oh darlin' (.kailani.) don't you ever grow up

|Notice [h o v e r] Until this fawn grows a bit older I will be playing with the soft setting turned up to mimic her sight capability while in the Forest. This will mean that we will not recognize your deer right away, and we may be mistaken in who is who.

|Angel Warmth, protection, source of comfort. May be clingy towards. | |Nix Warmth, protection, source of comfort. May be prone to following around closely in the future. | |Autumn Warmth, protection, source of comfort. Enjoys cuddling with.| |Jin-Roh Inquisitive of, a friend and likely playmate.|

Name: Kailani
Gender: Female
Age: Newborn
ID: /
Scent:Warm milk and honey
Size: /

• Inquisitive
• Innocent
• Trusting
• Timid
• Naiive
• Open-minded
• Easily misguided
• Incapable of lying

Development log

-Having difficulty walking. Stumbles frequently.
-Ears are sensitive. Disklikes loud noises. Scares easily.
-Sight is not very good. Cannot very well distinguish between individuals. Trusts others completely. Is dependant on other deer.
-Forms strong bonds with others very quickly.
-Enjoys sitting on deer that seem lonely and/or are sitting alone.


-The ground hurts when you trip.
+Deer are warm and good for cuddling with.
-Green grass-thingies make me sneeze. (The tall grass in the Birch Forest)
+Sleeping feels good.
+Deer are good.
-Being alone is bad.
+Flowers smell nice.
-If you run in dark you trip.
+Cuddling is nice when white flakes come from the sky.
-White flakes are cold and sting.

testing 1-2-3

testing 1-2-3

bumping with added picture~

bumping with added picture~

bumping with updated picture~

bumping with updated picture~

So cute; so cute, so

So cute; so cute, so cute!

Thank you! c: If I'm not

Thank you! c: If I'm not mistaken, is that Angel that Kai is sitting with now? I have the soft setting on high so everything is a blurry jumble right now. I'd also like to mention that if she's sitting for a while, imagine she's curled up because I have something else open so that she won't lose her mini-spell.

Yup that's Angel who's

Yup that's Angel who's sitting with her, and ok I figured that since mini spells on fawns don't like to stay for long. x3
Bayleen's picture


Beautiful <3 Track!

@Kikistar Do you know who the

Do you know who the others are by any chance? ^_^


Thanks! c:

Yup I do; the male closest to

Yup I do; the male closest to Angel is Nix, and the other mini was Autumn.

Okay, thanks. ^^

Okay, thanks. ^^


Nimariel's picture

tracking :3

tracking :3
This land is made of love and peace!

Thanks for the track. ^^

Thanks for the track. ^^


OrinocoFlow's picture

So so cute :3 and glad you

So so cute :3 and glad you got the comments fixed Laughing out loud
You do not have a soul. You ARE a soul. You have a body.
~ C.S. Lewis