From the funeral pyre.

Wyldflower's picture


'Willow tree'

☼ Young adult, 20 years old
☼ Female; mare. Akin to a Marwari.
☼ 15hh, around #20 on the chart?
☼ Cloven hooved; five-horned; curled ears.

☼ A witch, hails from a powerful bloodline. Focuses her talents on healing and minor charms but
does have offensive capabilities.

☼ Blind in one eye, often moves to keep others in her sight. However, can see
the souls of others, visualising them in colours and lights in an otherwise black void.

☼ Carries a resistance to fire. Doesn't burn nor feel pain when in contact with
it initially but cannot resist it indefinitely. Has an affinity to fire magic but
struggles to control it; unpredictable and destructive even when calling a small
flame, rarely uses it willingly.

☼ Upon occasion accompanied by a leucistic collared dove.

☼ Guarded and not used to much social interaction outside of her work. Relies
on herself and herself only, takes a long time to put her trust in someone. In a similar
vein sticks by her own morals, not easily swayed and does what she feels is right
regardless of external forces.

☼ Can be blunt and at times appear cold, arisen out of awkwardness than any
harmful intention. Truly a caring soul and has a hard time turning down those who
need help, to the point of being self-sacrificial.


ShrinkingRose's picture




1Antidote's picture






OkamiLugia's picture


wyldflower's picture

Ty all you lovely people

Ty all you lovely people ♥
Osmotious's picture

Oh wow, what a lovely

Oh wow, what a lovely character
add me on discord: Krisaur#9391
wyldflower's picture


;; <33

sits :3

sits :3

pretty @.@

pretty @.@

dont mind me always

dont mind me always commenting on the wrong account
wyldflower's picture

Thank you Singa & Shakra x2

Thank you Singa & Shakra x2 !! ♥

Tracking! Very pretty lady.

Very pretty lady.