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"When a well-trained gonnagle starts to recite, the enemy's ears explode." Mon The Gonnagle was raised as a young fawn by the ravenous band of Pictsies known by many names. The most recognizable being The Wee Free Men or Nac Mac Feegle. The clan stumbled into the forest one night using the secret power of the crawstep. Intending to serve the fawn as a meal they seized the small fawn under each leg and took off with their prize. ("Four; one under each hoof, I seen em do it. You see a fawn standin' in a field, mindin' its own business, next minute the grass is rustlin'. Some little bugger shouts "Hup, hup, hup!" and the poor beast goes by, voom!, without it's legs movin'; backwards, sometimes. They're stronger than cockroaches. You step on a pictsie, you best be wearin' thick soles.") The fawn, however, was one of the Endless Forest and for that reasoning far more clever than the average deer. Apart from possessing all too human features ("Crivens! We cann' be eatin' that it be look'n wit' t' wee beed'i eyes!") the fawn also had the mysterious powers of The Gonnagle. The "Mysterious Power" being the ability to recite poetry so horrible that it demoralized the whole clan and instantly broke up a brawl between the members. From that point on the fawn was Dubbed "Mon The Gonnagle" and has traveled with the Pictsies since. ____________________________________________________________ "Ach, see you! scunner that y'are!" "Here's a giftie from the t' wee burdies, yah schemie!'" Being a Wee Free Man now himself Mon The Gonnagle now possesses the mysterious power of the craw step. The craw step is the innate faerie ability to cross dimensions. The Wee Free Men quite happily use this power to raise hell wherever they please. Mon normally uses this power to cross under the pond without harm and to race around the forests at high speeds. He also uses this ability to cross into Old versions of the forest. He may manifest as a gray version 1 deer or a transparent middle version deer. Regardless of when you meet this little Gonnagle it is best to be on your toes. The Wee Free Men love nothing more than a good fight and a good drink. They will go to great lengths to pursue both of these vices. Mon has been known to headbutt deer twice his size and makes no secret of the fact that he loves a good spar in the afternoon. If one of his friends or "clansmen" are threatened or hurt he will tenaciously pursue the attacker to the ends of the forest, never letting up unless his friend calls him off or greater forces intervene. (Player intervention) __________________________________________________________________________________ A Kelda, to the Nac Mac Feegle, is the female leader of the clan. She makes all the decisions and her mate figures out the planning. As Mon neither has a Kelda nor her companion "The Big Man" to lead him he will seek out groups of deer or couples to follow. If he cannot locate a group he will sidle up to a doe or feminine appearing stag to tag along with. Mon is quite interested in the other deer of the forest and does not really consider the differences between a Stag or a Doe. Neither of which to him are a Pictsie so he does not think too hard on it. A companion is a companion in his eyes and he would readily be friendly towards both genders. Mon tends to gravitate towards fawns since they match his stature. He will often lead them astray and try to teach them the ways of "his people". This may result in a fawn coming back spewing crass dialect so weary mothers may wish to keep their fawns close least they become little hooligans as well. Mon does not usually recognize a deer by their pictogram. His "people" recognize each other by clan regalia. He inherently believes that deer that wear the same set parts or pelts are family members. Lastly, It is not uncommon to see Mon passed out in the middle of the forest for no apparent reason. After devouring fermented berries and mushrooms he tends to collapse and sleep wherever he lays down. A good prodding can usually rouse him, but sometimes a "kick 'inna heid" is necessary. |
And I think we're done here.
Mon's bio is completed.
Kicks inna' heid for everyone!
Heh, I like him. x3 And this
And this bio. It looks nice. ^^
-just noticed the plaid- @_@
Awesome set work! You got the
Also, loving the CSS work that you did with the plaid, looks great! I spent a good minute just scrolling up and down to watch it. :B
Well, he's different. o:
Indeed watching.
Tracking! He is wicked and I
He is wicked and I hope Ra gets to meet him sometime!
I toned down the plaid and
Checked my other monitor and it was hell to read properly.
Other sections that are not text heavy will have plaid backgrounds but I didn't want to play "strain the eyes" to get them legible.
probably fan art/screen shot collections and the like.
-Jumps on everything.-
Damn you get off my couch
Damn you get off my couch Chanelle!
No don't jump on my bed! D:<
This is awesome, such a cool
Thanks Tera. If I can get
Thanks Tera.
If I can get ahold of another player he might be involved in a plot soon.
ooOOooo plotses >: D
-Stops jumping on
-Stares intently at otherwise not all too special object.-
-Throws oranges.-