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Lia'Vael - Lia
Early Twenties, Young Adult.
White Tailed Deer traits
Mini>Swan pelt>Skull mask>Magpie Feathers.
Human Ref xXx
F.C. Emily Rudd
Holds the scent of Winter, and a small splash of coconut.
Haunts: The sunspot near 298 x -145
Calm ❅ Flirty ❅ Over-friendly ❅ Nervous
Gullible ❅ Motherly ❅ Playful ❅ Cheerful
❅ A small doe with a big heart, Lia tends to gravitate toward those who sit alone.
❅ Enjoys making company with others and basking in the presence of friendly faces.
❅ Eager to make new friends with anyone, though she may come off a little too friendly at times in her efforts to do so.
❅ Can be a bit of a flirt, though usually means well with kind affections.
❅ Respectful to those that earn it.
❅ Thing
❅ Thing
❅ Thing
❅ Thing
❅ Thing
❅ Thing
❅ Thing
Hails from a frozen land called Aufeis where it is always winter. Known there as a caregiver to those in need and lives in a tribe located in the Easternmost continent. Has become somewhat of a healer, and is constantly addressed as such when spoken of by others in the realm. Her ability to heal and soothe the sick and wounded have given her a high reputation amongst her tribe.
Knows that the leader of her tribe has his eye on her for his son and while marriage with a commoner is not frowned upon, she simply is not interested in the man. Has made that clear, and the leader respects this, but still insists on peppering her with gifts and formalities as if it would change her mind at some point in the future.
More when I'm not dead af (':
Name ❅ InfoInfoInfo
Braithe ❅ One of the first to approach her in the forest and hold a conversation with her. Enjoys his nature and stories of the land he visits when he is not in the forest. Eager to learn more of and spend more time with. Cuddle buddy.
Name ❅ InfoInfoInfo
Name ❅ InfoInfoInfo
Winter, first snow fall, more stuff kdhgkjkfh.

The snow is sparkling
like a million little suns.
P 100% - Healthy, fit.
M 100% - Content.
E 99% - Nervous, fine.
N New CSS! Filling things in.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~CSS BELOW~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-----------MAIN BODY
-- BIG IMG (change width/height to match your img and put the url in the background-image attribute!)
<-----Margin adjusts up and down. Positive Margin moves up, negative margin moves down. Left adjusts left and right. A -left will move the image left, a +left will move the image right.----->
-------- FONTS
<-----Use this for this font It was going to be a lonely trip back. ----->
<-----Use this for this font It was going to be a lonely trip back. ----->
<-----Use this for this font It was going to be a lonely trip back. ----->
<-----Use this for this font It was going to be a lonely trip back. ----->
-------- TOOLTIPS
To position your pictogram, refer to the style tag in the above div. Adding "left:0px;top:0px;" will change it.
Left: change left to a -negative number. (left:-10px;)
Right: change left to a positive number. (left:30px;)
Up: change top to a -negative number. (top:-10px;)
Down: change top to a positive number. (top:40px;)
** Width and height for the "transition" coding are how big you want the pictogram to be.
You can change how long the transition lasts - it is set to 1 second here. Anything past 3 seconds might look a little wonky.
**** KEYFRAMES. This is what makes the pictogram move.
0% is the beginning of the animation, 50% is halfway, and then 100% is the ending. Only change the 50%. It should automatically loop by itself. You can change how long the animation lasts, too.
This makes your picto move up and down slightly.
Hello pretty thing
adorable art by Tuoho! ♥
sits ♥
pretti ;;
a true beauty
hellooo ♥
by sleepything
yay heya