Kirin Pelt/Crying Idol - Venetian Carnival Antlers/Peacock - Any mask
Name Castallion; Castillion; Casti. Pronounced 'Kass-stay-yon', or as it's spelt if you prefer.
Not picky about his name.
Age Young adult; 7 years IRL Gender Male Birthday 12th of August, 2012 Species ?? ?? ?/ ?? Bull-horned, human-faced weirdo PictoCrook in the moon Size13 ReferenceDesigned by Sablekat, by me. Check codex for detail and rut form RestsThe hill beside the Playground.
Loves the birch; blends in with the grass. Rarely territorial.
Voice Can make a variety of noises ranging from growls to literal honks.
More likely to 'vocalise' than actually speak words.
Chaotic good. Proud. Extroverted. Brave. Playful. Acts before he thinks. Greedy. Nosy. Protective. Savage. Wears his heart on his sleeve. Insensitive. Foolish. Melodramatic. Lacks subtlety or strategy.
This needs updating. New thoughts as of the rut:
- Learning more subtleties of fighting. Big adversaries require dodging! Finally starting to learn that being hurt = not so great
- Losing his mean streak; learning to be less selfish through a desire to cater to his herd.
- Doesn't seem the type, but easily enamored (and then flustered). Related to.....
- ...Unexpectedly, tends to cling to 1 judge at a time. Either as a preference when he has a group with him, or through the feeling of being reluctant to leave the 1 behind if they are alone and he is close to another lone judge
- Intentions tend to be more friendly than, 90% of the time. Hasn't got a clue about "attracting" others in that sense- being flirty and showy and physical has become just standard, but might seem weird to acquaintances.
- Very good with kids/teenagers, seeing as he still acts like one
Proud, but overbearing. Boisterous, immature, loud, extroverted, thrives on interaction and action itself. Not the smartest being in the forest. Usually kind-hearted. Utterly immature, childish thought processes. Brave to the point of being thoughtless. Social interactions are often stunted by a lack of consideration, being rather selfish. Openly affectionate just as much as he can be openly aggressive. Lacks subtlety, and has a knack for being inappropriate.
The ultimate sin for him would be first thought of as pride but is more of a greed-inclined person. Doesn't think about his relationships too often and takes them for granted. Takes huge offense at those who attack his friends and loved ones, but at the same time often doesn't actively help these people. Happy to be dependent on others without them being dependent on him.
At the same time, he's not usually satisfied with being an observer. Likes being involved. Curious and confident.
Struggles with new emotions or bad ones and doesn't deal with them very well.
Has a strong dislike for animal spells after childhood experiences
Was once a human- getting a revamp. The forest is his "rebirth", rather than an afterlife.
Casti is not quite in his prime at this stage, still very young (and acting like it). His body is physically mature however- his antlers and feathers proably won't grow past this point and are at their peak. His coat also no longer darkens. He appears tall and slightly odd in anatomy, well built while still lanky in the legs. If compared to a specific deer body shape, he'd probably be closest to a black tailed deer or maybe a mule deer. Can't pick, and neither would be exact. His face, while humanoid, is not perfectly so- it's kind of hard to describe the specific differences, but his nose (wide, flat with a cervine nose), eyes (very large with cat irises) and jaw (wide, with much more pronounced canine teeth) are the most noticeable. Would definitely 100% not pass as a human in the real world, nuh uh. Very alien.
Body build can't be pinpointed to a species, but maybe closest to red deer. Long neck, thick legs, study build and kind of heavy but speedy like RL deer are.
Horns are bull-like, much better for defense than offense, and heavily feathered. Has a heavy feather 'headdress' around his neck, slinging off his antlers slightly. Can raise it just slightly. A very effective protective layer for his neck. Has a slight amount of black facial hair around his face; bristly and short. Presumably if broken, would not grow back.
During the rutting season his pelt usually turns to a bright red- at this point he gains additional facial markings too, and his feathers change colour. As an indecisive person I might switch between these palettes without much notice, however. ICly he should slowly change as a natural process. Presumably genetic.
Occasionally(or rather, when I can be bothered to reload), he will wear his painted skull for fun. Otherwise he will wear any mask cast upon him.
Vague addition: probably has some scars on either his right flank or his face from the 2016 rut
His presence is more in the physical than the vocal, although he can be extremely noisy (hello airplane noises) and chatty at times. While he has a smooth speaking voice, his feral call probably resembles the one made by the real deer mask closest. It probably seems a little strange to hear it coming out of a humanoid face, but hey. He learned to growl like a wolf from his encounter with Rayiz and does this regularly when in a fight. Would be more likely to vocalise than actually form sentences- huffs and grunts, etc.
Speaking of fights, he has relatively little experience. He tends to bluff and show off a lot during fights but can be alarmingly vicious when enraged, expressing feral tendencies grown from his childhood. Fighting can vary between being mocking - dancing about his opponent, literally, and shaking his head to show off his feathers - and being outright savage with hooves, teeth, and if at the right angle (this would be very hard to do right), his horns. In-game, a lot of head-shaking indicates fluffing out his crests to make himself look bigger and trying to intimidate his opponent. May be combined with pawing at the ground (and usually growling at this point) if he's going to charge.
Is vindictive and tends to target specific deer in his violence- does not like to drag in others, does not like interference. If he feels he has reason to dislike and keep an eye on another individual, may go after them for the simplest of issues. Delights in the challenge that fights bring and the ability to (possibly) intimidate and overpower a rival.
Trumpets + other brass instruments, bright colours (particularly firey ones), Spain, The Caribbean, feathers, piracy, flamenco (+ dancing in general), isolation, ...beaches? tropics, princes
Lord of the Flies, The Gypsy Kings, all things Eurovision, The Cat Empire, MGMT, Kasabian, The Avalanches
Tumblr; half serious half people being dumb. I'll be dumping most of his music here bc no one uses 8tracks
yes that music at the top is from maplestory. have m e r c y on my weeb ass
2018 rut notes: irst year as a competitor rather than challenger. The rut makes him a bit silly, will definitely be fighting but just as eager to DANCE and meet people. *McElroy voice* friendly feathered boi.
Terrible idea bc he's a giant child himself but I guess available for ACQUIRING CHILDREN, if green is your character's thing
Latest herd: Llyr, Dorian
Has met: Anja, Hirouji, Saro, Dorian (SMOOCH MASTER +++++), Sophie, Arielle, Brille, Mirah, Brent, Sylfrid, The Sambar, Llyr others (SORRY...)
Fights: Brent x 2, The Sambar
Planned to have a taking-it-easy day when he woke up. This idea was promptly ruined when he spotted Dorian in a herd close by. Was gonna maybe sneak up and say hi if not try and sneak off with them in tow....but nope. Absolutely failed in sneak. Weighed up fighting or leaving when the Sambar popped up looking mad. Still sore from the other day so probably not the best idea but what the heck. Tried to lock antlers a few times during the fight. IDK who won, Mirah interrupted the fight after a while, Casti met another mini (Llyr!) who seemed happy to leave with him and Dorian. YAY MINIS.
Took them to a flower patch bc aesthetic is important aimirite. Dorian then taught him an essential survival skill- TWERKING. And then they threw flowers at each other (ALL MY EMOJIS DON'T WORK ON THIS SITE....)
3/10/16 //
Snowwwwing. Went to watch a fight between ? and ? (i'll check later) when he woke up but then BAM.....surprise Mirah. Went to find a nice spot for her where they could be less cold (dancing helps let me dance for you bb) and kind of shift away from the competition. Noticed a red doe go past (Lieva), went to maybe possibly bring her over but received............the COLDEST rejection in the history of life. Shut down! Devo. Sulked his way back to Mirah, and did the gentleman-ly thing in this weather by standing over her.
Noticed Brent and another stag (Sambar) with a herd close by. Pretty happy where he was untiiiil Dorian and Arielle showed up. Moo'd at them and kind of......deliberately ran around the tree to get their attention, but in doing so managed to get both stags up and investigating. Considered having a go at the Sambar but didn't want to fight two at once so......kind of just marked his tree and turned around back to Mirah again. BUT THEN ARIELLE RAN OVER AND JOINED HIM!! !! now he has to try and shelter two ladies from the snow. harder than it sounds
AND THEN Brent made his way over to them and it was pretty clear what was happening but Casti chose to ignore it until he was right close (hey you won't fight me while i'm protecting these ladies right??) and then nope.jpg had another fight. Tried to keep out of Brent's way more this time and did avoid more blows but waddayagonna do?? Dorian came over to add to the judges when they stopped the fight, aaand Brent won (but Casti won another SMOOCH...) but! left with Arielle. Time to high-tail it out of that particular spot.
Later noticed Sylfrid close by. Tried to moo her towards them buuut that lazy method hasn't worked all day. Went to greet her and bring her over, dialling the physical-ness down a bit when she seemed uncomfortable. LADIES PLEASE DON'T FIGHT...
(currently wondering what all that snow looks like when it collects in his feathers)
30/9/16 //
Threw himself at a big group and just immediately
casual dance party
(the map is so busy i can't see who 90% of you are but srry rohit, hi dorian!)
tldr semi-stole a herd from Rohit by running in and dancing, ended up snuggiling with Dorian for a while before falling asleep
29/9/16 // Rut
- Started off by just being a grump and hanging around the Ruins, paraded around a little bit
- Anja appeared! Being a loner gets you somewhere. Played around the logs, tried to charm her with his dancing
- Got led over to a group. Worried he might have to fight Hirouji buuuuut everyone seemed chill. Also there was Dorian (DANCE BUDDY??) and Sophie aaand a bunny (Saro?). Danced, marked the trees (pretty much assumed Hiro wasn't gonna get up and kick him at this point) and chilled.
- Later joined by Arielle and Brille. MORE DANCING.
- Noticed Mirah with Brent close by, kind of like "pls come over here but don't bring the big guy". Wish came true- met Mirah, everyone huddled up, stared at Brent for a while.
- Anja and Hiro went to leave, player AND character got confused, Casti tried to tag along and creates an awkward moment™ for like 5 minutes going "can i follow u guise or do i stay". Nervous to leave the rest of the group behind, eventually assumed that they were heading off, so bid them both farewell and hopped back to the others
- Aaaand then Brent came closer. Juggled between "hey do you want to dance or fight" aand yeah. Was polite about it for once. Fight went on for a few minutes but not great when you pick someone who is twice your size :') Casti's a smart boi.
- Pretty quickly had to go on the defensive, treading backwards a lot, tried to leap out a few times and land some blows but eventually bowed and admitted defeat.
- Left with Dorian and Sophie to the birch to rest....he still got it
- Joined byyyy Sylfrid (I think?) Green buddy!
24/9/15// Rut
Made his ~*~*first appearance~**~ at the rut today. Snooped around the Red + Saosin's herd until he was chased off, lurked around the massive group for a while before zooming in on Kauna, Erieda and Stria and using all his stealth to sneak up and DANCE. DANCE FOR THE LADIES. It didn't seem to work, no matter HOW HARD HE DANCED. So got bored and decided to hassle Isetore and Andor, probably not managing to hit them.
even learned a few new moves
Joined by Mandel, Severa, Saosin and others
Spent the last few days lounging about. Today, met Saadi CIRCE, Ronra, Monroe, Ryff and a fawn. While Ronra was trying to murder Monroe, decided to flirt with Circe, go nuts, show everyone how skilled he is at running in circles, get his ass nuzzled, and find humour in Ronra moving away from him every time he crept closer because "haha you don't like that" is a good sense of humour. Completely puzzled as to what was going on between her and Monroe; tried to intervene once, kind of failed.
4th of November
Woke up in the Birch after a previous day of barely-connecting-at-all-and-losing-an-entire-set. Noticed that a. Soét was around and b. heading in Zafeiri's direction. Instant red alert, followed him to the oak and honked for a while before making a big show of standing in front of the opening. A lot of glaring was done. Then there was Eve and another doe(Gia) and nobody was moving aaand he sat down.
Got attacked by Eve before he could get up, countered and got into a fight while trying not to hit Gia. Tried to ward her off from the tree but it wasn't really decided to try and drag the pair to Soét, wherever he was. Except that Soét was coming back to the tree and.....the plan kinda flopped. Ended up with both of them having a go at him, targeted Soét in particular to try and make Eve mad. THEN Helios came out of the oak aaand Casti immediately dived in between him and Eve.
Tired by that point and getting clumsier- I think Eve and Gia moved off at this point but Soét came back and Casti went a bit nuts trying to chase him. Then one of the deer that had been in the Oak (Galene) appeared- accidentally ran into her while trying to get at Soét, backed off immediately...only to be driven further back. And back and back and back until it was humiliating and Eve was laughing at him and he wanted to chase Soét more but couldn't so mean
Retreated to the oak and Zafeiri with Helios but fidgeted for a while, unable to get back in the fight while Galene was watching him. At one point saw them run past and may have pursued except the black doe was on him in a second and Casti was thoroughly intimidated. Sat his ass down and sulked.
tldr casti saw soét and eve and
then got beaten up and humiliated. the end.
26th of October
Hanging around with Indi, JM, Rossamund and some new fawns- promptly met Abhiri. Then the BZD arrived and Casti went off to go get his mask....came back and immediately showed off. Scared Abhiri by mooing/being a showoff/why is there a skull on your head/ ?? Tried to fix the problem by dancing. A lot.
Gained zombie antlers for a short while when they moved to the BZD- turned into a bulldozer and once again started showing off. Went with Rossamund to follow the BZD when the herd moved again- continued onwards to the pond and then the bridge. Fell/ran straight into the pond about five times and got completely soaked aaaand lost his antlers. Gj. Then there was a giant dance party, messing around with Ross, etc etc, then they went back to the group near the Idol.
More messing around with Ross and Abhiri. Made friends with a setless deer(???) and mimicked their actions for a good five minutes before sitting down with JM and Ross. And then there was brain-eating.
25th?24th? of October
Hung around with Neela and Rossamund near the ruins, visited by Ciel later. Briefly met Elias but was distracted when he sensed Soét approaching from the Ruins- stood in front of the group and pretty much threw a fit and puffed himself up to try and get the canine to leave. Kinda ignored Devasha sorry Devasha. They left aaand he settled down again etc etc. Fell asleep eventually.
7th of October
Gonna attempt to figure everything out oh boy
Went to the Idol to get his pelt. At first, was planning on going back to sleep, but ended up getting followed by Tieff/Umay and the herd behind them. Reluctantly played along at first before getting fully into things b/c that's a great idea when you're unwell. Had a dance-off with Tieff, mistaking him for a fellow challenger. Tried to charm thuh ladies, ended up focusing his attention on Pêche in particular. Helllooooooooooo there. Did an angry dance every time Tieff came back b/c he's an idiot and ended up getting hit a few times I think?
Followed the group to near the ruins where more awaited. Made a similar mistake with Mjölnir- hi pretty lady, how you do- OH GOD U WANNA FITE. Tried to get Pêche and her to follow him away before figuring it out. Backed off pretty fast but made a big show of his feathers and whatnot instead and made sure to mark all the trees. Take that.
Went back to Pêche for a while before she had to leave- worn out for now at that point so retired between HIS trees for HIS rest until Devasha showed up. Tried some dance moves on her, but basically went "uhhh you know what why don't we just sit" and did so. Hooray effort. Thoroughly winded.
Tieff came back later- had calmed down, tried to apologise....ended up getting wound up again. Ended up marking trees all over the place and getting having a fit when it looked like he wanted another fight.
4th of October
Hasn't done a lot since the fight- blood loss has left him lethargic and slow. Yesterday- glared at Soét when he came close to the playground but couldn't actually do anything about it so....sulked. Visited by the doe from a few days ago, Freya- gave her the laziest bow in history before sitting down and eventually falling asleep.
2nd of October
Ok here comes a better update
Woke up near the ruins after hanging around for a few days to keep an eye of Zafeiri and whatnot. Kind of tired after his first fight with Soét, but that didn't stop him from getting up and doing a "very intimidating" (air quotes rite there) dance in the canine's direction when he came over to have a glare. That showed him.
The fawn from the other day came by so continued to sit around with them. Nika also visited and there was dancing and clones. Later when both had gone, started to move about, getting restless again despite not being completely healed....and managed to run into Soét + new!predator (Greitai) by mistake. Cue a cup of instant fight with Eve running in soon after, sending him kind of jog-running to the birch before turning back to actually give it a shot. Because he's dumb.
Presumably got a few good kicks and shoves in but pretty much spent the whole time backing off before turning around to taunt b/c that's what a smart buck does. Tried to attack Eve while her back was turned at one point which....really didn't work. Left after Rossamund intervened and when a couple of random deer (too lazy to check the map sorry sorry) served as a distraction- had his arse thoroughly kicked, however, so pretty much dragged himself to the idol for a drink before the oak to hide, sulk and bleed.
27th of September
"Piss off! Get! Stupid puppy-dog!"
Started the day grumpy- sat down to watch....fighting? yep. lots of fighting. Content to do that for a while before noticing Zafeiri's condition nearby. Wasn't really comfortable to go closer so stayed where he was for the most part, acting the guard...until noticing a certain canine getting closer slowly. Made a show of getting up and marking the trees....and for a while, thought he'd done a good job.
Buuuut then one of Zaf's daughters had had enough. Joined in on a charge against Soét until Eve arrived. Vaguely recognised her from a long time ago, but ignored that in favour of 'why are you helping a predator wtf'. Didn't really want to hurt her, so turned and left. Properly met Italia.
Made a bit of a show when they came back later, Eve first- and once she left, went to make sure Soét stayed away. Ended up getting into a fight b/c angry Casti is angry. Tried to give as good as he got but was probably not fast enough.
Gave up and retreated after realising that he wasn't going to be able to chase him off, so just went back to Zaf. Met Kato briefly before falling asleep.
25th of September
Sat around the blue bowl with Reed yesterday; today, met Nika.....aaaand would still be hanging out if a thunder storm wasn;'t overhead oops brb soon D:
22nd of September
Been hanging out with Super lately b/ deer! Marking the trees around his spot fairly often now. After spending the morning being anti-social, got up and introduced himself to a group nearby (Kio, Shahla & babbus). Danced with Sonali aaand fell asleep
9th of September
IIIIII'M graduating in exactly a week. So. Yeah. That's happening.
I have a couple of weeks until my HSC exams so that's obviously taking priority
However once I get to late October/early November.......Frey is a free woman! Until she gets a job. And goes on schoolies.
So Casti should be popping in for the rut occasionally. Not much of an update aside from that. Hella excited though.
4th of August//
Almost Casti's 2nd? birthday. I'm gonna stop pushing him back into teenager-ness and say he's 8 days away from being an adult. Still sounds 458498x too grown up for whatever he is though.
Actually did something today. Kept a random kid(Ronra) company while she slept. Later met Oden, Arvaris and a bunch of fawns.
31st of May//
Okay so I lied and my game is back to working sometimes yada yada yada. This bio needs a bit of a revamp methinks and I seem to have broken this box
Back in the forest for the first time in ages (something like 3 months oops). Scent marked the trees around his usual spot before romping off to the ruins. Found Herla there with Neela, Johan, two fawns he was unfamiliar with(Indira, Isadorae), and later Isiel and Ramsus and even more fawns. Played with them until they frightened him so much with their taunts that the game stopped working.
5th of February//
Changed masks recently. Spent some time rolling around in the snow, excited and nostalgic about it, before hearing someone familiar close by. Promptly launched himself at Henna and flipped his shit before noticing he'd kind of interrupted something- met Saadi and Lionel and attempted to hug both with varying (cough very little) success, calmed himself and sat down before he tripped over someone.
10th of January//
Back from his absence after the rut. Woke up rather filthy- first thing to do was to visit the crying idol. Did so, but after settling down for a rest, noticed he was being watched. Promptly met Ird. Greeted a fawn who came by later, Neela, and danced with her before she left. Met another fawn, Junalia.
4th of October//
"Señorita, I am sure you can dance as well as you look! Which is great if you didn't know."
Now taking the Rut more seriously, still hasn't had much luck, but went out to try and change that- went to rest in his usual spot in the Blue Bowl before spotting a doe nearby(Nii). Strutted closer to investigate before placing himself in a clearing where she could get a good look at his wonderful antlers.....and then fell asleep. Woke up to find she'd gone, decided to go and find her again, this time at the playground, where he immediately showed off his dancing skills only to have her run off. Thought it was a game, hopped his way after her all around the forest, getting another chance when she hid within a tree. Was led again on a chase back to the playground, where he called out to her, but from her body language managed to get the jist that he wasn't winning her over. At all. Backed off and went back to rest at the Blue Bowl, disappointed but will try again tomorrow. Hopefully on someone else.
24th of September//
Drawn to groups- picked the biggest, near the Ruins, to test his moves on. His victims included some familiars; Isiel, Fletcher, Lats'vel, even Mateo. The two does he attempted to impress were strangers(Galene, Kari), both of whom he walked away from rather unsuccessful. Confused by aggressive behavior of others since it hasn't kicked in for him just yet. Continuously wearing himself out by dancing. Hung around with the stranger accompanying Isiel who I have no idea about because i'm very coordinated today and am totally not AFK half of the time trying to get the oven on so I can eat my damn quiche.
If it helps anyone to figure out what the hell he's doing, I imagine Casti dances with some weird cha-cha/tango thing going on. Kind of coordinated but still funny to watch. /what a charmer
14th of July// Found Herla surrounded by her relatives, Ramsus and Isiel and everyone else(player is v lazy today, can you tell?). Confused by a number of small fawns. Where are all these babies coming from? Has decided he wants to find where they're all coming from now that they're everywhere. Probably from the Drinkplaats or something. Surprised to see Prita there and how much she's grown. Resting beside her for now.
(he should put out an advertisement for babysitting. he's the TEF equivalent of....someone going out for dinner with their partner when they hear the doorbell ring. the open the door to see an acne-faced teenager with 3482973 piercings, a moehawk and a "mom" tattoo. congratulations, casti is your babysitter!)
11th of July// Lazed about beneath the willows at the pond for a while until finally woken up by bright sunlight. Got up for a stretch and found Alina nearby...with a fawn! Introduced to her son Helios, proceeded to run around and play and attempt to show him some dancing. A stranger came close(Khard); got up and sniffed him, but got distracted by more playing. Sat down for a rest, only to have the fawn tug at his feathers.
10th of July// Been a sleepyhead for the past few days. Not very active. Little growing pains.
12th of June// Lazed about with Henna and a stranger(SORRY I FORGOT YOUR NAME ;_; Will catch it later) before moving around to Herla, Dinah Moon and a fawn. Confused as to why Herla seems to have turned into a balloon but decided to be polite and didn't comment. And thennn moved on to sit with Alina and Aurik; heard from them that Alina had been attacked earlier by two stags(Dalek and Schism) that Casti was unfamiliar with. Went to go and identify them with Aurik, angry but not willing to start an unnecessary fight. Found Dalek and a doe(Daenerys) by the pond; glared at Dalek, generally trying to ignore Daenerys. Eventually drew in closer and yelled at the buck once assured that he was who they were looking for, questioning him as to why he ganged up on does amongst insults- everyone had a sniff circle because there was probably a moment of "wtf who is that". Toned down his yelling a little and focused it away from the doe since he doesn't know who she is. Eventually left, returned to Alina.
9th of June// Waking up every few days beside the tree before falling asleep again. Not sure if he's ready to move away just yet. Feels bad for wanting to leave but starting to need a bath and to eat.
Later, heard a fight close by the hill; after thinking over for a minute whether he should leave to help whoever it was fighting or stay....he left. It was about time too. Arrived looking like a mess to find Ramsus and Fletcher taking on Morioch and Thane....and Lats'vel? Silently leapt in, targetting Morioch mostly. NOT SURE WHO HIT WHO OR WHAT but definitely got a blow to the head towards the end when directly confronting one of the two. After two pauses in the fight, others peeled off; bowed and headed for the tree....before deciding it was time he didn't go back.
Went and ate at the blue bowl before having a wash at the Crying Idol. This was all fine and dandy except for a. the growing headache and b. the appearence of Thane and Morioch later. Felt they were mocking him, but a little too within his shell to take it that personally. Instead tried to mock them back; showed off his arse, laughed while taunting, ran across the stream repeatedly....all that. Managed to dodge most of the times he was run at but did get hit when showing off his hindquarters a little too long, got a short gash on his hind flank. Oops.
After they left, surprised to find himself feeling a lot better than he had in days. Staying strong and not going back to the tree for now. Despite a sore hip and an aching head, feeling better, especially now that he's clean, fed and awake.
30th of May// Woke up where he'd fallen asleep beside Phaios, Endriaga and Ramsus. All three were gone, of course, but knew that the two does hadn't simply moved away. Doesn't know what to call what happened, doesn't know why it happened, but knows that he's not going to see Phaios again. Sat down to guard the tree where he'd last seen her, unwilling to move. Greeted Pica the times she appeared, but stayed in his spot.
29th of May// Woke up to find darkness. Waiting for Phaios to wake up, but something doesn't seem right. Stood around for a good hour or two, increasingly worried and fearful but very unwilling to face the truth in his face. Pica showed up...nuzzled her and backed off to give her some space, watching her miserably. (player's game freaked out at this point and has been on-and-off all night....greeeaat). Tearful and uncertain but doesn't want to move away, convincing himself that Phaios will come back.
19th of May(laaate updates ;-;)// Apparently having forgotten the last time he was in the forest, went to go hang around Phaios who was with Isobel, Fletcher and Lieva. On the way there stopped to glare at Mateo until the "old bugger" moved away. More people arrived(i'd list names but omg I forgot to update and i've forgotten ;_;) aaand an...unknown? stag began running in and out of people and generally being a pest. When Lats'vel moved to intervene, did the same- very shocked to find himself being pushed back! What was he doing? They were on the same side! At first just ignored this, repeatedly ignoring Lats'vel and rushing at the stag when he moved to the pond. Got yelled at, lost it and yelled back at the pig, confused as to why they were both yelling. Huffed back a lot until eventually giving up as every time he turned to attack the stag, Lats'vel was in his way. Strutted around Phaios and others 'protectively' before the stag disappeared; went and rested with who was left of the group, joining with Ramsus and Isiel.
6th of May// Casti becomes a teenager and acts very inappropriately and gets angry when everyone is angry at him. Accidentally interrupted Mateo and others who were mourning Jetta's death when going to hang out with Phaios and JM. Decided it was a great time to do his usual thing and run in circles inviting others to play- very, very confused when Mateo got up and yelled, confronting him. Thought he was joking and laughed at the stag until it finally sunk in when others also seemed angry. Got angry back- he'd done nothing wrong! Actually went to fight Mateo but Phaios got inbetween them. Yelled at everyone then stormed off to go hide in the Blue Bowl where he promptly fell asleep from boredom.
5th of May// Met up with JM, Indi, Alina and....a strange stag who disappeared soon after(Hyperion). Ran around being stupid; awkwardly tripped over his elongated legs a lot (:C). Kind of sat down after annoying JM and fell asleep. Player then decided playing Dota was a great idea and missed out on meeting a God for the first time. SIGH. Later waddled about, found Phaios, then the game crashed because again his player is an idiot. Found a stranger(Trees) tearfully huddled with another(Rachel) and decided to keep them company.
23rd of April// Met up with Fletcher and Lieva who were with a large group of others, Prita and the stag from yesterday close by. Stood up when he noticed Pandora walk by- then Prita close after her! Freaked out and assumed the worst, jumped in, spitting and throwing his head around near Pandora, trying to get in-between her and Prita. Was attacked in return and tried to return blows as best he could; moved as Prita and Pandora did(and Pica too). Lats'vel jumped in, unsure of where he stood but didn't attack the pig, simply backed off and growled at them both until Pandora came close by again. Lather rinse repeat, until Prita and Pica ran off to the birch, followed them to the Drinkplaats. Happy to see them unharmed, sat down and rested rather than joining in on the games. A little nervous to see the orange stag from yesterday again, but staying where he is.
22nd of April// Basically sat with Prita at the crying idol, fell asleep, woke up to find a strange stag(Morikiah). Assumed he's her father via appearance, backed off a little.
17th of April// Joined Fletcher, Lats'vel, Lieva and a stranger(Galene). Went spazzy, as usual, and played around with a fawn before dancing with them and Lats'vel. Saw Alina close-by and went to greet her before noticing Aurik at the pond with Lats'vel and a stranger(Pandora) who he'd seen at the fight a few days earlier, rushed over to greet the fawn and splashed around in the water. Had a spar? with Lats'vel before noticing the stranger was pushing Aurik towards the deep end; rushed over and got between them but couldn't do much. Chased after the doe when she took off after a fleeing Aurik; caught up with them and Alina. Very confused by everyone's reactions; Aurik stopped running away and Lats'vel was...pushing Alina? Unsure, but moved over to protect and reassure Aurik once he was away from the doe.
Led him away to Alina and had a chat between the three of them at the playground. JM arrived; went and pounced on her before messing around with Aurik. Eve arrived, went spazzy again; disappeared into a rock with his butt sticking out. Popped out at a stranger(Mateo) and tried to surprise anyone who went past but kind of failed. Lolled about in the grass with Aurik before returning to the rock where everyone seemed to dogpile JM.
15th of April// Fell asleep beside Phaios at Red Hill; woke up to find Henna after seeing her with Loki and Skylar close by. Followed Phaios when she moved away, came across a fight between a bunch of strangers(Pandora, Neiro) including two he'd seen before(Thane, Morioch) and JM, Skylar, Loki and later Phaios and Henna. Behaved himself and remembered what Herla had told him last time he'd jumped into a fight; stayed away and watched from behind a tree. Couldn't contain the urge to run in when he saw Thane against JM on their own; ran in just as Morioch did. Possibly hit Thane on the butt? idk.
Buffed around by people running everywhere before he ran back to Alina, got scolded by Phaios and inched away from the group. Moved around the edge as the fight moved; yelled at Pandora and Neiro a little on the sidelines before Ramsus came along! Let the stag lead him away to Isiel, Herla and Ciel far from the fight.
(Please correct me if I got any of this wrong?) Woke up later to the sounds of another fight; became curious. Didn't want to cause trouble but really, really wanted to go watch the action. Apparently has the same amount of self-restraint he had as a baby because he wandered right over there and nervously watched Ramsus and a strange doe(Ravenflight) fighting with Thane and Morioch. Learning to identity the two stags as enemies due to the frequent number of times he's witnessed them fighting with friends. Noticed others arriving, including Isiel and Phaios- at this point, starting to regret showing up at all. Particularly guilty when he saw Isiel being pursued, but knew that trying to stop the attackers wouldn't work and would only cause more damage. Backed off and hid in the grass around Phaios for a while until things calmed down; emerged nervously to have Ramsus storm over to him angrily. Backed off, waited in shock for a moment to apologise; anxiously glancing at Isiel and feeling guilty while he waited. Didn't run away at least, but when Ramsus did turn around again, clumsily started reversing before tripping over his own feet and tearfully cowering + apologising. Then cautiously followed the two to the idol; had a quick bath before resting in the sun.
A little freaked out by the whole event, all in all. Not the first time he's been confronted over it but certainly the scariest person to do so. And probably the first time he's traveled anywhere without hopping or skipping.
14th of April// Being a spazz around Phaios, Mire and JM.
13th of April// Farted around being silly for the most part. Hung around JM with Alina and Aurik; woke up after Aurik went missing. Phaios arrived!!! fell asleep beside her. Later played around at the Playground, hiding between rocks until JM noticed(she did). Suddenly surrounded by strangers; met Eve, had a bit of a play-fight with her before having a rest. Got up to find she was missing, and another mini beside him looking for her(Sonne).
Later met Saosin; spazzed out around the playground with the stag. Very much impressed with his spazzy running skills.
9th of April// Found Herla near the idol, hid in the grass to bolster his courage before finally joining her. Had a talk; happy to find she wasn't angry with him. Starting to understand why some didn't want him fighting. Talked about his changes- asked about his antlers. Got upset when she told him they were his antlers("too small!"). Then got excited(and embarrassed) upon hearing that they have to grow yet. Talked a little about the other day; eventually promised her that he'd try fighting less. Told to be brave and wise rather than strong; must discover what 'wise' means.
Later went and hung around with JM, Indi, Mire, Morgana and others. Eventually Prita came along, played around with her before sicking her on JM- who didn't seem to find it as funny as he did. Fell asleep beside the fawn. Later wokeup to see Darcy had come nearby again; wanted Prita to stay still so they'd be less at risk. Instead ended up following her to Ramsus and Isiel nearby who he tried to pretend he wasn't hiding behind. Kinda failed. Ramsus started fighting with Darcy, saw JM charge in later, followed Isiel around and ran off a little when Darcy ran at them. Returned quickly, nervously following the blue doe around for a while before taking off again to find others. Glad to see Mire was ok, found JM, followed her around.....before another stand-off started.
Fell asleep later; woke up to find Darcy very close by. Stayed close to JM and didn't run away for once...well, not completely. Had to run away from the stag when he was pursued but managed to avoid him, put on a brave face and stayed in the area to watch. Was told to stay in the grass later by JM; did what he was told for once before emerging when it seemed safe.
7th of April// Found Phaios with a fawn he spotted yesterday(Mire). Decided to follow her lead and cuddle it. Cuddling everyone. ~CUDDLES FOR ALL~. Followed the two when they went to....a huge gathering of fawns. Met a whole bunch of them including Pica and Isobel(will find more names later) and an adult(Fleur). Decided he wanted to try and teach them to dance but ended up getting distracted a lot and just running around crazy or sitting down for a break. Ramsus and Isiel showed up later. Tried to get others to dance with him; managed to do this with a few people. Tried it with Isiel right under Ramsus' nose but eventually scampered off.
Jokerman arrived with Alina and a fawn(Aurik). Convinced the fawn to dance with him! Success! Sat with them in a large group; did NOT get cuddled by JM, not at all, nope(yes. Got up to greet Indi when she came close but freaked out upon seeing Darcy behind her. Called to her and tried to get her to move towards them; worked for a little while before she returned! Couldn't understand. Tried again persistently until Darcy ran at him; fled without a second thought and hid behind one of the large flowers. When things didn't clear up, cautiously returned, hiding around Phaios and trying to get Fletcher, when he arrived with Lieva, to turn around. Became a little less cautious when the stag moved away.
A rabbit appeared, and he found himself unable to resist chasing it, may have hit it a few times with his hooves. Shocked out of this when the rabbit threw a spell at him and he noticed that, in his chasing, he'd managed to run closer to Darcy. Freaked out and ran to hide under the nearest person(Alina). Stayed there for a while. Eventually, followed her and JM around the side of the ruins, having a rest if not occasionally running away to put distance between himself and the butterfly stag. Eventually a fight(?) broke out between Darcy and JM; ignored Phaios when she told him to stay put and went to watch. Barracked from the sidelines, and when it was over, went to nuzzle JM. Very happily surprised when she returned it(shhh).
6th of April// Casually interrupted something big going on between a group; led by JM to sit between Phaios and a stranger(Dinah Moon). Cuddled between both of them and fell asleep; later got up and...sparred? with JM, found this very amusing.
5th? of April// Met Lats'vel who was with Fletcher and that little fawn(Lieva). A little confused by his appearance- if he wasn't so large, would possibly be considered a prey animal by him, but also doesn't seem to be entirely a prey animal. Really really confused by this and weirded out. Still, deemed him worthy of a cuddle when Fletcher sat with Lieva; becoming aware that he shouldn't impress himself on fawns who don't seem to want it. Still curious about the little fawn, however. And Lats'vel.
4th of April//
Pestered JM, ran around playing with Henna and discovering the secrets to walking inside of rocks!!11 Wow amazing!!!1 Then kind of hug-tackled JM before my game refused to reconnect. good times.
3rd of April:
Stopped sulking and cuddled with Fletcher; investigated the fawn he had with him who he vaguely recognized from a previous encounter.
31st of April:
Went and joined in with the fights on Dandelion Hill, thinking it would be good fun and not having much of a clue what is going on at all. Originally just hopped around in circles- got dragged back to Herla by Gehirn once, a little peeved that they didn't want him fighting. Further irritated when Fletcher later tried persistently to move him away! Does no one believe in his fantastic fighting skills anymore?! Chose to prove his honor and glory instead and actually managed to kick and hit quite a few of the beasts; trampled on two dead bodies(how wonderful!). In turn got trampled a lot and kicked and hit by both beasts and other deer alike, for jumping into big crowds or going face-on to face the monsters a few too many times. Took a rest before moving around to check on Gehirn, Fletcher and Ramsus; cautiously followed Gehirn to Herla, (promptly got yelled at?) shocked and upset. Stopped following them, went to sulk in the birch.
21st? of March:
Cautiously took a peek around the forest after retrieving his anklet from where he hid it upon his early days in the forest, happy to see it wasn't stolen. Fits perfectly. Genuinely unsettled by his body and voice changing, hid away from others for a while(cough cough excuseforplayerbeinglazy cough cough). Spotted Fletcher and Indi amongst a large group he was unfamiliar with, was at first shy but then stood around with Fletcher until...something happened? Moved away, spotted Darcy very close by, was unsettled that he hadn't noticed the stag earlier; ran off to hide in the oak. Unsure how to approach someone and ask what is happening to him, but wants to. Rubbed his head on the side of the oak to try and drive that itch away. Unhappyfaec.
Went looking for company again; found Herla. Moped about in the grass before she woke up and led him away to the idol; had a quick bath, didn't feel much better but had one for her sake. Fell asleep in the sun.
3rd(?) of March:
Antagonised JM for a little while before she sat down; promptly noticed the berry she had hidden in the ferns beside her. Before she could get up, nabbed it for himself- started a TOTALLY HILARIOUS game of chase that was all fun and games yay!! Led JM pretty much all around the forest, tried to hide inside a tree, ended up losing his pelt and going naked, then tried to camouflage in the blue bowl(which happens to be full of other berries GOOD JOB CASTI), THEN ended up jumping into the deep end of the pond, showing off ontop of the water before accidentally falling in and frogging it. Got caught when he emerged soaking wet. Had too much fun to notice anything she had to say to him about it. Followed her away from the pond and went spazzy when Phaios and Indi appeared. Sitting with JM's posse(guuuurl).
20th of Feb// Sitting with Fletcher. Still convinced that the snow is out to get him and is evil but still doesn't completely know what it is. Too sleepy to attack it.
23rd of January//
Visited JM and Indi; found that JM smelt funny. Didn't think much of it until later when a wierd-looking stranger(Allu) showed up. Shenanigans happened, some kind of fight went down between him, the three of them(and some others I didn't manage to catch >>' gj me). Continuously charged in to try and get a hit at Allu, possibly successful but in doing so managed to shove himself directly in everyone's way and got slapped around a little bit. Didn't really care. Got angry and threw a mini tantrum at Indi and JM when they tried to get him away. Eventually cooled down and backed off; Prita showed up, got her to follow him back to JM and Indi when the fight seemed to be over. Fell asleep.
22nd of January//
Woke up to find the forest very busy, surrounded by deer both familiar and unfamiliar. Walked around a little bit, ran into several different deer but ended up standing around with JM and Indi for the most part. Sat down with Prita later, joined by Fletcher and Alina. THEN (I had to quit because of thunderstorms) came back to find pretty much the same thing later on; found Prita and that strange fawn he'd tried to make friends with a while back. Currently lounging around near them.
14th of January//
Scented a bunch of deer together in one area, went to investigate. Saw Alina surrounded by a group of strangers- watched from a far to get a clue on what was going on. Left in the dark! Just when he was about to run up and try to interrupt, Fletcher and Tea arrived, eventually convincing him to move away with them. Daneth and Ramsus arrived, seeming to bring Alina away from the group. Followed them with Fletcher and Tea. Hasn't got a clue, just hanging around. Sumi arrived; clung to Daneth's front legs until he fell asleep whilst the stag spoke with Alina.
11th of January//
Woke up to find himself itchier than ever. Tried rubbing against trees to no avail. Ran off to find Herla and Gehirn in the birch, tried rubbing against them instead. This didn't work either, but found their reactions wierd- thought they were scared of him! Started showing off because he is clearly so intimidating. Ended up being ushered towards the idol- greeted Reed on the way there. Came close to Darcy, freaked out, didn't notice him earlier because of his own smell(lololol). Discovered that they were plotting to give him a bath. Obviously a conspiracy, refused to go in the water, ended up accidentally slipping in the first time and finding it too cold. Refused to go in again....eventually gave up and jumped in. Was given a thorough scrubbing and is no longer completely disgusting. Also given a coating of lavender oil by Herla. Probably the best smelling fawn in the forest instead of the worst now.
9th of January//
Mission: Impossible GIVE EVERYONE FLEAS!!!!1
7th of January//
Has been popping in and out for the past couple of days but his player is stupid and can't remember what happened terribly well. Oh well. Found Phaios, Jokerman and Henna sitting together in the birch; fell asleep next to Phaios pretty much instantly.
28th of December//
Very confused by the snow; hid under a mushroom next to Herla and Gehirn. Growled at it. Player's computer freaked out, eventually came back to find Reed, Herla, Ramsus, Isiel aaand a stranger(Lemon) all in one group. Promptly nuzzled(and butt-nuzzled Ramsus lol) everyone in sight and then went to say hello to Fletcher and others. Someone started throwing pelt-spells around, promptly threw a little fit over it, but retreated with the others when they did. Later sat with Herla, Johan, Ramsus and Isiel. Thennnn went to hang around Daneth, Vivian and Luyu; connection lost at one point aaand the player was too lazy to come back immediately. Later returned to find the latter two with JM and Henna, who was....fighting a giant mushroom. Immediately copied her, having found something he could actually hit. Mostly yelled at it though. Is now licking it(idiot).
23rd of December//
Hung around the pond for a short while with Vivian and Luyu; noticed the predator from yesterday on the bank. Curiously went up behind him for a sniff before playfully growling at him. Vivian didn't seem to want to be anywhere near him, however. Playfully followed them when they left, trailing behind Rayiz when Fletcher arrived. The two started fighting- kind of realised what was going on. Jumped in to help Fletcher, but didn't really get a hit in; told to go back to Vivian and Luyu. Sat with them in the Blue Bowl until Fletcher seemed to leave; was left with Rayiz lurking around. Decided to confront him himself. He didn't seem to move at first, so pretty much stood there growling and yelling at him...astonished when the predator simply sat down! Unwilling to hit him at first. When the doe and the fawn moved, Rayiz moved after them, so tried to hold him off....ended up getting bitten. At first, wasn't shaken by this, tried to hit him back heavily a couple of times. Continued to follow, pester and leer at him until things got more physical- took more bites, nothing deep. Tried to persevere with his attempts to stop Rayiz but ended up falling behind pretty quickly from exaustion. Found by Fletcher.
21st of December//
Found Prita hanging out with Luyu and Johan at the Ruins. Played around there for a bit until Alina showed up- went and nuzzled her, managing to not notice her injuries. Eventually people started bunching together- Reed came by at one point, nuzzled the stag, then Fletcher arrived, and then a strange..stranger came by. Had no idea who they were; went up to greet them, ended up almost caught in the middle of a fight between him and Fletcher. Later, went to investigate him; met Rayiz. Very curious about the strange animal who seemed to be a predator! Didn't understand what his growling meant, tried to imitate it rather unsuccessfully. Has now added it to his vocabulary. Later, followed Fletcher and Tea whilst assisting Alina to a quiet spot where they rested.
17th of December//
Torn between hanging around with Fletcher, Alina and Tea or with JM, Henna, Herla, Delilah and a stranger(Buttons). Eventually came up with the genius plan to combine the groups together! Happy airplane/gunfire noises ensued. Also eventually noticed that everyone was bloody and something had gone down- disappointed that he missed it, more than anything else. Saw a stag approaching(Chalice); ran to greet him but apparently he was unwelcome. Tried to make him feel welcome by running around some more. Rather unsuccessful. People started moving around- eventually the groups seperated. Joined in silly shenanigans by Delilah; decided to move off with her and Herla.
15th of December//
On his toes, confused and a wee bit queasy because of Johan's current rabbit form. Trying to make sense of what is going on. Hung out with Fletcher, Alina, Tea, Luyu, etc...with a stranger hanging around them. When they made a move to leave, tried to bring up the rear of the group for protection(lololol). No big fights or anything so he didn't get a chance to show off (aww). Found Jokerman later, immediately tackle-hugged her, completely missing any signals that she was uncomfortable with that. Followed her towards the twin idols- stopped on the way to sniff at Ramsus and Isiel. Met Reed again, yayyyyy! Also met Neiro. Then proceeded with his usual shenanigans with the two stags.
11th of December? //
Watched Herla/Ciel/Johan from a distance(not creepy at all). Got bored and ran off, found Fletcher with a new mini(Qian). Very curious about her. Joined by Tea. Spotted Alina close by, got up when a giant rabbit that wasn't Big Bunny appeared....suddenly very hungry. Hopped over, intending to eat the thing, but rather unsure of how to kill it. Tried to stamp on it. Very unsuccessful, had a mini panic attack(pun intended) when the bunny suddenly turned into a stag(Su-mi?). Got angry, started flailing his feathers and hooves about, but panicked some more when the stag retaliated and started driving him backwards. Arrogantly persisted even when assisted by others. Eventually went and hid behind Alina....the stag apparently had had enough, went to move off with Fletcher when he saw him go back to Alina. Became nervous, went back for a second round. Eventually followed Tea to a tree in the distance, and then the group returned to Qian. Appears to have a growing phobia of animal spells, whether they're cast on him, or seeing others remove them.
10th of December//
Full of energy. Visited Fletcher out of curiosity, ended up bouncing around the growing stag for a while before sitting down again. Spotted Johan, got up and bounced around him too. Followed Fletcher around, saw Phaios in the distance and was tempted to move towards her, but ehh, boys night out! Went back near the idol. Some stranger(still have no idea who) continuously approached them, got up and followed suit when Fletcher, and soon afterwards another stranger(Leonardo) attacked. Did a lot of rearing and flail-kicking but was mostly just taunting and getting rowdy. Taught a little by Fletcher again. Moved to the playground, finally crashed. Another mini showed up; met Tea! When Fletcher fell asleep, invited her to follow him to Jokerman; promptly bombarded her and a stranger(Indi). Happy happy hoppy times ensued.
9th of December/
Feeling very curious if not a little miffed by the response to his inquiries. Sat around with Gehirn and others for a while before getting itchy feet and going looking for others. Tried to introduce himself to a stranger(Methuselah) to no avail....went to the pond, recognised Alina on the way there, but it was apparently not reciprocated. Moped around until a raven started running around beneath his feet- tried to kill it, unsuccessfully, making him grumpy. Watched a short encounter between a doe he vaguely recognised from his past encounter with Darcy(Sianna), Alina, Johan and some others he didn't know. Barracked on the sidelines but it didn't last very long. Saw Big Bunny, pursued him, at first intending to eat but kind of just ended up cuddiling because he's a sook like that. Got itchy feet again and went after this doe he recognised, kind of vaguely greeted Sianna and the other stranger, went back to Big Bunny.
Later after having to recover his pelt 3408993407(and after discovering the pain other mini players feel about pelt spells) saw Darcy at the pond- freakout time! Bolted until he found Phaios. Met Mateo before Phaios moved off again, followed her to a fight between Jokerman, Henna and a stranger. Saw another mini running around, went to go meet them(Skylar) but was ignored. Miffed! Ran around in circles for a while before deciding it was time to go to try ad cuddle JM, to no avail. Went and followed Phaios for a little bit before seeing Araxie and running after her. Generally excited by the whole crazy atmosphere. Later, settled down again(read: crashed) after romping around a lot. Woke up one more time to make aeroplane noises and fall over his feet.
7th of December//
Went and poked Fletcher out of boredom and curiousity- didn't expect him to respond! Ran off quickly and....ended up being chased by two strangers. Turned around to angrily verbally abuse "kelpii" and Altibo. Very surprised to see Fletcher backing him up! The fight became more physical and he tried to land a hit or two but ultimately did little; showed some hints by Fletcher. Further confused by Altibo but decided to let it go when the doe didn't seem to be taking it all so seriously. Went after Fletcher, becoming curious about him.
22nd of November//
Threw a private tantrum over the fact that his antlers still haven't made an appearance. Thinks his feathers make him look girly(and they probably do!). Squirrels and other small animals beware!
15th of November// Ran around with Herla and Ramsus- got a pelt cast on him that is very handy! Got curious about two minis who he'd seen before(Fletcher and Alina). Continued messing about until a strange fawn("Liefdown") ran in and cast a transformation spell on him- turned into a squirrel. Immediately confused by the situation, ran around looking for somewhere to hide as he suddenly felt vulnerable and weak- noticed Fletcher chasing a little. When the spell wore off, went up to the mini and started yelling at him, before noticing that the spell-caster was still around and went after that fawn instead. Shouted at them for a while with no response, went to sulk at the pond for a while. Calmed down after a little bit, followed Herla back....the culprit returned! Got up and actually challenged the fawn, who cast flowers on him in return. Confused and angry, let them go.
(Has decided he doesn't like transformation spells one little bit!)
21st of October// Running around with his skull(constantly having to load it back on until I give up x__x), smelt Daneth, Isiel and Ramsus in a group. Went and sat with them but soon got up and anxiously paced when he saw Darcy not far off with a doe he'd seen before(Sianna). Daneth reassured him, calmed down a bit and eventually fell asleep. Was woken up to move later, slept at the playground next to Daneth.
19th of October// Went to go see who this 'Velocity' deer is. In complete shock, mixed with awe. Went a got himself a complete set, walked away from the huge gathering of deer after bowing to the great zombie. Nearly falling over due to the weight of his antlers.
17th? of October// Found Verve playing with a very small fawn(Prita) and one or two others that ran in at some point. Learnt how to cast spells from example- enjoyed having a full head of feathers for a short time. Found Araxie, remembered her from a while back, continued playing as more fawns suddenly arrived!111 Someone gave him purple flowers again. Reared and bucked a little to show off, eventually settling down to cuddle with Prita, and later when most had left, Herla and Araxie.
15th of October // Moved to a large gathering of deer to see what was going on....failed. Rested around Herla, Gehirn and a stranger(Johan). Panicked at the sight of Darcy running towards him, got up and tried to run but tripped. Confused by his friendly behaviour, shouted at him whilst treading backwards; was left alone after fleeing into the birch. Came out when he moved away a little. Miffed when, after sitting down with a strange fawn, they got up and ran off. Turned around to see the biggest rabbit EVAR and immediately ran up to sniff it....decided it was too big to try and eat, so just ran around trying to sniff it until he gave up. Had his first spell cast on him, confused by the sudden weight on his head and why it suddenly disappeared. Flopped down next to Big Bunny for a cuddle.
8th of October // Tried to catch and eat some fireflies....failed. Tried to eat his splint. Failed. Managed to messily(and only partially) remove the splint....gave up, found Jokerman nearby and sat down next to her. Then continuously rotated in sitting spots when she turned her back on him!
30th of September // Woke up to find the forest dark; enjoyed watching the stars for a while before wandering around to find Verve in the birch.
23rd of September // Hung around Gehirn and Herla; introduced to Verve and Ephire. Later met Araxie. Notably calmer than usual.
16th of September // Stayed in the birch forest, went looking for Herla but stayed in the long grass upon seeing her with a strange, older fawn(Johan); felt the temptation to challenge him but was restrained by his leg injury. Fell asleep, woke up when another group of strangers came by; met Phaios and Idelle, now sitting with them.
11th of September // Went into the birch forest, hiding in thick clumps and staying close to two strangers(Herla and Ramsus). Another fawn came close, tried to get them to leave, throwing his head around and no effect. The fawn persisted and, when his attempts at fighting didn't work, tried simply running away to another clump. The fawn followed him. This continued for a long time, winding him up and making him feel vunerable. Eventually stopped being aggressive and continuously backed away, shaking his head and finally speaking. The fawn later took off.
Later, Reed appeared; remembered him from before. Cautiously greeted the stag before calming down and sticking close to him. Then, more came; Ramsus woke up just before Darcy appeared. Finding his bravery again, taunted the stag, at first hiding behind Reed before walking out; had a scare when the stag actually reacted! Continued taunting until he was attacked- taken by surprise, had a leg kicked out from underneath him, battered around before others moved inbetween them. Moved away from the fight, felt fear, a new experience.
Met Jokerman; clung to her when Reed wasn't close by. The fawn from earlier came back- didn't have time to tell it to go away, just shook his head and moved away. Watched the rest of the event in a bit of a daze; eventually, Darcy and other strangers moved away, leaving him with a broken leg and small wounds. Tried to follow Jokerman by dragging his leg along the ground but failed; gave up and sat down, with an eye on the other fawn. Trying not to shake.
Eventually sat with Jokerman and another doe, fell asleep before waking up to find a black doe from earlier standing close-by. Freaked out, started to back off, until reassured it was okay. The red doe woke up and left him in her care, freaking him out further- went to follow her but failed, tried crying out which brought her back(success!), but it looked like she really did have to he said goodbye and followed the small doe when she indicated for it.
Learned her name was Herla; allowed her to put his leg into a splint and care for his injuries.
8th of September // Leapt around the giant flowers for a while, circiling strangers in giant laps. Found Gehirn, remembered him from yesterday and sat down; approuched by a strange stag and fawn (? and ?). Got up and challenged the stag, resulting in a face-off that really actual attacks until later. Taunted and spat a lot. Eventually the fawn came up and started circling, pissing Cast off so that he actually tried hitting him with a hoof. The stag came between them and he got a big knock on the head in return for his actions. Backed off, still taunting and rearing, until they both suddenly took off. Decided he was victorious!
7th of September // Encountered a group of deer- Nathaniel, Dalamit and Vittani. Threw his head around a little before stopping to watch- learned taunting from Dalamit. Had no idea what was going on but taunted everyone, usually copying Dalamit and following him around until he took off. Moved back to bored, took off after the orange stag. Ended up bonding and sitting together for a while before falling asleep.
Woke up to his first rain, confused and miserable, headed into the birch forest to try and find shelter; found a huge stag(Gehirn) and doe(Imp) instead. Approuched for company, made docile by the rain.
6th of September // Running around during dusk, taunting resting deer before running away....generally, being a pest.
28th of August // Noticed a group of fawns around one stag(Daneth); joined them, and remembering the fight from yesterday, tried showing off his own 'antlers' to the stag. Scary! Followed him and spotted a small animal...discovered his first rabbit! Sniffed at the tree it was hiding in, then felt the natural instinct to chase it when it fled; found himself getting very hungry and energetic. Cue Lord of the Flies action scene! Chased it for a long time before tiring and getting left behind. Had to listen to find Daneth and eventually caught up; another fight was ensuing, with another stag(Ramsus, who was actually the rabbit but oh well). Tried to greet this stag too, but saw how Daneth was reacting, and so copied him. Suddenly felt very tired, his burst of exercise over, and rested next to the black-and-white stag after the other stag left.
27th of August// Discovered the blue bowl; decided it was a good hiding spot and will probably return there if scared. Also found the idol, thinks it's just another rock; encountered two strangers(Thane and Prussia), copied them and discovered the red pelt secret; started following them, found that making noise is a good way to get attention! Confused by Prussia's reactions, then a sudden fight that occured between two strangers- watched with curiousity. Tried imitating their actions without avail. Hung around with another fawn; tried to intimidate two more strangers who appeared(Darcy and Reed?). Again, didn't work; tried being friendly but ended up on his own again. Ran around some more, ended up sleeping beside Seiki.
Picking up annoying or aggresive habits!
26th of August// Went wandering, met Abe, Papaya and Seiki. Played with them; learnt to rear up!
25th of August// First appeared in the forest; met Kaye
In reference to this: "Su-Mi :: Very wary of; chased after as a rabbit, only to have the doe transform and turn on him. "
Su-mi now abstains from violence. She has guardian angels which shield her from damage - that is as long as she causes no damage to the opposing party. She also has the ability to protect one other. Therefore she is nonviolent. Castallion no longer needs to be wary of Su-mi - she plays more of a guardian role now than anything.
This has been an update from yours truly :3
(Although it's a shame that the deer can't read or realize this!
Surely,however, others have spoken of her in the forest.)
(he should put out an advertisement for babysitting. he's the TEF equivalent of....someone going out for dinner with their partner when they hear the doorbell ring. the open the door to see an acne-faced teenager with 3482973 piercings, a moehawk and a "mom" tattoo. congratulations, casti is your babysitter!)
Just a general update- Back from my holiday although still got the rest of the month...pretty much at home. Schoolwork and cleaning up to do but i'd like to try and get Casti active again very soon.
I believe this is the buck sitting with Ird and my Junalia? He's a very interesting guy! I can see Jun being attracted to him because his colors are so similar to her's. Mind if she noms on his tail a bit?
First things in her mind: "HEATHEN." LOL. I don't think she's ever encountered facial tattoos LOL. Or that many piercings LOL. And that's okay! But that sounds awesome!
Do you have a Skype by chance? I'd love to do an interaction between the two! If you don't, that's fine!
I think one day Vasana and Casti should meet. Love this guy. Its time I start actually TEFing with someone in my timezone for a change. Waking up early or staying up late is hard sometimes.
I used to screw up my sleeping pattern back in the Impressive Title days haha but now i'm too lazy to stay up real late.
I'm on most days though!
Thanks all
HEY I stole my own page 2!
I said I would do it...and I did it:
look at my beautiful handywork!
'Bout time I tracked dis~
Always liked this guy
Bout time I tracked ♥
Sig: Aihnna
i think i should track
What nature divides, the spirit unites.
Thanks you three!
That's a gorgeous,
In reference to this: "Su-Mi :: Very wary of; chased after as a rabbit, only to have the doe transform and turn on him. "
Su-mi now abstains from violence. She has guardian angels which shield her from damage - that is as long as she causes no damage to the opposing party. She also has the ability to protect one other. Therefore she is nonviolent. Castallion no longer needs to be wary of Su-mi - she plays more of a guardian role now than anything.
This has been an update from yours truly :3
(Although it's a shame that the deer can't read or realize this!
Surely,however, others have spoken of her in the forest.)
Ahh, thanks! But Casti
But Casti doesn't know that. And he has problems/a kind of phobia about transformation spells and certain situations.
omg that's perfect
ddjhgsadjsahgdsj TY ;;
Ugh I love this boy so much.
You fiend!!! Desecrating the
I don't know if I'm going to
)(he should put out an
Aww, Casti, we love you. <3
Lmao look out, he'll be
Omg, This design is so
Aww, happy birthday to Casti!
Also good luck with your school and hope to see you around <3
Thanks very much Sight!
Ugh he's getting to be SO
~*~*BLUE STEEL~*~*
omg he's going to win the
WEEPING Nii you bum :C Can
go dance you lil antisocial nit >c
/tracks all over this yes yes eue
He wishes! Haha. He's a bit
One day... ONE DAY!
It's a bit late, but Happy
What nature divides, the spirit unites.
Thanks! Just a general
Just a general update- Back from my holiday although still got the rest of the month...pretty much at home. Schoolwork and cleaning up to do but i'd like to try and get Casti active again very soon.
I believe this is the buck
Yes, he just met Ird! And
Just going to track this,
HAI THERE. Trackz.
Nice to see you two again.
Very late thanks for tracks
And yes, you too!
Nika was appalled by
Omg haha. Very improper! And
First things in her mind:
Do you have a Skype by chance? I'd love to do an interaction between the two!
r*agdollfrey, I think,
He's got quite a lot happening on his face haha.
A gift for you.
(No subject)
I think one day Vasana and
Sure! I used to screw up my
I used to screw up my sleeping pattern back in the Impressive Title days haha but now i'm too lazy to stay up real late.
I'm on most days though!
Galene owns all of this now.
Oh man, she embarrassed him
......and then made him sit down and shut up LOL. True talent.
I lawled the whole time and
hes such a dork omg
lmao casti being like "WAIT
and yes he is the biggest dork in the whole forest
slides in here