Health: Physical: 100% Mental: 100%
Mood: Neutral
Recent events: -
Latest thoughts: "
"We suffer more in our imagination than in reality."
It is an unknown creature.
It does rarely talk to strangers.
It is very shy.
It usually watches from a distance. Silently.
Nickname: It
Gender: Genderless, can be reffered to as he, she or it.
Age: Ageless, unable to die of old age.
In forest set: Nightfall pelt, fan antlers and the noh mask.
Personality base: Friendly and timid.
If you want to RP with It, feel free to.
Div layout is by Pretzil! Thank you ♥
Mmm...basic. And
-wants to see more- <8D
Obtw. Div layouts still work? I thought the new CSS doesn't do that....-jawdrop-
Click input-format, then
Thank you for the track
♥ Iofficiallyloveyou.
No problem, hun' ♥
Nrmm~ -licks this page over
Moar luvvvv~~~ ♥♥♥
♥♥♥! &he
&hearts attack >D
Is it okay if I'm a creeper and ask if you have an msn? <8O
I'm...I'm -not- a creeper...but..yeah. xDDD
♥♥ Yeah, I do
Yeah, I do :3
haii. Imma stalk you kthx.
Imma stalk you kthx.kthx♥ Hai! *Irish
Hai! *Irish accent* Get off mah lawn! >c