Slip the jesses; Greitai

Disclaimer Greitai is in character unless I say otherwise.
She is a character, however I am responsible for her. I'd rather handle any issues privately. Discord is Wind#4759. Feel free to add me for roleplay, or chat - I don't bite. Do mention if you're going to add me here, or tell me who you are so I know it's someone from here.

The following biography will likely be subject to mature content at times. Themes may include, but are not limited to: profanity, gore/violence, sexual themes.

Did you hear that?"



5th September, 2021
trying to update more :pray: this is a mess srry

Enjoying some of the rut festivities when she's in the mood to participate. On one day, joined a herd consisting of several unfamiliar faces and quietly enjoyed Kozan's discomfort. Left at one point to retrieve Rose - who had recently redeemed herself when Grei had sought her out for something to sink her teeth into and found something valuable in the exchange - and rejoin the group. Eventually assumed the herd to be hers after a few others departed and, aside from some tense moments with Rose, basked in the glory of 'her' group... Thrilled to show off when Eska arrived, though eventually was spurred to retrieve UY also. Ended up pushing the doe around to get her own way, struck by something she saw in UY's gaze that brought forward fears of her own. Turned outward in these concerns, placing the blame on UY through a tangential concern. Confronted the doe with concerns adjacent to what truly troubled her, though silently posed a question that was answered in earnest. Left that night, taking herself home.

Deeply affected in the days following, rescinding from moments she would usually push against - though only in the presence of a few. Moods going from high to lows fairly often. Joined ocassionally by Nat-Nat during evenings spent with Éasca and UY, which generally draws a subtle smile across her lips. Peaceful in those moments, despite all else.

Found herself falling to a more self-destructive mindset all the same. On the verge of seeking a fuse to light when Nat-Nat appeared nearby. Tore across the forest with her old friend, brought immense comfort and, for a moment, relief from a question that keeps plaguing her. Felt almost as if time had reversed for a short while and found herself certain that Nat was completely real.

Sought out Raavas at one point and found herself disappointed. As he departed, yelled at his retreating form. Bitter, though not dissuaded from displacing her feelings on him another day. Brought immense conflict with Eska's presence before they departed. Ended up talking with Raavas, again surprised by the moose. Less disappointed given the contents of what he divulged to her, reminded of her power and briefly felt a connection to him over what they shared. Disagreed with most of it otherwise, though, and remains uncertain of her feelings toward him - and disgusted by the ones she recognises.

Witnessed, recently, an interaction between Umay and Set wherein Umay said something that made Grei go 'that's right' and 'oh no' all at once. Frustrated by the lack of resolution between herself and the lioness, though has settled into a tense acceptance under the caveat that she isn't to be trusted. The frustrations of which came out recently when she lashed out at Braith twice over the span of one night. On her second assault, shoved the injured buck into the shallows of the pond and was (THANKFULLY) quickly interrupted by Accendare. Holds enough respect for the doe that she ceased the attack and went off into the birch, already chalking off the loss. Confronted by Accendare in a way that she found herself respecting, though not relenting to, though this distinction had far more impact. Ended things on a note that felt surprisingly optimistic, retaining her high esteem of the scarred doe.

Overall, ricocheting between what she wants and fears. Compounded by a recent decision to stay her teeth from those dear to her, finding herself without an important means of expression. Reaching out to off-load the frustration of this by expressing it on others in a myriad of ways, often by means that are less than healthy.

26th August, 2021
yeah alright alright i'll start taking notes smh...

Found out about River's pregnancy, struck deeply by the discovery. Shared in a very personal moment with the Black Snake, confirming something unspoken and meaningful between them. Conflicted in some ways, but more than that determined and spurred by what she sees in the doe. Protective of her, perhaps prone to overstepping despite her own efforts and against some of her beliefs regarding the doe's growth.

Has also taken interest in Accendare since she witnessed the doe hunted down and the aftermath of such months ago. Found strong parallels and has kept the doe in her orbit ever since, though distantly at times. Finds something about her presence very comfortable, whether imagined or not.

Had a face-off with Rossamund when a dark mood struck her, driven into a rage by the buck finally standing up for himself. Observed by UY, Salem and Saro. The latter two on the outskirts until Salem departed after blocking Saro's access to the violent scene. Departed with UY and Rossamund to the shared abode of Eska and UY - unaware of their tag along until they had ported and an unfamiliar face was standing beside them. Tense and very nearly violent in her surprise, backed off from Saro. Handled none of Rossamund's care that night, taking herself off in private and then spending most of her time on the balcony. Came in only after Eska's arrival home, came to an understanding among the group for Ross' recovery and, after snapping at Saro for the perceived foul treatment of the two women who were willing to offer their home to Ross' recovery, parted from the scene with the intention to return in the morning. Spared vague details to Vrasa that night, shaken by the events, launched back into memories. Spent the night awake for the most part, resolved to see through a decision on her return. Privately devastated to find that Ross had been spirited away during the night, unable to repay even a fragment of the debt she now considered owed.

Distant in the days following, though did speak with Vrasa vaguely and, on her daughter's encouragement, asked her to deliver a message when the opportunity arose. Struggling with personal impositions, no doubt noticed by some, but for the most part easily passed off. Shaken in ways she can't put to words, though frequently finds herself turning to words shared with UY after a near-altercation with Umay before all this went down that turned into the raptoress lashing out at the doe instead.

Confronted by Eremes, with Yasu and Favager flanking him, about her brutalisation of Rossamund. Already resolved in her mind to how she would react in such a circumstance, welcomed the fight in many ways. Satisfied with what she believed it would bring, though not resolved of her conflict over the event. Spoke with UY after and found herself driven to the impulse of sinking her teeth into her own flesh, tearing the skin in a gesture imbued with purpose and significance for her. Returned to UY's home, eventually coming to a conclusion that asked more than was necessarily fair given the circumstances and what had already been provided. Found the meaning worth it all. WIP...

One day, Joined Umay and Ractera in harassing a group. Hasn't let go of her suspicions of the lioness, but a new look at a few aspects have allowed greater trust in others involved. Keeping an eye out both for betrayal, and a means of proving things one way or another. Drew the attention of Harin throughout the encounter, though truthfully hadn't paid him much mind initially. Once she drew his ire, encouraged it much as she had with Eremes. Furious when he turned his attention on Eska, disgusted that he would shift his attention to her and tried to be a barrier as much as she could, though didn't sense true intent in his actions. Lingered after Haze parted from the scene, keeping watch over a few others - primarily Néli. Reunited with Eska and Umay, bade the former a cryptic farewell and approached Harin. Argued with the canine, though found the cutting remarks he intended to make lacking with her own certainties and beliefs. Tore into her shoulder and spat a small chunk of flesh at him, intended to be for Ross. Unsurprised it wasn't taken, but sorely disappointed. Taken to Eska and UY's to patch up after it all, tried to keep things fairly light, with Harin's words in the back of her mind as her fuel.

An altercation with Umay involving UY, herself and then Vrasa. Saw something in the demoness that she recognised and held herself back, warding a stubborn Vrasa off too. Found her suspicions confirmed, joined Umay and UY afterward to share something of her own. Later that day, returned home to find blood on her floors and no sign of her daughter. Eventually found her with the local healer. Exhausted by the day and worn thin by the fear of loss, spoke briefly and ended up in an embrace with Vrasa. Tried to lighten the mood after and relieved when Vrasa took the hint. Confirmed something with the healer, though not entirely satisfied with the answer. Insulted by the later realisation that the healer had divulged information to another party, cut off any friendliness towards her and has restricted their interactions to business and insults. Which really worked out better for them?? nice try grei.

yESTERDAY... - we made it guys - Honoured by River's choice to share some info with her and JUST!!! UGH. Very touched by it all and determined to do what she can to provide supPORT in a way that doesn't undermine what she believes River to be capable of. Also was a jerk to Kyo because she's just Like that. 'Reunited' with Rose that same night, though frustrated when the female left before she'd spent her anger. Then there was an incident with a squirrel she'd caught in an attempt to compensate... don't ask.

This is missing things but it's. Mostly? Up To Date.

27th July, 2021
So much so I'm only gonna cover what i can rq...

Riding constant stress, came to a rushed conclusion regarding Umay. Almost saw to her own demise in a misguided attempt to find answers or at least regain some control over certain factors. Might have perished that night if not for UY's assistance, though she saw it very differently at the time. Left on poor terms, despite some better moments the night prior as the adrenaline faded.

Notably, visited by Nat-Nat. Woke to her old friend's presence and for a few days, hardly dared move, hardly believe it. Spent near a week by her old friend's side, joined often by Éasca and UY. Brought to a small realisation throughout the wordless time spent together. As she felt more secure that Nat-Nat would linger at least a little while longer, would spend portions of her day attending to other things, visiting her daughter, even once launching an attack on Rossamund to drive home a point she wanted clear. Would return to Nat's side each time, until she awoke alone. Thoughtful after the visit. Not without bitterness and longing in Nat-Nat's departure, but treasures all she was reminded of, all the visit gave her.

Strained the last few days, a stress that seems to come with the fog, or whatever seems to lurk in it. Came to a resolution and sought out UY and Éasca in the fog and asked if the pair would keep something safe for her.

and the rest another time...

9th June, 2021
I left it way too long to update, as always!!

Has ricocheted between various highs and lows of late, coupled with a mess of conflicting feelings. Maintaining a facade of normalcy for the most part, appearing to have many more good days than bad at present, but often pervaded by the feeling of dread and inevitability. Defensive of a select few while mistrusting of most others. Chasing highs where she can find them. Prone to attempts at reaching out to others, past self-imposed barriers, and then to waves of bitterness and isolation later.
tl;dr. Desperately trying to have things seem normal while she absolutely doesn't feel it!

Convesely, has eased up a bit in regard to Vrasa. A combination of multiple wins recently and a renewed appreciation for the girl. Which is nice. Whether it's her current mood or not, feels like things are finally 'coming together' in that sense.

this was a mess and cleared up absolutely nothing ty for coming

9th March, 2021
Back, though has been scarce in the forest for the most part.

1st February, 2021
A morning spent with Sigel and Vrasa interrupted by a horse stirring up trouble. Watched River handle herself, irritated when anyone intervened too heavily. Defensive of Sigel and Vrasa when the equine turned his sights on them, struck by River's actions beyond what she'd expected for the ebony doe.

Sought out by River later and spent time together quietly until Kozan's presence annoyed her too much and she went over to bully him. Promptly turned into a rabbit, raged, remembered how to sneeze spells, and chased him down. Eventually halted by Vrasa who she almost tripped over.

Spoke with her daughter, devolved into an argument, and disappeared.

6th October, 2020
featuring hits such as paranoia, bullying and 'surprise! it's dirt!'

4th October, 2020
Finding relief in reliable disappointments of late.

8th April, 2020
Lots of things... this is messy, but
After things came to a head with an altercation regarding Vrasa, was completely certain of where things would go. Despite her efforts, came to a resolution with Éasca and UY. Unable to properly express herself in many ways and initially tentative about the new ground being covered on her end. Relieved to be reunited with her daughter, though new concerns were brought to light by the whole ordeal.

Strained in many ways over the last few months, reaching many tipping points and made numerous poor decisions. At times, actively looking for problems, but in the case of UY and Éasca, finds those usual pathways to be non-existant. Frustrating, but refreshing. Taken a somewhat protective interest in Chitz, though has no intention to voice this and her actions often seem to suggest the opposite - certain that she was right about what she saw in the doe.

There was other stuff but im so tired idr right now but
Reunited with Fionnan a little over a week ago and immediately got in trouble alongside her. Aided her in stirring Niklaus, though as they fought, found herself growing from mild distaste to loathing the beast. Every little action drew further anger from the raptor, especially all that was directed toward Éasca. Hindered by Zemora's contributions to the fight, at one point knocked clean over and sent tumbling from a charge she hadn't seen coming. Didn't realise until the adrenaline began to wear off that she was struggling to breathe and a sharp pain was coming from her side, forced to retreat. Dragged Fionnan under a tree when she found the female collapsed in the rain and fell asleep near by.

Harrassed by UY and Éasca the following day, lashing out until she was struggling to stand. Ended up returning to their world for the night, kept everything nice and tense while the pair helped her out, then crashed on their couch.

A few days following, approached by Chitz but interrupted by a concerned Andrea. Irritated, but later given reason to feel conflict over this when Andrea dropped a blueberry pie by later on. Spent some time with Andrea, and attempted to get her to meet Éasca and UY through typical Grei ways, bordering playful with the Wolfshead. A tenuous balance that quickly fell apart. Devolved into an argument and slung accusations at the other woman about her true intentions in offering so much help and her, by Grei's perception, hypocrisy. All but forgot that they were being watched :joy: gj grei!
Informed Andrea that she and Vrasa would be leaving that night, somewhat struck by the beast's response to that for what she referenced.

Tumultuous as their friendship had been, had thought things were coming together of late. Questioned many of her perceptions, somewhat paranoid for a few reasons. Avoided UY for a while, snapping and then retreating, until finally shoving and biting in a release of all she was feeling (given she couldn't move that fast... was kinda pathetic tbh). Almost collapsed after taking distance, joined by Vrasa a little later. Shared words, oblivious to Vrasa's thoughts on it all, and finally (:pray:) agreed that Vrasa could trade Éasca for painkillers.

And then ofc it started snowing the DAY AFTER she started living in the forest again and she's like 'of course it does. of course.' blamed andrea for this jsyk how grei's brain works.

Spent time with Spencer yesterday, felt a line was crossed at some point but quieted by her handling of it all.

Quiet today, until eventually seeking UY and Éasca. Drawn into their games, frustrated by her need to be slower (and sometimes pushed herself when she shouldn't have). A little restored by the evening, settled between her friends for the night.

17th February, 2020
She was doing better but then she's Grei so she had to create a problem.

After a misunderstanding between herself, Éasca and UY, distancing herself from the pair through any means necessary, initially triggered by no more than a certain tone used by the latter. Quick to lay the blame on others, fell to the familiar and started pushing the pair away.

Frustrated at first by the pair's reactions, of lack-thereof of 'suitable' responses. Attempts to draw out what she wanted from the pair failed, though couldn't help the feelings that brought forward. Convinced that she's won, at least with Éasca, though not without significant cost to herself. Deeply wounded at one point by the Day Moon's words, though perhaps for the wrong reasons. Further sent into turmoil by the pale doe when she offered an apology. Completely caught off-guard by this, unable to do anything more than send a threat her way - completely consumed with comparing it to another parallel event. In all, disappointed with her success, but unable to admit anything of the sort to herself.

Also pissed off at Sky-Sight for getting involved during an attempted attack on UY. Unnerved by the doe's words, turns out UY found the best way to get Grei to go away which says,,,, so much about grei :weary:. Snapped at Sky-Sight following it all and painted her with the same brush, keeping her distance from the canine for petty reasons.

Coming to an acceptance about the whole ordeal, considered it as an inevitability, falling into pessimistic frames of mind that keep her on edge. Keeps tensions high in all her other relationships, seeking reactions that upset her because she's a smart bird.

tl;dr stupid dramatic raptor has issues and instead of dealing with them just sets everything on fire

1st February, 2020
Living part-time with Andrea in another world. Kept busy for the most part, enjoys certain aspects of their work a lot. Still not really 'friends' but that's how it goes sometimes... at the very least, able to develop a somewhat healthy rivalry with Andrea.

Reaquainting herself with UY, and in doing so has begun to get to know Éasca. Regarding the pair, often goes back and forth on mixed feelings, but genuinely enjoying their company more often than not and settling down a little about some of her expectations. Has also found the return of not one, but two of her charges to bolster her spirits as well. Enjoying the ease she finds in Sky-Sight's presence and refamiliarising herself with Vithara.

In all, on the upswing.

Spent the earlier portion of the day quietly enough, joined by Éasca for a while. Pulled from her company by the sight of a creature that turned her stomach. Immediately disliked the behemoth and it's many-faces, turned to loathing the moment she heard it speak. In typical Greitai fashion, made some bad choices which ended up sending the beast after Éasca. Oops.

Drew the attention of Starsets, and initially snapped at both does for getting involved with the creature. EGGED the beast on all she could and tried to keep out of its way when it charged. Winded more than once by blows from the creature, had an old injury flare-up mid-fight which was also no fun.

Stepped back when Maggot drew the creature's ire, retreated and kept an eye on the fight and the onlookers that had gathered though took little note. Had a few nasty thoughts @ 'Chitz' because she's awful but otherwise mostly unconcerned. Tolerated Sabbath's proximity with some suspicion, too.

Followed after the creature when things quieted a bit, gave a few parting words to it and left it for whoever else felt like getting run over. Parted ways with Éasca and Starsets to gather her thoughts, somewhat troubled in the aftermath. Spoke with Haze, and after finding herself begrudgingly respecting the doe, agreed to allow her to help with the injuries. Figured it was the lesser of two evils.

Continues to be a terrible patient, but did manage to say something that was vaguely like an apology in between her grumbles. Stung by some of the words shared, though isn't quite sure why as obviously they don't apply to her?? Returned the favour by helping UY clean Éasca's wounds in turn, though not without trying to stress everyone out as much as possible initially because she's Grei. Ended up not ruining everything, so that was nice.

6th December, 2019
Following a fight almost two weeks ago, has been absent from the forest. Residing at Andrea's, pretty much an awful house guest. Quickly gone stir-crazy and requires frequent distractions. Getting along somewhat better with Andrea, but generally just a rude asshole who makes jokes at other people's expenses... distracted by the woman's research into their first contract and the training associated with preparing her for it.

5th November, 2019
A few days ago, ganged up on by Plague and Zemora with Umay as a spectator. Tried to disconnect from the fight numerous times, but always brought back by perceived insults or something of the like. Eventually aided by Bhaelum, who she was both furious with and grateful for. After things died down, tore after the male when he ran - uNTIL he ran right to Zem and Plague :weary:. Tried to break up the fight here and there or briefly battled with their opponents, but her main goal was trying to break into Bhae's rage enough to force him off his attack. Also had to keep Vrasa from going after Umay to help her when things heated up between the demoness and Plague. All in all, bad day.

Still considering the offer made to her by Andrea, especially some stipulations she might add to the deal to sweeten it on her end.

Today, had a little black fawn catch her attention. Taunted the thing, toying with it out of boredom and prodding it for a specific response - got the response she was looking for. Thoroughly enjoyed herself playing with the fawn, though at times the fawn's enjoyment may have been in question? Lost it several times and would hunt it down and begin their game anew - until Zemora caught notice and launched after her. Tried in vain to lose the female by tearing off after the fawn, ended up in a brawl that drew Umay and Ross over.

Fought Zem and Umay, with a brief tussle with Rhea in there. Concerned their intentions toward the fawn were less than innocent (despite that... initially literally imitating hunting it hersELF...). When it all died down, marched up to Ross and quickly explained herself and demanded something of him - with Sabbath on one side, Zemora on the other and Umay behind (till she went yEET bye). Gave only a callous, mocking grin to Zem's words, then stormed off to be pissed and in pain alone.

Eventually sought the fawn out again - unsurprised to find only Ross had actually given a damn, in the end. Relayed these thoughts to the buck as the effects of Scorpion's venom went beyond trouble breathing. Walked off and 'reassured' ross tho rly all she did was stop him from trying to help her.

Joined by Andrea while she vomited everywhere. Accepted, though not without laying down some threats, the female's offer to stay the night at her place.

18th October, 2019

14th October, 2019
grei creates more drama wherever she goes.

As the day wore on, got into more of a screamy mood. Found her victim in Chitz, who she came to blame more and more as she watched the doe's wanderings throughout the day. Ended up having a little talk with her in which she blamed the doe for the events two or so weeks ago idk time isn't real. was really mean and player was sad. also she didn't notice ramsus had turned up until he left and privately piSSED HER PANTS.

Oleander showed up toward the end and briefly conversed with the doe, aNd then they both decided they needed some fun so went to pick on Ross at Greitai's suggestion. Tore chunks of fur out of the buck and ended up screaming at him for all she felt he'd betrayed her. Watched on as he snapped at Oleander after putting up virtually no fight with herself (she had some FEELS), then as he was thrown down the hill. Put a stop to the brief altercation that followed, but... soon decided she didn't care and wandered off.

Kept tabs on things for a little while after, wandered off when Oleander and Rhea started... dancing.

Only for her peace and quiet to be ruined by Ross' approach and a question he asked - THEN briefly chased off Oleander who came looking for help from the crowd she was drawing (to which grei was like 'no this is on YOU') - aND a conversation ensued. big feels... player rl sad.

also rip to oleander, the real mvp. love that loose unit.

8th October, 2019
Returned the day before, promptly slept for a whole day. Found the hospital to be a horrible experience to say the least. Unable to rid her nostrils of the smell of it, completely cleaned out her nest and bathed twice in her attempts. Joined by Garai, somewhat stiff in greeting him but appreciated the quiet company until she felt the need to wander.

Itching for something today, sought it in a few targets - by spitting at the back of Fiacre's head, staring down 'chitz' and, later, Bhaelum - but ended up finding it in a herd of mostly feral deer (Utu, 'chitz', Rye). Relished how they scattered, and targeted Utu in particular, recognising her as Raavas' offspring. Out to do no real damage, sought to terrorise and nip. Fended off by Vrath, irritated by his persistence, ended up engaging him. Helped out by Bhaelum, who became her new target, chasing him to the ruins after pursuing Fiacre briefly. In an entirely different mindset by the time the amalgam was cornered in the pit.

Tore into those she perceived as a threat to the male - Fiacre, Ramsus, Sabbath, Ramsus again... Appreciate that Bhae tried to help her out but was also like 'GET OUTTA MY WAY'. Fi called her Bae's mum which... she was like 'yeah it's true' internally. Felt right, y'know??

The fight with Ram in small quarters went... badly. Slammed against a wall at one point and kinda just... got caught on his antlers and it was a bad time. Lured Ramsus away in the end, running on fumes. Assisted in ending the fight by Bhaelum catching up with her, conversed briefly with him. And she... told him what was actually happening. which wasn't true - but she thought it was!! so. also expressed pride in him, probably blood-loss induced... tried to eat some kids who came to harrass her but just thrOWING herself across the group at them and snapping her teeth... ow.

Later led bhae off when the sound of children laughing and the sight of umay got on her frayed nerves.

Eventually went to wash off at the Idol. Spotted Andrea and did a 180 but alas, too late. Berated by the other woman, and kinda... didn't agree to but didn't say no to her offer of help. Wandered off while Andrea got some supplies, found by Ross, wHO she tried to avoid to no avail. Tried to get rid of him before Andrea showed up - failed. Stubbornly tried to refuse help when Ross decided to stay, pinned down by Andrea and stitched up with Ross' help. Made a fuss, but eventually slipped into a helpless mindset - a week of fighting everyone in the hospital to no avail, and now this, finally gave in to the futileness of her situation.

Parted with a few quiet words, then sought solitude.

28th September, 2019
Struggling of late, for a few reasons and due to a few things in and out of the forest.

Experienced the return of Vithara, somewhat wary, and noticed Fari's distance. Warmed up some and enjoyed some of their old antics, but kept a judgemental eye on the female the whole time. Pleased, overall, but waiting to see how things progress.

Had a few tense interactions with Raavas recently, repeatedly made her position clear in an attempt to garner specific reactions from him - unsuccessful each time. Until today! After a discussion with the bull a few days ago, resolved to hammer the wedge driven between them. Harassed the bull and Friti with the sole intention of goading him into a fight. Successful - until the intervention of Fari and Andrea. Spat and hissed at both, though gentler on Fari, and took her leave. Frustrated by Fari's persistence, eventually got the message across that she wanted to be alone.

Didn't get to be alone long before Andrea showed up. A tense discussion (with an intermission by Fari, who Grei didn't want hearing some of the things shared) that became circular quickly. Attempted to break the cycle by starting ANOTHER FIGHT?? And promptly had Andrea smash their skulls together. Went downhill quickly after that, though kept fighting despite her disorientation. Brought down by being pinned against a tree and thrown into a panic attack. Dazed, confused and losing consciousness, taken from the forest by Andrea to seek medical attention.

Going to be literally the worst patient this hospital has ever seen.

1st September, 2019
Crossed paths with - and by that I mean tracked her down and charged at her - the stranger from the day before. Threw harsh words at the female when approached afterward, culminating in a skirmish and another argument. Fuming.

31st August, 2019
Seemingly unconcerned with the unnatural speed at which her daughter healed - downright oblivious, if anything. Proud of how Vrasa has bounced back, at least.

Today, after a chance encounter with a stranger, left unsettled and seething.

28th May, 2019
Following an accident regarding Vrasa at the playground rocks that resulted in a broken leg for her daughter, keeping Vrasa concealed to the best of her ability. Stubbornly refusing the idea of seeking help from the few she trusts enough to ask.

8th February, 2018

23rd January, 2018
[12:29 PM] Wind: grei gives everyone anxiety
[12:29 PM] Sleepything: grei gives herself anxiety

this gif stays here...
7th June, 2017

thanks brit

Name: Greitai
[The] Raptor/ess, Feathercrest, Huntress
Gender: Female.
Age: 8th of July. Adult.
Set: Skull mask, magpie antlers, real deer pelts.
Species: Dromaeosaur-faced with an ungulate body*Part of a species, not a hybrid. Mammal mimic.
Diet: Carnivorous. Small prey, fish, carrion.
Speech: #6C733E. Capable of a wide range of sounds.
Sounds: x, x
Size: Just below 10.
Reference: x*Needs scar update.
Haunts: The Nest.
Tumblr. (nsfw)

Loyal, predatory, respectful, proud, inquisitive, spiteful, stubborn,
competitive, protective, skeptical, cautious, intimidating, affectionate, playful, reliable, impulsive, clever, hypocrite, vicious, masculine, arrogant, overconfident
snippets. situations themselves decide the reaction.


Expressive, bird-like behaviour and mannerisms. Eye pinning along with feather displays constitute a large portion of her body language. Also includes an array of sounds such as screeches, hisses, squawks, chatters and even coos.

Has a crown of feathers that are used primarily for display and communicative purposes. Has a few molts per year, usually at dramatic change of seasons, particularly irritable at this time and prone to excessive bathing and preening.

Long-legged and long-necked. Neck is flexible enough to allow her to comfortably rest it on her back. A lithe and athletic individual, well-muscled when healthy. Bears a bodily resemblance to lighter breeds of equine.

Mouth filled with recurved serrated teeth, designed for tearing.

Fake mammal™.

Feathers, when flared, can make her appear larger than she is.

Carnivorous, an opportunistic feeder. Will eat carrion, but not a preferred food source. Careful what, or who, she hunts.


Extroverted and social, though not without her need for solitude. Deteriorates without a steady social life, not shy about seeking others out usually.

Stubborn in many ways. Additionally, capable of convincing herself of things that aren't quite true in an attempt to keep certain thoughts or circumstances the way she 'wants' them to be. In denial over a few things in her past, including how she got to the forest.

Plays rough, especially with young. Intentional, controlled.

Falls easily into disliking others for petty reasons and then acting in such a way that prompts them to give her more solid ones, based on their reactions. Convinced she's proven right, can hold onto grudges like this for years.

Bisexual with a male preference, lacking awareness. Denies her feelings, though may flirt shallowly with women here and there - writes it off as something everyone does and is convinced it means nothing. Perhaps surprisingly, not homophobic, just misguided and confused.

"When the circling and striking are done, and I land,
Let me come back to your hand."

1Antidote's picture

Yay. I hope you got the

I hope you got the request.


I did ouo, though it's saying

I did ouo, though it's saying you're not online? ;o;

Laiia's picture

Nat-Nat said 'no', with a

Nat-Nat said 'no', with a head movement. They're more powerful than anyone here. Her... 'friends' aren't what we imagine they are. Balthamos is afraid of them. And Ariel let an information come out from her mouth. She said they would come... or she pretended they would. She tried to smile, then imagined what they could be. Maybe some gods from another place ? Or demons ? Maybe they didn't have soul. Maybe they were immortal. The Ghost sighed, desesperate.


Avatar & signature by Shimmyshimmy. ♥

She huffed softly, "It is

She huffed softly, "It is likely she was making it up and doesn't have any friends." perhaps. This comment itself was unlikely, however Greitai was indeed attempting to brighten Nat-Nat's spirits. She nearly mentioned that Balthamos was also afraid of her, however that was probably a most logical reaction. Not once did she consider that even if Ariel's friends were real and coming, that they could be immortal. To her, all things could die and would die. She would soon see the err in this assumption, for within this forest nearly anything seemed possible.
Dampir's picture

AAAAAAAAA! I knew that

I knew that something is wrong! I missed it! How i could...
Track it, track it, track ;D

"Feeling utterly betrayed by Ravly." Oh nein... he felt the same about Greitai. He couldn't understand why she attacked him... and I dont know why so many others helped him. It was weird.

I added you on msn, I hope it's okay to you.
Xemi's picture

.. SHE HAS A BIO? /feels so

.. SHE HAS A BIO? /feels so dumb
Tracking all over this <33

Dampir; 8'D Thanks! I can't

8'D Thanks!
I can't blame the poor guy, from his point of view it was probably completely unprovoked!
Gah, poor fellow :c
I'm glad they did protect him 8D!
And that's fine c:

Xemi's picture

LOL omg her updates

LOL omg her updates <3
Hey, may I add you on msn too please?
I've wanted to ask for a while but felt too awkward about it @___@; <3

Mine is

Yes and yes 8'D That's

Yes and yes 8'D
That's alright... > > I always, always feel too awkward to ask people for their msn.
Glad it seems some people can muster the courage xD

"You aren't so bad afterall.

"You aren't so bad afterall. "

Le Track.

"You're not all bad, either.

"You're not all bad, either. First impressions aren't everything, you'll see."

Thank yew c:

"Not even the ones when the

"Not even the ones when the other part startles you badly, hmm?" A brief smile.

"Not always, no. Then again,

"Not always, no. Then again, sometimes they determine an entire relationship." she mused, jaws parting slightly for a moment and then continuing in this fashion. Mouth opening wide, she yawned.

Urine and a flower LOL.. And

Urine and a flower LOL..
And that, was Waarhijd's revenge of marking Waar with urine, Greitai. >:'D Pshsh.

skychild's picture

Well, the astral muttered,

Well, the astral muttered, shaking that awful ruddy pelt from his body, That wasn't very kind of you..

Her own pelt was a colour

Her own pelt was a colour that held similarities to mud and bark, not so brilliantly coloured. A hiss entered her voice, "It looked to be an improvement to me." How dare it approach her after tormenting her so whilst she had been a raven. "I did not take very well to nearly being crushed, unless that slipped your notice."

skychild's picture

Its eyes widened. It hadn't

Its eyes widened. It hadn't crossed his mind that me might have harmed her in what he'd considered a playful game of chase, when she was a bird. At this, the star felt a tinge of shame, more-so in that she'd thought it a tormentor.

Oh. Dark ears shifted back and it turned aside, humble, Forgive me...

It left then with haste, sure to keep out of her wake in the future.


track! <3 Smiling lovely bio!
1Antidote's picture

Is that really a

Is that really a Greitai-bunny? 8D

I hope you didn't mind Morrissey chasing after her.

But if it's not Greitai, then.. LOL, sorry.

It is 8D. She's not very

It is 8D. She's not very happy about the current situation.

I didn't mind at all, C8
Salome's picture


woop <3

Boopaloop &hearts;.

Boopaloop ♥.

"What have I ever done to

"What have I ever done to annoy you that much, miss?" She tried to keep her voice from stuttering while talking with her head held high. "I only came to see how you two were doing nowadays since I hadn't seen you in a while."

// ♥

She held her head high, also.

She held her head high, also. Perhaps it could be considered a good thing that her feathers did not flare about her neck in a fashion supposed to intimidate, for adorning her feathers were many eye-like patterns. It was certain that she did not hate the doe, no, however there was not an ounce of trust currently in her gaze. For a moment she paused, considering the words she would speak in reply. However soon she rejected such a notion, for it could be taken as hesitation. "It is the company you chose that annoys me. A certain brown doe." For she remembered when the fawn had stood behind Djinn, the latter having taunted and thrown innumerable threats in the raptor-doe's direction. She detested the fact that Beren valued the brown doe so dearly, and was not willing to lose her friend to another 'Djinn', an arrogant and foolish doe in Greitai's eyes, as she was sure Miyako had modelled after.

{ ♥ Mm~ }

The young doe observed the

The young doe observed the other in front of her, ready to flee. For a moment she had tought that she had won Grei's trust and that she shouldn't fear near her. Now she was clueless what to think of her. Her heart raced in her chest as she tried to stand her ground and look convincing. "A certain brown doe." She repeated quietly trying to figure out if there was another brown doe besides Djinn she could be talking about. "You judge me by my companions? Give me one chance to prove you that I am not a threat, I am not here to take your place." As a fawn the young doe had looked up to Beren and Greitai just as she had looked up to Djinn, the second mentioned had only startled her by her actions and made her doubt.

Tail lashed against her

Tail lashed against her flanks briefly, as if there was a fly she intended to slash in half with the very fibres of her tail's fur. "I judge the mind of an impressionable fawn that keeps company with..." she held back the insult, lips pulling back slightly over her serrated teeth, "I'm not sure it's worth the risk." Oh but the fact Miyako had come to her and ask her fuelled a little fire, one that burned away the wariness slowly and letting respect emerge carefully and tentatively. A deep breath, she wasn't done speaking quite yet. "If you keep your word, then you will have your chance to prove that you are no threat." From the heartbeat she could hear, Greitai was aware that the threat she had intended to use would have done nothing to help the situation, and there appeared to be no need to frighten the doe further.

The young doe kept her

The young doe kept her silence until she was sure the other one was finished. A fawnlike enthusiasm filled her body when she heard the rules she was given but not to make things worse she held back from rushing to her to nuzzle her. Instead she gave her a slow nod resembling the words 'I am not going to let you down'. As she lifted her head back up again she flashed a brief smile. "I will keep that in mind and do my best. Thank you, Miss Greitai." One could hear from her voice that she was truly happy.

An evident smile tugged at

An evident smile tugged at the ends of her lips, slightly lifting them apart. Confidence given to the feathered one through the reaction of the young doe. Excitement, happiness, they were evident in her posture and voice, easily. "You're welcome, Miyako." Reason seeped into her mind now, tension ebbing slightly and helped by the exuberance that the one before her seemed to be emitting. "I'm certain you will have no trouble with doing so." For even she could see that this doe may perhaps be quite darling. Perhaps.

That was so very adorable

That was so very adorable that my cheeks hurt from smiling. ♥


GuardianGhost's picture

I hope you don't mind, but

I hope you don't mind, but since I'm drawing a Geitai for you, I'd like to know if she has any references?
And what's exactly her skin colour?
siggy by Pegasicorn
Xemi's picture

Hey, hey ^^ requested

Hey, hey ^^ requested something for you on Holo's blog <:
GingerNut's picture

Gonna kill two birds with one

Gonna kill two birds with one stone and track dis~
Also... do you have a yim? ;; I'd add you on msn but it's really derpy about me adding people so... jklasdfklsd *shyyyy*

Thank youuu~ c: Yes,

Thank youuu~ c:
Yes, actually, I do ;u; I just forget to put it up because I'm silly like that. It's (I'm really creative.)
Laiia's picture

So cute ;; &hearts;

So cute ;; ♥

Avatar & signature by Shimmyshimmy. ♥
Dampir's picture

"You're mad... it's because

"You're mad... it's because of Djinn..or traditionally me?" Ravly asked sitting on the ground near by her nest.

Feathers still frilled about

Feathers still frilled about her neck, it was not hard to deduce the anger she surely felt. Still, the company was not rejected, and she was glad he did not come too close to her nest.

A snort from her nostrils, signalling that one of those two options were correct and which was rather obvious. "Though you have been the cause of my anger in the past, this time you aren't at fault. Djinn is the cause, and Beren only instigates it. The moment that useless excuse for a deer appears, I am forgotten. And she only makes it worse - you saw how she approached when I came to rest by you and...Kody, is it? approached." she seemed to be finding keeping herself under control difficult. "It's obvious she does it to make me angry - maybe she wants me to attack her, because I'm sure the moment I snap Beren will turn on me. And if I lose him, will I lose Nat'? Ravly, you seem to be more of a...solitary creature, and I am not. I'm not sure you would understand." He was free to correct her, of course. Bringing her neck down, her neck seemed to fold to allow her feathers to cover her neck and for her head to appear to be resting at an unusually low and uncomfortable height. However, it was quite comfortable.

Words bubbled in her throat, however only some were said. She was infuriated that she had tried to befriend those of Beren's companions who had so far proven to be treacherous. Djinn, Rhad and Lothair were three she could think of off the top of her head that she did not get along with. Some of it had been her fault, but she had made attempts on a few occasions to befriend them. Lothair's betrayal stung the most, for she had begun to respect and like him. No, few of those Beren claimed loyalty were loyal in return, she was sure.

Dampir's picture

He saw her angry many times,

He saw her angry many times, and keeping good distance it was the best resolution now if he want to normally talk with her. "Beren instigates it? I always thought that he should to stop all disagreements..if he cares.." He wasnt going to lie, simply said what he thinks. Ravly listened her attentively. "I saw it, and I moved a few steps away from Kody then...cause I dont like her. I just dont trust her. I've seen many things what she did, and not everything was fair. I really wanted to follow your path, and leave them." He said pressing with a serious voice on the last words. "I have noted that she likes to play in this way, so I'm almost sure that she does it to make your angry...and maybe separate you from Beren." It would be nice to see her finally leaving the wolf, but it wasnt that what he wanted to happen. Though she attacked him last time he didnt mind it right now. He still thinks that if Djinn wanna be a friend with Grei she should behave otherwise. "I dont think that you'll lose Nat, but longer talk with her may help..and resolve some issues."

She was glad he didn't like

She was glad he didn't like Djinn, because she couldn't understand why anyone would. Of course, Greitai would put this dislike aside temporarily for the benefit of her friend if she had reason to. "I wouldn't be surprised that such a petty doe would do something of that sort at all, really. I doubt there's a shred of real loyalty in her at all. Hmph." huffed the raptor-doe, though she did agree with some of the things Ravly was saying more than she would like to admit.

"Good... I don't think I could bear to lose Nat'." If Nat' rejected her... no, she wouldn't do that. A moment later Greitai lifted her head, neck straightening out a little. "If anything were to happen to her, though, I would get my revenge first." Nearly a threat, in case he got any ideas. There was still that... inability to completely trust Ravly, that small, nagging doubt about him. She'd slipped up, really, and it was not intelligent at all. Still, there was no way she would have slipped up in front of someone she truly didn't trust. Such as Djinn. The thought of it made her mouth quirk upward in a small smile. No, never would a mistake like that be made before someone she truly didn't trust. Considering that, obviously she did trust Ravly to an extent, perhaps more than she realised.

.. Greitai bowed at Sho? Ohmy

.. Greitai bowed at Sho?
Ohmy I didn't see that. *hides in shame*
I'm so sorry that Sho didn't respond to that. I blame myself for switching between so many windows.

Rofl, yeah, twice. |D I

Rofl, yeah, twice. |D
I thought that might be the case, so I had her bow twice.
It's fine though c: ♥.
Dampir's picture

Ahh..he bowed two times to

Ahh..he bowed two times to her, cause in the first I had problems with keys and knew that she would not see it :c

He did? Gah, I'm sorry ;A;.

He did? Gah, I'm sorry ;A;. My forest was lagging a bit 8C ♥
Poor fellow xDD<3.
Dampir's picture

That's ok. I have the same

That's ok. I have the same problems sometimes. Yes, poor one ;D

So very glad that things are

So very glad that things are looking much better between her and Miya. ♥

As am I &hearts;.

As am I ♥. c:
Hopefully they continue to stay positive this time. *kicks Greitai*. She's silly :3

Miya just needs to learn her

Miya just needs to learn her place, really. Sometimes she's like an over eager puppy bouncing about and snuggling with everything that moves. :')

Hah, she's doing pretty well.

Hah, she's doing pretty well. Greitai still sees her as rather a child, anyway. She does, too >D, but she also gets very stuck in a slightly warped pack mentality at times, and with her own instincts. It irks her to no end when someone is merely confused by her feathers. |D Or ignores them! Unless you're Nat-Nat, because then they're like Nat's personal fort.
Apparanza's picture

Late track BD

Late track BD

By Leuvr
Laiia's picture



Avatar & signature by Shimmyshimmy. ♥