Radu - ♂︎ - #26 - chaotic neutral
industrialist, progressivist, transhumanist, technocrat, radical, advocate, inquisitor
mortal god of destruction
holds the affectionate nickname of walking Chernobyl
right - left
Left side is bloodier, but proportionally less damaged.
Scent is an acrid blend of flesh, blood and radiation.*
Ozone, welding fumes, metal. Seamlessly blends with his iron-rich gore in an equal union of decay, nuclear and biological.
Bleak, monotonous voice, similar to this.
Punished for his 'blasphemous' love of technology by being physically fused with it, forced to suffer its 'parasitism' in much the same way as the Earth and those not keen on his ideals have. Clearly not immune to the side effects of having a nuclear reactor in his body, though removing it would mean certain death, as he depends on it both structurally and functionally. Doesn't seem to mind much, however - tech is tech, and he'd die before losing his loyalty.
By me
feat. Enbis
By me
By Starling
feat. Starling
By me
feat. Starling
By me *
Coding done by Technosphere/Jayternator for their own personal use. Feel free to hmu if you need help coding (within reason/my capabilities), but no scavenging without talking to me first, or I'll butcher you harder than this JS.
(No subject)
Absolutely loving this
:0 very cool design!!
Thanks guys. Your interest is
Hey there. <3
WHAT a GREAT design i can't
(No subject)
What an incredibly awesome
Sora, Mis: You're spoiling
You're spoiling me. Thank you!
Hey friend. <3
Oh wow... This all looks
Ty and hey
oh hi lol
This page is lookin' real
Ohh I like him
by paperflesh
Hey homies \o/
wait why haven't I tracked
Magnificent art by 7FinalGirl8 (Hagal)
(No subject)
'Nother batch. Good to see