Dancing, Courting, L'amour, it had never been a pleasant thing for Chopin, looking back upon his human life, which had actually become a hard thing to do, ever harder with each day that passed, as if looking through a thickening veil.
And he found that it was still not a pleasant thing, the scent of love hanging about the air like some sort of tangible mist caused his stomach to twist into sickening knots, usual gentleman-like demeanor faltering if only the smallest amount.
How many songs had been written in the name of 'love'? how many would tear their hearts out but to gain the thing known as 'love'? Operas, Sonatas, Requiems, hundreds upon thousands written for the sake of 'love' only to be discarded later for some reason or another, thousands upon millions of songs thrown away for the sake of courting.
It made him sick, if not a bit depressed, to see it, silent couples doing silent things.
He had never truly enjoyed the company of females, not in a romantic way, far too caught up in their dreams of a fairytale ending to ever see that their prince was really standing right in front of them until the end had come and gone and it was far too late.
Or more oft' then not actually gaining a marriage only to realize that they did not actually like relationships, but rather the idea of one, which made sense, for at one point or another most things did sound like a decent idea until they are but into play at which point they blacken and crumble to peices like the skeleton of a burning building or the leaves of an unwatered rose.
Not that it had not seemed a bad idea to him at one point! Oh of course not! He had courted a select few in his life only to have the men he set his eyes upon drift off like the notes of some dark nocturne to chase after a life with some woman or another.
Of course! what else but children would one ever want from a partnership! certainly not joy, not contentment, for if it were these things that people sought there would be many less couples, less missbehaved children and of course.
Less cut heartstrings...

Music Playlist at MixPod.com
Poor guy. ;-;
Bawww ;^;
Beautifully written ^^
Chopin needs a hug.
Ocean; indeed ;; Valentine's
Halloween; thank you~
Pegasi; indeed he does