Stood around with Requite and some of the other horses. Feeling more confident; even went to sniff at a stallion (Lance) when he came near, though kept Requite in between the stud and herself..
Confidence continued and went to sniff at a stag that was staring (Moroioch). Huge mistake; was attacked. Herd jumped in, and another deer came to aid the first in the attack (Thane). Reared and kicked out at them for a while before fleeing. They targeted and pursued, she splashed into the pond to escape into the deeper waters, hoping they couldn't swim. Thankfully, they wouldn't follow; they stood in the shallows, gnashing their teeth.
Eventually coaxed out by another who looked like a predator (Jahi). Skeptically sniffed at her and decided she was okay. Hobbled back to Requite and the Pig who had chased after the two stags.
Targeted again after a while, kicked and bit at the stag when he went at Requite, trying her best to aid Lats'vel and Jahi.
The scuffled ended after a while and she followed Requite to recuperate in a flower patch. Suffered some wounds to her back and hip.
Went over to Cherub and Velis when she scented them. Greeted them though was pushed away by one near Velis. Kicked at it, and hurried off. Followed Requite to (Jahi). She seemed disheartened.. Unsure how you comfort a feline, but rested her head over the feline's back for good measure..
Found the calmer mares from yesterday (Requite and Cherub). Remained weary of the stallion (Vaas) though followed him and the harem around. Bolted when a giant monster (Kaars) attacked, turning to kick out at him once or twice. He eventually seemed deterred by two others (Lats'vel and Fletcher), so trotted back to the little herd. Meet one stag (Fletcher) later and sniffed at the pigish one (Lats'vel) but wasn't sure about him... Cocked a hoof and rested beside the other mares when they settled.
Meet an interesting deer (Silence). Couldn't help but trot and jump around with him for a moment; very bright fellow.
Meet a few new deer (Velis, Nevi, others?). Prompted to play by a rambunctious (Nevi) and sparked a group romped. Galloped, kicked, and shoved around playfully, deciding this little herd wasn't so bad.
• Tanksi ("little sister" in the Lakota language)
• Temp Picto
• Mare
• 15.3 hh size chart
• 6 years old
• Mustang; heavy Spanish Barb influence
• Appearance unknown (for now…)
• Great Argus pelt, magpie feathers, real deer mask (may change)
• History tied to the Lakota (Sioux) Native Americans
• Buffalo runner; War pony; Sister, Teacher, Warrior; Kola, Akicita
• Died in a battle against the "pale faces"
• Doesn't take orders easily
• Thinks deeply, speaks simply
• Will chase things that flee and flee things that chase.
• A very curious creature.. Will inspect others and "test" them out to see if they're a friend or foe.
• Feels a certain connection with all creatures and will often refer to others as "brother" or "sister"
• Gives Lakota titles to those she bonds with. Doesn't call others by their name, but rather by a word, phrase, or title she associates them with.
• Often lapses into her Lakota tongue, using phrases or words in the language. Capable of simple words and phrases most animals would understand, but would rather use her former human's native tongue when speaking.
• Those who get very close to the mare are deemed Kola in her mind. It's a word that means a special type of companionship between two beings that refers to a relationship closer than siblings or the closest friends; it is often used to describe a relationship between Lakota warriors.
(hover over the words you will try in vain to pronounce)
Sig: Aihnna
Hmm.. wat's this gonna be???
Aw ye.
Teeny Requite by Dapper.
hi ♥
yay horsie ♥
Oh I tracked this one already
Teeny Requite by Dapper.
~ C.S. Lewis