Feral Hearts is finally, but unofficially out.
However their servers are very dodgy, you might have to keep coming back and trying to get in until it works.
I'll post the link when it's ready.
Final Fantasy 7 Gaming Phase.
Crisis Core - Completed (Sniff ;_;
Last Order Anime - Completed
Original Game - Playing
Advent Children - Watch After Game
Final Fantasy Dirge of Cerberus - Trying to obtain
Connection: Good
Pictos: Good
Framerate: 15fps
"What did you learn at school
"How to jump, smash through things and harness the power of Skittles :D"
Mmm, educationaaallll *droolssss* I love it ♥
I also remember you
I wish that could be real though...;;
Pfft...I have yet to even break 10,000 on that game...I'm so uncoordinated I fail ._.
I had forgotten about that
Yes, the candy, the candy bags were made of Jellybabies... xD And we were all indeed so picky!
Nu chocolate is mah drug. D8<
fkkfskfks IT'S MAH DRUG TOO
Game's addicting too ._.
91366 "Today's top story:
"Today's top story: Dag announces her retirement from Robot Unicorn Attack until her score is beaten by Verycrazygirl. We'll have more after this, so stick around."
Hear that!? That's the sound of someones wishes being crushed.
Meanieface. ;_;
oo. Dag. You are god. 60060.
60060. Is nothing now. >>
I'm so not stalking what you guys are getting.
OMG DAG My highscore's in the
*checks other comp*
Yep! It's 90,270! XD You beat me only by a bit! And I will catch up to you, bring it on! >8U
I was playing it in all my classes today..
Yes, you definitly are better
Hmm. Your dream isn't impossible, that I know. You dream a lot about TEF don't you? XD My dreams are always wacky and unrelated to my life. D8...
I hope he gets what he
I know, I know, at least, the concept of it isn't. But the way my dream went is. It was too smooth, too easy, and far too friendly...
Haha, yes. XD More often the people involved with it...
Tell me about them. O:
If I were some musculair big
Haha yeah that sounds a little tricky;X *casts a rainbow* HAPPYY!~
Some can be really random, most of the time they're not very serious. One dream still amuses me: I was a guy, gay, and worked in a pizzaria where they sold vegetables. No pizza. But I swear, it was a pizzaria.
Last one I remember wasn't nearly as amusing. Because in a way, it felt real. It was about a young girl, around 11, who's mother had placed a bomb in her body while she was unconscious. The kid cried the whole day, like she knew something was wrong. They went to some church ceremony, and then when they were all praying, the girl exploded. *Shiver*
You don't need to be big and
I laughed. xD That's really random! Did they not sell Vegetable topped pizzas? I'd be a customer thar for sure!
That second one is creepy as heck. ._. Did anything inspire that or did it just completely come out of your head? Poor kid...
I have a strange dream I always get before I'm about to have a proper flu. I can remember walking down a sunlit alleyway, and then I suddenly exit it and I'm in a dark really wide city street with a HUGE giant clam in the middle, and everything looked broken. There are helecoptors(sp?) flying around it with lights and they look so tiny. And then there is an army lighting it up further from the ground. Everywhere looked wet and shiny.Then I'm suddenly warped into a very messy childrens nursery walking around scattered toys and childrens books. There is a growing humming and vibration, so I look up and there is a frikkin' huge UFO, and it beams a blue light which picks me up. I float up towards the ship and then I wake up.
I always feel disorientated waking up; like I'm falling and the world is turning upside down and everything close looks like it's miles away. But I can't move. Sometimes I hallucinate during that stage, I once remember watching very tiny people pulling some rope on my sisters bed.
Then I go back to sleep, wake up and I'm very ill.