tooltip text.
NoteHere is the tooltip text.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus vestibulum, erat at placerat semper, turpis magna iaculis sem, ut aliquam odio nisi non ante. Nullam aliquet dolor ex, efficitur molestie dolor finibus sodales. Vestibulum pulvinar consequat ante, vitae interdum turpis gravida sed. Sed ut faucibus est, fermentum placerat dolor. Nulla ornare lacinia congue. Duis enim magna, vulputate ac rutrum non, scelerisque id nunc. Mauris suscipit, velit sed eleifend vehicula, nunc turpis semper justo, sit amet auctor leo nisi sit amet enim. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Curabitur vel posuere lectus, a laoreet velit. Integer neque massa, faucibus id justo vitae, viverra venenatis nisi. Curabitur euismod gravida erat et tincidunt. Sed condimentum a orci non hendrerit.

Phasellus scelerisque, lorem id malesuada blandit, velit nisi euismod eros, at tempus ipsum neque porttitor sapien. Vivamus vitae quam vehicula, vulputate urna in, rhoncus ipsum. Ut egestas metus vel lectus aliquam, in semper enim mollis. Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed enim urna, ornare vestibulum pharetra nec, bibendum eget leo. Pellentesque vel vestibulum tellus. Etiam ultricies diam leo, eu tristique odio laoreet quis.

Nullam ut egestas augue, cursus vulputate odio. Suspendisse maximus sem at ultricies ornare. Proin convallis laoreet lorem ut efficitur. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Nunc placerat eu odio sit amet volutpat. Nulla facilisi. Aliquam feugiat, nisi quis malesuada iaculis, risus libero hendrerit enim, ut ultricies purus elit nec erat. Vestibulum suscipit eros quam, eu maximus justo pulvinar vitae. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi et quam a enim elementum efficitur eu a dui. Ut et mi id libero vulputate sollicitudin. Nulla vel ullamcorper lectus. Quisque lacinia lorem ut ligula maximus, et commodo lacus pharetra. In rhoncus maximus metus nec iaculis.

Aliquam facilisis nibh enim, bibendum scelerisque lorem vehicula vel. Nam elementum metus ante, nec congue dui consequat sit amet. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nam semper elementum pellentesque. Vestibulum diam ipsum, fringilla eu felis ac, pharetra gravida lectus. Proin et est ornare, posuere leo at, gravida massa. Pellentesque vel lacinia magna, ut tempor tellus. In dapibus, dui id molestie iaculis, nisi urna scelerisque dui, ut aliquet tortor metus elementum justo. Mauris ut ex consequat, commodo sapien sit amet, gravida libero. Integer a arcu nec ante tempus pharetra consectetur non nisi. Aenean et sem ultrices, pretium erat id, lacinia ante. Suspendisse pellentesque dui nibh, vel gravida libero vestibulum eu. Donec in euismod dolor. Sed viverra enim non erat consectetur, sed aliquet nulla rhoncus. Donec tempus sapien et suscipit malesuada.

Mauris mi mauris, vestibulum sit amet posuere vel, laoreet nec purus. Maecenas congue vel urna ut tempus. Aliquam rutrum dui eu felis sodales egestas. Sed auctor ex erat, vel pellentesque magna laoreet a. Pellentesque sit amet scelerisque nunc. In sed magna et urna commodo ullamcorper ut nec tellus. Donec tincidunt a lectus vitae consequat.


“By the roots of my hair
some god got hold of me.”

                                                        - Sylvia Plath, The Hanging Man

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This is a link. This is

This is a link. This is another link.
Fincayra's picture

Towards the corner of the

Towards the corner of the house I saw eyes in the grass, and my flashlight revealed it was Holly. It took a while for her to come to me. She really wanted to, but she was skittish. So I just sat in the grass and talked to her, and finally she came close enough where she could sniff my hand. When she was assured it was actually me, I started scratching her chin. And then I grabbed her by the scruff of the neck and pulled her towards me and started carrying her towards the house.

I put her in my bedroom as soon as I got inside, and I gave her food and water. But she was only interested in seeing me - she rubbed all over me. There were a couple mats in her fur, and twigs in her tail, but I brushed it out. She was just so happy to see me... I'm so, so glad we found her.
Fincayra's picture

Mom suggested that we shave

Mom suggested that we shave some of Pepper's fur off, since he looks miserable because it's
so hot outside now that summer is almost here. So we did. Surprisingly, he wasn't scared of the
sound of the razor when we began shaving, like we thought he would be. He's terrified of people
looking in his ears (he has some scabs in there that we're trying to heal) or giving him a bath. Instead, he just sat there calmly as we worked. The thing was, we used a tiny razor, and it hardly got any of his fur off, so Mom got out the scissors. Oh, what a mess we made of him!