Hi everyone,
Someone pointed out to me, and I agree, that it can be really unpleasant to browse blogs when there is music in posts that automatically starts playing. If there are more than one of these, in the "Biography" blog section for example, It quickly becomes a cacophony! So, I ask you to please set all your music tracks to NOT play unless someone presses the PLAY button on the player.
Here are some instructions on how to do this:
* On Mixpod.com, just go to the customize tab and click the blue word "Settings". Then select no for autoplay.
* If you have a player that is auto-playing check in the embed code and you will see something like: 'autoplay=true'. Please change that to 'autoplay=false'.
If I find any autoplaying music in my journeys through the site today, I will change the settings on them as well.
AND WHILE WE'RE AT IT! If you are posting lots of big images, please try putting some of them behind a "Read more" link. Use the button in the posting area that says "Split summary at cursor." Everything in the top textarea is immediately visible, everything in the lower one will be seen when a reader clicks for "more." This will help save people's bandwidth and make browsing a better experience for everyone. But the point of the image galleries is to see your images, so definitely don't hide everything away! We want to see what you are making
AND about that 'Display Name' problem! nope. it's still not fixed. We are dependent on our server admin to help us fix this because Michael and I haven't the slightest idea why it doesn't work. The guy has been a great help with the overhaul of the site on the server side. But we can't monopolize all his time (unfortunately
) He will get to it soon as I poke him about it some more. *poke*poke*
FOR NOW! I've turned the Display Name option back on because by getting rid of it I had inadvertently screwed up posting for some of you
wow sorry! If you go to your account (choose Edit, then Personal Information) you can just delete the Display Name and you should be able to post normally with those accounts.
Also noticed,
heh.... that I'd forgot to turn the Smileys selection box on for all users. Okay, a web designers work is never truly done. Not on a site as complex as this. But its fun having you guys here so it's worth it!
its there now, so emote away!
Lastly, I added a feature that lets you browse blog posts by date. It's per user, so if you go to someones main blog page... like:
You will see on the right sidebar a little list of all the posts I've made there.
Not sure if its a good thing. Let me know if you like it!
AND REALLLY LASTLY theres a problem with new accounts. people who have made accounts in the last week cannot upload an avatar yet okay, that's a big problem. I've had to turn on automatic naming of pages again. (no more node/# naming for the time being. again, doesn't effect posts already named that way.) This is because that setting also effected the naming of user accounts. long story. only just noticed it. Hang tight! I will do my best. it will take some time though... whew!
Cheekily bringing this back
^^ Agreed and second this
Yes ...i get Heartattacks too
Just gonna add another bump
^ Yeah ;__; no matter how
Bumping for importance. Been
I must have missed this blog