To be noted,
Artwork by Apeldille.
Discord: Sapphire#3479
Warning, this biography and the character itself may portray mature themes such as but not limited to strong language, sexuality, violence, and abuse. This character is always in-character unless stated otherwise, anything to do with her (such as her thoughts, feelings, updates, and any information on her biography) is purely fictional and not a representation of myself.

The Devil's Scorpion
Umay, or 'May' »
crown » mature adult, eternal and ancient, frozen at the age of her first death, born 9th August » female » bisexual with a male preference » a chimeric demon, physique mirrors lion, cervine, and scorpion traits » omnivorous and cannibalistic »
stature »
pinterest »
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aloof » surly » apathetic » equally solitary and pack-oriented, yet often a pariah » cynical » devil-may-care » jaded » militant » a virago » observant » callous » resilient » wise » carnal » sensual » coquettish » morbid sense of humour » melancholy » guileful » eloquent, silver-tongued and smart-mouthed » guarded » deeply haunted » viperous » manipulative » cutthroat » sanguinary » depraved » volcanic wrath
warm » affectionate » maternal » sentimental » nostalgic » tender-hearted » supportive » fiercely loving
The Scorpion's Sting.
Tail is deadly equipped with venom, see
here for symptoms. Always uses her stinger during fights but does not always envenom her targets. The usage of venom will be indicated by sneezing her antlers off to default.
The light and the holy is harmful to her body, this includes substances and magic. Primarily in the forest, the devout spell rapidly scorches her fur and flesh and can even result in death if she is over exposed to it. Once upon a time, owned a magical blockade in the form of a pendant that blocked any kind of magic thus protecting her from the devout's harmful effect but it has long since been lost.
just a reference on the rut! because this is hella outdated and unused ):
- Not seeking offspring, participating solely for the social aspect.
- Switches between competitor and judge (default antlers + poppies = competing), though due to a recent injury resulting in the loss of her left eye will likely be keeping to the sidelines until the eye has fully regrown (somewhere around the 7th to spare me from updating this again hahaha god I'm lazy)
This is awesome! I wanna make
I wanna make bios like yoou ;A;
/track of doom <333333333
"Stalking Granny~" XD Epic
Epic Biography layout and images Umay. 8D
Stalkers! >8U
Track ^^
Woah...sorry bout that my
Ffff, that's okay. c8 Thanks
Thanks for the track<3
Finally. Delicious pictures.
You're the first friend of Taegan ^.^ He love your company =)
Avatar by Awentia, signature by Wildflowerdeer
Aww, thanks for the track.
Umay enjoys Taegan's company too. c8
Sorry, I left... I saw Siryah
Avatar by Awentia, signature by Wildflowerdeer
It's okay. c: And you're
fiwahfiuaw *Mops up*
*Mops up*<3333
If Plague doesn't like this
EEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEE I LOVELOVELOVE this, Saffie~!!!! !!! !!!
Umay looks beyond awesomesauce, and this whole thing just looks kewlio!! And I love the music~!! *-*
By Leuvr ♥
faioawfuiaw Thankyouuuu ;A;
I think they'd get along quite well actually. LOL
Hehe. c:
I was so alone without you.
I felt alone too.. I'm glad
I want to change. I was so
Umay has a big head.:BThere's no need to change,
FNAFHAWIUH Awwwww!!! So cute ;A; <3333 Thankyou<3333 I love it. 8DDD *Saves*<333
It seemed I misunderstood but
I'll apolgise, it's just the matter of him accepting the apology. I guess I was being a little dramatic at the time, yes?
You're welcome. *3*
Either way, it doesn't matter
This set's has always caught
Sao hasn't been on much lately though, I could ask if it would bother her.
Ffff, I don't think there'd
I quite like that set too, it's one of my favourites that Chicago has worn actually, aswell as the one he first had, which was the curly antlers, Beluga pelt and the forest spirit mask(?). 8'D
Yeah, I was just going to
I won't ask because it's pathetic when people moan because a certain deer has the same set as another, not that Saosin would. (:
Yes, that first set was nice too. I don't know why I didn't keep it.
Ahhh I remember Umay from IT.
Now the shorelines beckon- there is a price for being free.
Custard- Yeah, I agree.
Skinner- Hmm, really? O: And I'd love to have Umay get to know your deer, and thanks<3
I just worry I'm being so
Psh, naww, I'm sure most of
And sorry about not spamming you with critter spells, for some reason It's not letting me collect them. D:
huhuho, it's okay~! HMM my
How's human Chic look? I'll never draw humans again. |D
Stalking Tracking 8D
StalkingTracking 8DCust: Awww, good luck to your
Kahara: Thanks for the
stalktrack :3From now onwards this is
Ooh, okay. 8D
Could you please help me with
Of course~ 8D
Could you please pick up some
That's one part anyway..
Sure. c:
No problem.
I guess my accounts just
It happened again? DDD8
I was going to kick him out
However, do you think you could spellspam me with a set I wanted if we play ooc for a little while?