__ Strength. ||||||||| | Stamina. |||||| | | | | Speed. |||| | | | | | | Defense. ||||| | | | | | Evasion. ||||| | | | | | Durability. |||||| | | | | Experience. ||| | | | | | | | Drive. |||||| | | | | Teeth. Depending on the severity, this can be a very minor wound to you missing chunks of flesh! So beware should he start to repeatedly shake his head in a hostile situation, as this should be taken as him grabbing another, and shaking his head back in forth! Full On Charge. This is a long distance attack, and a very physical one at that. The wounds from this can be deep, as he slams with four very sharp points, or, in some cases with his entire body. Short Range Ram. This isn't as devastating as a long distanced charge, and will at it's worst, knock another over if he's lucky. Frontal Assault. A fury of pushing, and very short but strong headbutts with his head lowered. This is the most common way Israel fights, and is very similar to that of a wild whitetail. Fire. Very rare, and only used in very long fights that are deadly in nature. Burns are third degree in nature if a direct hit is taken, and whomever is the unlucky target may be set afire. This is rare, as a forest tends to be a tinder box and he doesn't wish to burn down his home. __ Possibly the most used and easiest to preform. As straightforward as it sounds and indeed breath fire, or spit it if he so desires. Living in a world of highly flammable objects limits the use. Can be as destructive as a stream of fire to just huffing smoke or wheezing out a mouthful of harmless cinders. Spell. Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Spell. Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Spell. Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Indi || Mother in all aspects, by blood or not. The one consistent guiding force in his young life amidst chaos and drama. Brought him knowledge both in mind and morals, taught him there is more to life than just the forest and that there is no such thing as black and white. Would lay down his life for the doe ten thousand times over. Feels guilty for leaving without telling her, and worries about her future travels. Frets over her despite the fact she still protects him more than he protects her. Doesn't understand at all why she still calls him 'little' Garnet || Younger brother, deceased but holds hope that one day he will return from wherever he, and the rest of his siblings have gone. Asimenia || Younger Sister, deceased but holds hope that one day she will return from wherever she, and the rest of his siblings have gone. Cosette || Younger Sister, deceased but holds hope that one day she will return from wherever she, and the rest of his siblings have gone. Felix || Younger brother, deceased but holds hope that one day he will return from wherever he, and the rest of his siblings have gone. Alani || A sister figure, another consistency throughout his life as a child and teen, missed her greatly in his time away, and is more than eager to smother her on sight. Fiercely protective over her still, as more than once she put herself on the line for him. It's time to return the favor. Pica || Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Jokerman || Always seen and associated with Indi. Never understood her haterade of Darcy as a child, but as an adult, knows there is something he is missing and doubts it is his place to ask exactly what that is. Finds her to be a powerful figure, and strangely knows little about, yet admires her greatly. Mire || Has known him since his childhood, and finds the quill-back interesting in terms of appearance. Hasn't seen in some time, and is eager to reconnect with the red stag. Eve || Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Vittani || Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Emmy Artois Luyu Rush Fury/Ikiel Ramsus Pig Lieva Veronica Darcy Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam felis lorem, venenatis at auctor quis, fringilla vitae lacus. Donec volutpat nisi sit amet eros placerat pretium. Sed eget lacus egestas, feugiat dui in, tincidunt elit. Vivamus sodales non elit in pharetra. Proin at porta augue. Phasellus tempus, ante sed ornare pharetra, neque metus vehicula quam, eu cursus elit velit vitae nibh. Nunc laoreet pharetra ullamcorper. Vestibulum sed tincidunt metus, eget dapibus leo. Phasellus eu erat tortor. Nullam ac sodales urna, nec facilisis lorem. Ut enim mauris, rutrum a odio in, malesuada placerat leo. Nullam blandit vestibulum placerat. Nullam pulvinar pretium purus in dignissim. Proin egestas risus in ultrices gravida. Duis blandit augue nunc, nec volutpat nunc fringilla vitae. Maecenas convallis justo sit amet pellentesque adipiscing. Phasellus porttitor suscipit nunc, in sollicitudin massa placerat et. Fusce hendrerit mi id lacus lacinia sagittis. Etiam gravida lacus non sem dignissim laoreet. Fusce bibendum fermentum elementum. Maecenas porta viverra turpis, varius consectetur nisl fermentum eu. Fusce massa lorem, rhoncus ac tellus et, auctor rhoncus nibh. Curabitur eget elementum nisl. In tempus placerat urna sed mollis. Etiam quis turpis eget augue congue facilisis. Proin non nisl aliquet, consectetur eros a, suscipit lectus. In lacinia arcu eu porta feugiat. Praesent porta posuere metus. Quisque accumsan dui libero, eu viverra libero vehicula in. Fusce gravida interdum metus tincidunt sagittis. Vivamus tempor tortor ut iaculis aliquet. Sed nibh sapien, porta ac condimentum sit amet, viverra iaculis nunc. Nunc lacinia, felis sollicitudin mollis congue, orci eros lacinia leo, non tincidunt enim ante vitae ante. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nunc varius congue erat, vel bibendum lectus sodales et. Vestibulum viverra diam vel vehicula volutpat. Maecenas sit amet magna odio. Morbi ac dictum felis. Sed semper elit magna, non congue augue aliquet sit amet. Praesent est erat, pulvinar accumsan elit a, malesuada facilisis tellus. Suspendisse venenatis, felis non feugiat convallis, nisl nunc molestie tortor, in varius nunc ligula nec ligula. Nunc pulvinar dui quis sollicitudin sollicitudin. Curabitur imperdiet leo nulla, non tristique mauris porta quis. Mauris viverra faucibus lorem, nec congue eros laoreet vel. Sed vestibulum urna tellus, sed sagittis ante commodo ut. In luctus eros vitae nisl euismod, et iaculis est gravida. Nam commodo turpis eu enim facilisis, ac dignissim sem vulputate. Donec convallis rutrum metus, vitae imperdiet ligula porttitor sit amet. Pellentesque pretium ut lorem eu interdum. Pellentesque lacinia venenatis eros, at luctus ligula ullamcorper sit amet. Nullam nec adipiscing justo, et volutpat orci. Etiam fringilla ipsum a rhoncus pretium. Sed sit amet risus vel nibh eleifend venenatis Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam felis lorem, venenatis at auctor quis, fringilla vitae lacus. Donec volutpat nisi sit amet eros placerat pretium. Sed eget lacus egestas, feugiat dui in, tincidunt elit. Vivamus sodales non elit in pharetra. Proin at porta augue. Phasellus tempus, ante sed ornare pharetra, neque metus vehicula quam, eu cursus elit velit vitae nibh. Nunc laoreet pharetra ullamcorper. Vestibulum sed tincidunt metus, eget dapibus leo. Phasellus eu erat tortor. Nullam ac sodales urna, nec facilisis lorem. Ut enim mauris, rutrum a odio in, malesuada placerat leo. Nullam blandit vestibulum placerat. Nullam pulvinar pretium purus in dignissim. Proin egestas risus in ultrices gravida. Duis blandit augue nunc, nec volutpat nunc fringilla vitae. Maecenas convallis justo sit amet pellentesque adipiscing. Phasellus porttitor suscipit nunc, in sollicitudin massa placerat et. Fusce hendrerit mi id lacus lacinia sagittis. Etiam gravida lacus non sem dignissim laoreet. Fusce bibendum fermentum elementum. Maecenas porta viverra turpis, varius consectetur nisl fermentum eu. Fusce massa lorem, rhoncus ac tellus et, auctor rhoncus nibh. Curabitur eget elementum nisl. In tempus placerat urna sed mollis. Etiam quis turpis eget augue congue facilisis. Proin non nisl aliquet, consectetur eros a, suscipit lectus. In lacinia arcu eu porta feugiat. Praesent porta posuere metus. Quisque accumsan dui libero, eu viverra libero vehicula in. Fusce gravida interdum metus tincidunt sagittis. Vivamus tempor tortor ut iaculis aliquet. Sed nibh sapien, porta ac condimentum sit amet, viverra iaculis nunc. Nunc lacinia, felis sollicitudin mollis congue, orci eros lacinia leo, non tincidunt enim ante vitae ante. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nunc varius congue erat, vel bibendum lectus sodales et. Vestibulum viverra diam vel vehicula volutpat. Maecenas sit amet magna odio. Morbi ac dictum felis. Sed semper elit magna, non congue augue aliquet sit amet. Praesent est erat, pulvinar accumsan elit a, malesuada facilisis tellus. Suspendisse venenatis, felis non feugiat convallis, nisl nunc molestie tortor, in varius nunc ligula nec ligula. Nunc pulvinar dui quis sollicitudin sollicitudin. Curabitur imperdiet leo nulla, non tristique mauris porta quis. Mauris viverra faucibus lorem, nec congue eros laoreet vel. Sed vestibulum urna tellus, sed sagittis ante commodo ut. In luctus eros vitae nisl euismod, et iaculis est gravida. Nam commodo turpis eu enim facilisis, ac dignissim sem vulputate. Donec convallis rutrum metus, vitae imperdiet ligula porttitor sit amet. Pellentesque pretium ut lorem eu interdum. Pellentesque lacinia venenatis eros, at luctus ligula ullamcorper sit amet. Nullam nec adipiscing justo, et volutpat orci. Etiam fringilla ipsum a rhoncus pretium. Sed sit amet risus vel nibh eleifend venenatis | |
8D ♥
adorable art by Tuoho! ♥
Love this little guys design
Sig: Aihnna
Aww thank you
Ahhh I miss him. Never seem
Blarh I know D:
Ok so it's hard enough for me
but to see two mini fawns on my screen..
I can't
Let the adorable in,
/overdoses on all the cute
Good... good. /crackle
The three deer that helped
I love you forever ;D; the
Yeah T^T been trying to
They finally got one TuT I
http://www.endlessforest.org/community/artios-0 there you go
Isael is fwend! By the way I
Forget Your Perfect Offering.
There Is A Crack In Everything.
That's How The Light Gets In.
(A part of the lyrics of Leonard Cohen's Song "Anthem")
@gglidden: Bros forever! &&
Ohh thank you!
Yes, I agree. c: Poor Isi
Poor Isi though, too much drama for the babes. ;;
Forget Your Perfect Offering.
There Is A Crack In Everything.
That's How The Light Gets In.
(A part of the lyrics of Leonard Cohen's Song "Anthem")
LOL dun worry they can cuddle
Especially mini fawn cuddle
Forget Your Perfect Offering.
There Is A Crack In Everything.
That's How The Light Gets In.
(A part of the lyrics of Leonard Cohen's Song "Anthem")
Rush | Personal jungle gym
Better than the playground!
Tracktracks before I go to
no you are not going to bed
And then Qanat continued to
LOOOOOL. For as much as he
^Izzy owl getting loves and
^Izzy owl getting loves and making a ^u^ face
Oh my god that Gif is so cute
He's a cute little bugger.
~ C.S. Lewis
tracks .. i think can't
.. i think
can't remember if i tracked before
don't think i did
track~ hopefully we can rp a
hopefully we can rp a meeting between yurei and israel since little artios is so fond of him c:
i really really love his character design, simple but very beautiful !
;D; that would be awesome.
*GUSHES* He's so adorable!
He's so adorable!
AWWW thank you ; u ;
The grey doe is my Ruin next
gfjfdjgd I was wondering, the
Israel gets all the ladiesI gotta track all this
Haven't interacted with him
@Sapphire: FGJFGKG thank you!
Tracking! The little one
Omg when I stuck Izzy there I
Thank you, Tuo and Kohva!
Lol...yep! And it was my