Whyss's picture

Revelation 17:5

Picto: The Confessional
Gender: Switches between Male and Female
Size: Typically 26. May shrink or grow at will.
Age: Ageless, Immortal
Orientation: Everything
Antlers: Secretary
Pelt: Orca
Mask: None. Rarely, Skull.
Female: Heather Dale
Male: Christopher Eccleston
Written dialogue is #8B4C39
Babylon's laughter is the shriek of a steam engine's whistle
accompanied by belches of black smoke.

Under Construction

What is this, I don't

What is this, I don't even
*tracks furiously*

Nice jewelry! And Markings! And face! ..and everything @u@
Nimariel's picture

Tracking- interesting how

Tracking- interesting how this one's gender bender xD I do love... it's? expression and voices.
This land is made of love and peace!