The Melanic Wolf

Only taking this down briefly so I can finally boot my ass and finish up the biothatwasmadeagesagoforme. My motivation for Kody is just so bad. Starr y.
Will hopefully have it up this week if uni grants me the time.
Picture by Tuo.



... This is why you shouldn't

This is why you shouldn't get up early 8|

(No subject)

Graveyard's picture

It was a strange place yes,

It was a strange place yes, but whatever it was... he was going to make due with it. The rather, sickly looking creature had caught a glimpse of things from the shadows of the trees. His bright, almost glowing white plumage giving him away even though he, in a manner of speaking, was attempting to hide himself. Like the coward he was really.

It was hard, however, to hide when one made gentle clinking sounds whenever their hooves hit the forest floor. Shaking his head the bird like deer continued to slowly move along, that elegant and long tail of his dragging the forest floor behind him. Really, he was a beautiful creature, ever flowing with his movements like an elegant swan. Although he was anything but a beautiful swan. A creature... of white, red and black... that's what he was.

Shifting for a moment, he slowly made his way out and into the open where all eyes could see him. Head craning up straight, feathers swaying slightly as he was keeping his composition straight, to avoid showing that he felt the need to scurry into the nearest hole and hide "You... are not like the rest here..."

A smooth, swift voice flowed from the strange peacock stags beak as he looked at the other... slowly approaching "You... remind me of those back home... but... you are clearly different..."

"Your efforts are insignificant! I carry you to your deaths!"

The day seemed to be dragging

The day seemed to be dragging on. Every minute felt like an hour to the canine creature. He had been unwell for the past couple of days. Sneezing, coughing, no sleep; it made him look like a mess. He spent most of his time laying down to pass the time. Of course many would like to avoid him like this, he understood that. It was upsetting though if others avoid you for something you can't help. With his sinuses blocked and his hearing not as sensitive, it was hard to concentrate on others approaching. However he saw the rather odd creature walking towards him. His head lifted up slightly, giving him a far better view of the peacock stag. For a few seconds he just gazed at him, curious as to what exactly he was. Kody had never been a fan of birds, but this one was much larger than the ones he was used to seeing.

The ill canine's ears lifted up, trying to focus on what the other was saying. He was rather confused at their words, but he'd been told so many times that he wasn't normal so it didn't affect him much. Quickly, he sniffed, trying to unblock his nose before looking back at up the bird-deer. "What?" His voice was crackled and rough from the dry throat he had. He hoped he didn't sound rude though, after all, it was nice to have someone come over to him while he wasn't too well

(Sorry if it's a bit sloppy, I'm not feeling too good so D8)
Graveyard's picture

(Ffffffffffff! *forces to bed

(Ffffffffffff! *forces to bed and gives lotsa soup* D8)


His head raised up a bit more, feathers ruffling slightly for just that brief moment before he carefully stepped around the other, elegant feathers dragging the ground behind the strange stag as he would tilt his head... as if pondering an answer to the rather... quick question that he was asked "You are not like the others... strange... creatures... yes..." The strange bird like stag nodded his head before moving to a side and carefully walking back to the front of the ill stag.

"You are ill yes... forgive my disturbing you..." Ruffling his feathers the other side before flicking that tail out and to a side with a hind leg. Shifting some on his feet as his attention seemed to turn just to a gaze... staring off at a random spot in the forest "I grew up amongst the wolves... while everyone else in the family despised them... I grew up playing with them, feeding them... tending to their needs..."

"Your efforts are insignificant! I carry you to your deaths!"

(Right. Sorry for the wait.

(Right. Sorry for the wait. :C)


Kody remained laying of the ground the whole time the peacock-deer was speaking. The only movement visible would be the slight flicks of his, long, rather scruffy looking tail that was sprawled out behind him. His ears remained perked up as he listened to the other talking. "Yeah...I'm not like the others. There's loads of odd things in this forest though, so I don't think anyone's too bothered about the way I look. There's a few others similar to me though." His reply has a pleasant tone to it. Clearing his throat, he shuffled around a little, trying to get more comfortable.

"Oh, there's no need to be forgiven. I'm glad you came over..." The stag's reply was quick, he didn't want his current company to run off because of his illness. His contrasting eyes gazed at the bird's feathers for a while; it was a really fascinating creature. "Really? Sounds...interesting. Care to tell me more?" He offered a smile before looking at the space next to him, then back up at the stranger, as a sign that he wanted him to sit. Though he was unsure if his sign was clear enough.
In general, he enjoyed hearing about others pasts and seeing if they were far more enjoyable than his own. He found it really interesting how some were raised and how they lived differently from others.

7am wakin up in the

7am wakin up in the mornin
saffs gotta be quick
gotta spam stars bio

^ it's gonna happen again. Be scared.

God I hate typing with the iPod 8(

By the time you read this it'll probably be morning so hood morning to you my friend.

Good* I'm bored. I scared


I'm bored. I scared zak a moment ago by stroking his leg when he stood up near me, I think he thought I was asleep LOLL.
There's a weird noise outside too in the distance. My mum doesn't know what it is, we both heard it last night too, but she said she's heard it previous nights before and early in the mornings. /random

why am I even posting this, you're not even online LOOL imbored




And now there's a metal

And now there's a metal squeeky noise outside and syrah just barked at it. Bleghhgg living here sucks. It's creepy when it's dark/night time -needs to stop commenting-
Kaoori's picture

(No subject)

Saff: Damn you. That stupid

Damn you. That stupid song is stuck in my head now B|
Awww, poor Zak LOL
Yeah the things you've told me about your house...I don't think I'd want to live there either to be honest. 8(
But it's outside so ;D
You know what, I hear a really weird banging noise outside every now and then, it sounds like it's in the street just up from mine, but it's kinda creepy when it's like, 1am LOOL.

This is random but there's a primary school across from me and they're in the field. And I can see them throwing wellies up and down LOOOOL.
Yes I am watching the little children from my window like a creepy pedophile ;D (jk)

Ohmygosh ;;
He's so cute, I didn't expect to receive one <3
I love it. 8D
Thank you so much, he's adorable C: <33


HAHAHA, WELL GUESS WHAT SONG IS STUCK IN MY HEAD.THIS. I actually liked this song but I think I listened to it too much because it's constantly stuck in my head.
I'm not joking, I woke up with playing in my mind. >8O

Dude I was crudding myself a little, my house is at the back of the close with three other houses infront. There's a metal random bar thing outside, I think it's so cars don't go there? Idk, but behind those three houses is that creepy field where there's horses and a big forest at the sides/back of it. ANYTHING COULD BE IN THERE.
But the weird noise we keep hearing at night, I thought it was fireworks..booming at first but my mum says otherwise, and plus I see what she means since it doesn't sound exactly them and there aren't any to see either. It kinda sounds like a machine type thing; either way it's all rumbly and machiney.
I'd rather live here than in your house, the things you've told me are scary LOOOL


I don't even like that song.

I don't even like that song. I mean it's cool on the video but I don't like listening to the whole thing 8|

Awww. It was actually me, my car broke down and I ended up kicking it to make it work :/
Naah, I'm sure it's nothing B) Maybe with metal at that time of night ;D
My house isn't as scary as you think it is...I don't think LOOOL. Apart from that blood on the door thing and the random voice I heard one time. It's okay really LOL

I THINK IT'S FOR...The Highland Games which is on Saturday. People throw wellies up and down and...logs LOOOOOL. Strange, strange place.
Kaoori's picture

I'm glad you liked it ^^ I

I'm glad you liked it ^^

I don't mean to butt in.. maybeido. what's a wellie 8D

Yeah, the whole thing isn't

Yeah, the whole thing isn't as good. I only like the parts that were in the video LOL.
Fuuuuu. B| :/
Yeah probably, it's just weird when you listen to it for a while. IDIOT, KEEPING ME AWAKE WITH THEIR SILLY NOISES.

YEAH, AND THE BLOOD. How can you cope. />8< face

Aww, I actually do want to do that. LOOOOOL /RETARD

And a welly is one of these:


/>8< face OMG I FORGOT

/>8< face

OMG I FORGOT ABOUT THE CHOPPING BOARD THING. Yeah that was freaky LOOL. But I don't believe in ghosts/spirits soooooo yeah. I've never seen a good ghost story yet B|
Apart from the one my dad told me about a Ouija board, and something started messing up the house LOL. I'd want to try one to see if it's real but at the same time I'd be waaaay too scared since people seem to say that they are connected to spirits. So I dunno 8|

Welliesssssss. People in our primary done it and someone threw one on the roof. I think they're actually heavy to throw LOOOL. ;D



How can you forget. That'd forevever be implanted in my brain LOL. IT'S A SHAME I DO. I know my house isn't haunted or anything, it still scares me though when I hear noises. /wimp
We talk about ghost stories and stuff a lot in English since that stupid black cockatoo book we're reading is about spiritual stuff and all that. It's quite fun. NOT SAYING THE LESSON IS FUN BECAUSE ENGLISH IS ALWAYS BORING.
And same, I wanna try and Ouija bored but I'd be waaay too scared. I'd even be too scared to watch someone else do it in a different place LOL.

...GOOD POINT. /zooms to MSN

...GOOD POINT. /zooms to MSN
Graveyard's picture

(( No worries hun *snuggles*

(( No worries hun *snuggles* You need all the rest joo can get *nods* <3 ))


"Hmmm..." Shen would pause for a time when he heard what the other had mentioned, lots of strange things in this place... that... he could agree with. While he had not seen much he had caught glimpses and... glances of the strange creatures of this odd world "There are no... pandas or anything like that here are there?" An odd question, for an equally odd creature really. Shifting he looked around before carefully walking around.

Listening to the stags reply to what he had said about his apology, his eyes following the motion. Giving a glance he was uncertain for a spell but decided against the better judgement of himself to walk around to the spot that had been motioned to and carefully lowering down on those rather thing, bird like legs of his. Ruffling out his long tail feathers behind him as he shifted and got himself comfortable... not truly enjoying laying on the ground but he would accept it. There was no, clean place... to lay in this odd world.

"My parents held the company of wolves as the guards... though they never treated them well... I... I was considered weak and pitiful by my parents to deserve their attention. Because I was sickly due to well... my albinism..." He snorted shaking his head as he let out a couple low sounds under his voice, was it jealousy of others with a family perhaps?

"Your efforts are insignificant! I carry you to your deaths!"


(<3 :'D
Sorry this post isn't so good, my brain fails BC)


The stag gazed at the other stag for a few moments, confused, before answering to the odd question. "Pandas? No I don't think there is....Why?"

He quietly watched as he sat next to him. For a few moments he found himself staring at the long tail that the peacock-deer had. It was rare to see others with such a long tail. Even though they were feathers, he found it similar to his own long tail.

The canine's ears lowered down as he continued to listen. He felt sympathy for the bird. "That's awful..." He paused for a few moments before speaking again. "Sounds like you came from a rather...grand family. By grand I mean...high class." He had to make sure he worded his sentences right, he didn't want to offend the stranger. He hated it when parents didn't treat their children with the love they were supposed to. It made him feel great annoyance.
Graveyard's picture

(My brain fails too! D8 We

(My brain fails too! D8 We can have brain fails together Laughing out loud)


"Oh no reason... just curious is all... I don't do so well with things that are... black and white you could say..." Such an odd nature, but then again... this strange peacock-stag was so very odd himself so it was not really too far out for the questions and his manner of speaking to be odd. Shifting some he ruffled the feathers again to make sure that dirt wasn't sticking to a single inch of that long tail.

It was one of his... glorious, beautiful features and he'd rather not have it mucked up by things. Sighing some he shifted for a moment giving the strange canine a glance from the side to see that the other lowered his head down, listening to the words that he spoke before turning his attention out "If by high class you mean prince then yes..." He had no need to feel offense from what the other had said, it didn't bother him at all really "That old goat said that they loved him... hmph... and that it killed them to send me away... I doubt it..."

"Your efforts are insignificant! I carry you to your deaths!"

(Late reply is 6 hours

(Late reply is 6 hours late...because I'm dumb. B|)


Kody was confused that he didn't like black and white things. After all there were a lot of black and white deer around. "Oh, I see." He, yet again, watched the creatures tail move. He had no idea why he kept moving it, but quickly turned back around when they started speaking again.

"Old goat? Why did they send you away?" He hoped his curiosity wasn't bothering the bird-deer. He just didn't know what else to talk about.

Quickly, he turned his head around when he had the sensation to sneeze, but he held it in, even though he'd rather just let it out. He didn't want to seem rude infront of his company. Sniffing slightly, he turned back around to face them. "By the way...what's your name?"

Did a sketch of Kody

Did a sketch of Kody recently...
Would have shown you but I'm too lazy to scan it right now haha~
I also intend to colour it. So sometime soon ♥
Just letting you know that Kody is a sexy beast, dearie d:


Awww. <3
I'm really excited to see it C:
Haha, thank you :'D
I'm glad people find his new design more pleasing. I was rather unsure of it before but people's responses to it has totally changed my uncertainty (8 <3

Dear StarBright500, I am

Dear StarBright500,
I am here to reveal some useless information to you.
Windows Live Messenger is currently not working as an error pops up when I try to open it up.
This event happened literally a second just before I was about to send this link to you and send the head banging emote for a laugh.
Clearly Windows Live Messenger disagrees.

Yours Sincerely, your long distance friend, Sapphire Beales.

Track. Lovely bio!

Track. Lovely bio!

Thank you C:

Thank you C: <3
Graveyard's picture

[[ Pffffffffft, my reply is

[[ Pffffffffft, my reply is even later D8 ]]


Shen was more so moving that tail to avoid the dirt or anything from getting on it. He did have a small hatred for getting his feathers dirty... and laying on the ground like this, it was taking every ounce of his nature to stay seated and enjoy the others company. He did enjoy Kody's company but he didn't like laying in the dirty and grass, though he chuckled softly and sighed "Ahhh my parents didn't know of the true potential of things... what we created had potential and I just decided to use it in ways that they didn't see fit..."

Shifting again the peacock stag closed his eyes chuckling more "They sent me away because of what that old goat said... that I would be defeated by a warrior of black and white you see... and I took it upon myself to wipe out those that held a threat against me..."

Shen's attention turned and he watched Kody, observing him holding in the urge to sneeze... the other was ill so the stag wouldn't mind if he let it out. It wouldn't be rude to him, at least he was being kept company that wasn't scaring the shit out of him "Hmmm my name? You do not know of me? Well I suppose no one here would have heard of me... not you strange creatures... Lord Shen..."

"Your efforts are insignificant! I carry you to your deaths!"

(Aww, I don't think it's that

(Aww, I don't think it's that late C8 )


The canine was confused by the bird's first statement. While he was ill, he normally found it harder to concentrate on others words. Feeling awkward that he didn't know what to reply, he decided to just nod his head a little as a response. A showing of understanding, even though he didn't have any idea.

Kody was a little shocked by what they said. If they wiped out any threat, that meant they must have killed quite a few creatures. It was rather unnerving but not to the point where he'd want to avoid them. He'd seen things getting killed after all. Part of him was glad that he wasn't black and white though. He knew there were black and white deer around and was curious if the peacock-deer would try to kill them aswell. "Oh, sounds...strange. Does that mean that you won't think too highly of black and white deer here? He hoped that they wouldn't be too cruel to deer who were black or white. No one can help their fur colour.

He smiled once again at Shen's reply. "Nice to meet you Lord Shen, I'm Kody...just Kody" He let out a small chuckle as his long tail that was still sprawled out behind him gave a small flick, a sign of happiness. He was glad to be meeting new creatures.
Graveyard's picture

[[ Pfffffffffft it was a long

[[ Pfffffffffft it was a long wait ;3; XD ]]


Shen gave his full attention to Kody for the time being, shifting and stretching out slightly... he was quite elegant in the flow of his body... not a mark on those beautiful white feathers "Just... Kody hmmm... well most just call me by Shen... or Peacock... depending on how you would rather address me..."

Really, the peacock-stag had no reason to do anything to anyone he had met thus far... he had nothing with him... those who followed him were not here... he did not have his spear... did not have his knives or cannons. He was... pathetically weak, seeing as he was a coward and never relied on physical force to do anything... run away to live another day one would say "I have met a few of these... strange black and white creatures, but they were not the same as the... ahhh... Panda's that were destroyed... after all, I doubt a panda would resort to having a skeletal pattern on their sides..."

"Your efforts are insignificant! I carry you to your deaths!"

(My posts seem to be getting

(My posts seem to be getting later and later....B|)


"Shen...I quite like that name." He was still smiling at the peacock but suddenly stopped and turned his head around before suddenly sneezing. With a small groan he shook it off and ended up causing his hair to fall over his eyes. He quietly sniffed in attempt to clear his nose. It was the only thing he could do. "I'm sorry...I wish I wasn't so ill at this time." Slowly he turned his head to look ahead rather than at Shen.

Kody had took note of Shen's appearance, curious how something so frail could kill another, he didn't seem like the murderous type. So clean, so elegant so delicate; how could such a royal being kill others? Then he remembered the wolves Shen spoke of. "Didn't the wolves kill them for you...I thought they were your guards or something?" Maybe he didn't take the peacock's words in correctly, but he was sure that Shen said they were guards. Then he also realized that he didn't actually know why these 'pandas' were after him. "Why are they after you anyway?" He turned his head to look at the other, before noticing his hair blocked most of his vision. Quickly, he tilted his head over to his left side, making it all fall over his left eye; the discolored eye. It made him feel self-conscious, even though many had odd colored eyes, he didn't like showing it that much.

Graveyard's picture

[[ So do mine so *flops*

[[ So do mine so *flops* ]]


The peacock-stag just watched the other, observed him and kept those red eyes on the strange canine like stag at his side. He would shift, fidget some but otherwise kept himself mostly still... at least to the best he could anyway. He listened to the other, not minding the others illness... he was sickly, frail... himself. One of the reasons why he felt that his parents never cared for him.

Shen shifted and turned his attention forward at the questions asked, the wolves helped him yes... but he used other means himself to aid in their attacks. Things of which he did not have here, and things that he himself would not mentioned "For the most part... those that were loyal to me aided me in their demise... but I did not stand back and watch... I helped to an extent..." Shen shifted and held his head up trying to devoid the other question asked.

Why were they after him? Oh no... they were not after him... he did it out of fear, out of fear of that damned goats words "They were not after me oh no... I merely took it in myself to avoid this... black and white warrior defeating me is all."

"Your efforts are insignificant! I carry you to your deaths!"
Harlequinn's picture

.late track

.late track
Definition of a Harlequinn: A conventional buffoon of the commedia dell'arte, traditionally presented in a mask and parti-colored tights.

my DevArt. yipp0

Graveyard: (I'm sorry about

(I'm sorry about my replies being late. I just get the feeling it's annoying you now LOL. If you want I'll write a post and we can continue but I have a feeling they'll still end up being late :C)

Thank you C: <3

You're not online anymore are

You're not online anymore are you? D8

Actually I am ;D

Actually I am ;D


Kaoori's picture

(No subject)

Graveyard's picture

LMAO! They are not annoying

LMAO! They are not annoying me hun, I don't mind them at all! I've just been very busy and scattered around the world so mine tend to come out at random and I must apologize for that ^^ Please, feel free to continue hun.

"Your efforts are insignificant! I carry you to your deaths!"

Omg sorry I fell asleep LOL.

Omg sorry I fell asleep LOL. A crow/raven I think landed on our skyline and woke us up. It was making loud crow noises and it sounded like it was inside, plus I saw a shadow in the bathroom. We thought the bird was in the house despite having closed the windows.. Turns out it probably just flew on top of the roof since when I checked, nothing was there. When I checked out my window I saw a crow or raven -can't tell the difference- flying away. /random info

Graveyard: (Okay C: Not


(Okay C: Not sure how many more posts I'll be able to make though since I'm running out of things to say~)


The canine fidgeted with a stone that was laying by his leg while Shen was speaking, both eyes focusing on it. He was still listening though, even if it seemed like he wasn't. Every now and then he'd let out a small cough, he'd try hard to keep it held in but it was almost impossible. "Oh, I see." He looked up at Shen for a moment with a faint smile before turning his gaze back down to the stone which he was hitting around with his hooves.

"Oh..." His response was rather quiet and the peacock's words made him stop fidgeting. His head remained lowered, still staring at the small round thing he had enjoyed playing with. Many thoughts were flooding his mind. If they weren't after him and he didn't know who it was, he must have killed innocent creatures. Ones who had done nothing wrong. Part of it sickened him. Maybe he got it wrong again, maybe the ones Shen had killed weren't good, but it sounded like they had done nothing wrong to him so far. He kept the faint smile on his face as an act though. He didn't want the bird-deer getting too suspicious about the way he was acting. Suddenly, he let out a sneeze which annoyed him to some extent. The sooner the illness went away the better. After sniffing to clear his nose, he lay his head down on the ground. It felt much better than keeping it held up. Though both eyes remained open, gazing into the distance.

Omg that's so cute LOL.

Aww. Grab a gun ;D /kill'd
Birds do that by my window. They make so much noise. I remember one time I was in bed and all I could hear was annoying chirping sounds. They actually sounded like younger birds LOL.
I thought there was a nest there or something. I don't think there was though (8

RiverCatRa's picture

Did I not say this yet?

Did I not say this yet? Saburo and me adore Kody^^

Aww thank you C: Kody should

Aww thank you C:
Kody should hang out with Saburo more :'D
Sighthoundlady's picture

That's my doe Herla, the mini

That's my doe Herla, the mini with the DotD pelt on.

Didn't realize this was Kody at first. The real deer antlers look good! ^^

I thought so :'D Ah, yes. I

I thought so :'D

Ah, yes. I love the set, I like to wear random sets every now and then. C:

Sighthoundlady's picture

It's nice to mix it up

It's nice to mix it up sometimes, especially when you always play the same character predominantly. ^^

Yeah C: I worry though that

Yeah C:
I worry though that people will get him confused with someone else. It's one reason why I try not to get too attached to other sets. I like a change though. |D

