Roughly #27 | Reference (New ver. coming soon)
Great Argus Pelt | Real Deer Mask | Trumpet Antlers
. Fully cervine, with build influenced by both fallow and chital deer.
. Wears different accessories and makeup based on what she plans to do. Favors gold and blues most of the time. The colored stripes on her body are actual markings, however.
. Keeps herself meticulously clean, coat is often shiny and soft.
. Tail is most similar to a horse's, but the vertebrae are incredibly short so she cannot manipulate it nearly as much.
. Rarely runs. Holds herself very proudly.
. "Antlers" that may be present are actually a part of her headdress and are more for decoration. Can be used defensively but is not dependable in combat.
• Calm • Graceful • Maternal • Cautious •
• Meticulous • Flirty • Resourceful • Confident •
• Secretive • Feminine •
. Cursed and killed in her past life by a rival consort's family shortly after she was married to the Emperor and coronated as Empress. The memories of her old self are hazy at best, but she does remember her old titles and the kind of manners she was taught to have.
. Not looking to find a way back to her old life. Isn't sure she would want that anyway. May also see this as a blessing to create her own "empire" of sorts, still considering things. Is just enjoying the forest's slower pace at the moment.
. Still tries to live by the same lifestyle in order to uphold her dignity. May seem a bit snobby or condescending as a result when met with something she deems beneath her standards.
. Does not require others to address her in any special way. Fully recognizes that her title means nothing here outside of being a conversation starter, if anything. However, would not stop someone if they wanted to address her formally.
. Very charismatic and socialable to those who show her respect or are simply kind to her. Has no problem carrying on conversations.
. Enjoys spending time in areas that are bright and colorful (flower fields, the pond, etc.) but avoids areas like the ruins.
. Well-versed in numerous other skills that she was expected to have as a consort and the eventual Empress. Can sing/dance. Would play a zither if she could. Has a particular interest in teas, gardening, and poetry.
. Some self defense training but other than that, no combat experience.
Met: Mirah, Melanie, Prism
This section will be nicer/detailed once she has her new CSS I promise
Potentially may view those she finds attractive as "consorts" of her own, mostly to seek out affection and possibly offspring in the future. Probably something that would get established around the time of the rut. This is still a bit up in the air though feel free to ask if interested .o.
Design adopted from JoKa/LostintheEcho
Art —
Original Design by JoKa/LostintheEcho
Inventory —
. A couple of headdresses and jewelry pieces that came with her when she appeared in the forest.
Most of this CSS is gonna get scrapped completely, this is just to help me organize things for planning purposes.
beautiful ♥
Sig: Aihnna
hi pretty lady!!