Updates Physical 100% Emotional 100% Mental 100% Mood bored Thoughts "...what?" | Basic Information RED Team, Scout Name: Travis Conway Nickname: Trav, 'random girls names' Gender: Male Age: Young Adult Size: 28# Voice: - Personality : playful : adventurous : curious : : energetic : impatient : stubborn : : short-tempered : bold : competitive : : protective : jealous : paranoid : : short attention span : Appearance : Crying Idol Mask : Real Deer Pelt : : Beluga Antlers : Mini Spell : : X : X : by GlyphCloak : X : by Karegar : X : by xixi : X : by Butterbrot |
yeah, it's alright! I have a
pff, you have no idea how
yay, second page!
LOL it's okay! haha XD Yay!
Yay! congrats!
hi) thanks for your company
You're welcome! I'm glad I
I'm glad I could lighten his mood a bit. ♥
Tracking, he's so hyper and
Thanks for the company, we both enjoyed it. ^-^
awww, you're welcome! ^_^ and
and thanks for the track! ♥
I'm sorry that Ezra has
First meeting of Fly and
Ced is really touched by
@xixi - It's okay, I'm used
@Flyleaf - Und hoffentlich nicht das letzte, ne?^^
Sag mal, was war denn vorhin eigentlich schon wieder los? o.o
@Eledhwen22 - aawww ♥
Well, he can be quite sweet and caring if he wants to... shocking, I know. :'D
Nein sicherlich nicht
Wusste nicht ob ich Travis als erster befreunde oder ob ich ihn zuerst zu Fly kommen lasse .
Vielleicht hätte er keine lust auf Fly !
Fly hat nur seine adoptivtochter Ced beschützt .
Der Mini ( Mitsuki ) will Ced den lover wegnehmen und Ced nerven lol .
Alles nur Ic Gespiels lol .
Shocking yes, but it's a nice
@Flyleaf - Kian war vorhin
Bitte? die kleine soll besser aufpassen, mit wem sie sich anlegt, sonst geht Trav mal dazwischen. B|
@Eledhwen22 - ♥
Ich hab nix bemerkt lol
aaaa I'm really sorry
Today Karegar waited and
Oh my god, that's so
I'm so sorry I didn't respond, I had family over... ;_;
thank you) but that's okay, I
but that's okay, I understand. Someday next time c:
Just as long as Karegar spinning under the tree, it occurred to me to do something like that
By the way, I like your new art Travis *0*
I doodled a little something
and i didn't destroy him too much http://i49.tinypic.com/23synbr.png
Thank you so much, he looks so adorable!
I'm sorry for being so inactive lately, life is keeping me busy... ;_;
; VV ;;; jgdhld you're very
Haha it's okay<3i understand ; A;/
wellcome back, n stuff!
Yay, I'm happy you're back !
@JackStrauss omg, you sneaky
omg, you sneaky ninja!
thanks 'n stuff~ <3
awww thank you! <3
Trav misses her too! <3
@Rhhya Thank you for the
Thank you for the Track!
Travis had a lot of fun playing with Vittani yesterday~ <3
She is glad for his company.
Ezra will come back for
<3 i'm glad Travis had a go back though; the stubborn stag needs it LOL
Oh Ezra, stop being such a
I'm still surprised Trav left without making a fuss... that's so unlike him.
I really expected him to kick Ezra's ass across the map or something, lol. xD
Grumpy Trav B( ♥
Can't blame him, this weather
It's about 26.6 °F over here... ;_;
baaahh ; - ;; it's sooo
it's about that here too :c
Travis was full of energy the
Does Travis talk about Ced and Aniu when he says he didn't want to be the third wheel ?
lol, no problemo.
And yeah, he feels very uncomfortable around couples, especially when they are all "lovey dovey" like Ced and Aniu. xD
A track here makes my life
Ha ha, it's understandable !
By the way ... Ced really appreciates Travis presence, she likes so much his playful and protective sides .
Ahwww... Sweet new bio
oh, sorry for today's
@Rhhya Thanks~ @Karegar It's
It's okay, no worries! <3
Travis needs to learn that the world doesn't revolve around him, lol. xD
" And what's the matter with
"None of your fuckin'
Ugh, just ignore him, he's PMSing all over the place because he isn't getting the attention he wants. ~_~
[btw, I don't roleplay on the community, sorry! <3]
Awww okay! ; ^ ; I hope his
[ok sorry, my bad hjfdksg]
Track! Halla had fun with him
Vittani gently laid her head
"Thanks, you did not run today."
and track :3
and track cB
Looks like Travis has
Forget Your Perfect Offering.
There Is A Crack In Everything.
That's How The Light Gets In.
(A part of the lyrics of Leonard Cohen's Song "Anthem")
Pff, so happy to see your