February 28, 2013 - 9:42pm — CynicalTabby
art coming soon
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vvv WIP and yes, I did draw it.

I v a n
secondary character
crass / hormonal / inconsiderate
possessive / irrational / headstrong
obnoxious / boastful / conceited
* Ivan is a teenager, therefore subject to change drastically as he ages.
crying idol pelt / dotd antlers (fan when full grown) / long mask
smells of sweet oranges, vanilla, and mint / husky voice
stag / teenager / TEF deer / size 31 when full grown / pictogram
Description description description description description description description description description description description description description description description description description description description , description description description description description description. Description description description description description description.
T r a i t s
- Negative traits.
+ Positive traits.
º Neutral traits.
U p d a t e s . . .
mood Complacent.
Updates updates updates. Updates updates upduates. Updates updates updates. > Updates updates updates. Updates updates upduates. Updates updates updates. > Updates updates updates. Updates updates upduates. Updates updates updates. >
physical health Healthy.
mental health Sane.
R e l a t i o n s h i p s
* K e y
| Positive
| Negative
| Neutral
Friend ||||||||||
* Blahblahnotes
Stranger ||||||||||
* Blahblahnotes
Enemy ||||||||||
* Blahblahnotes
Note that Ivan is a work in progress, a new creation, and therefore is constantly
developing. I apologize if he seems a bit one dimensional, but promise it won't last. (:
Always up for RP, in game or otherwise.
* Biography title from Modest Mouse album.
MINE first aha.
first aha.
(No subject)
curious track (8
Yay! I'm excited to play him
They should meet! :3