M.89% - Stable.
★ P.97% - Healthy.
★ E.97% - Fine.
★ N.Updated TH link.
Has healed quite nicely. Finally daring to appear back in forest. Still walks with a slight limp, but there is no visible injury present.
Had been released from the hospital several days earlier, and is currently recovering at home. Stiff, sore, and restless. Cranky due to his inability to return to the stars to consume something other than human resources, but healing well.
After several extensive surgeries over a period of a few days, is finally out of the ICU and in a normal hospital room for recovery. It'll be another day or so before he's able to recover at home, and even longer before he can dare to step into the forest, but the road to recovery has been pathed. Ever thankful for Ragnara's constant presence with him, even more thankful that she managed to drag him out of the forest for medical attention and did not leave him there to die.
Was rushed by ambulance to the ER under the false pretense of being attacked by a bear. Well, two, but still. Has had multiple surgeries to repair the damage to his chest and lung. Still on a breathing machine and currently in an induced coma while his body regains strength. Unaware of his surroundings or any visitors. Gonna be a long road to recovery for this boy.
When the forest bullies attack you and your gf for no reason. Rude.
Limped his way back to the flowers, leaving a nice trail of blood. Yum. Collapses the second he reaches the spot. Very steadily bleeding out, breaths are ragged, and with each breath, one can hear the hiss of a punctured lung. Unconcious, Star is unaware that Ragnara drags him to the human world. Without prompt medical attention, likely would not see through the night.
Spent a good majority of the day sleeping off the effects of the poison from Braam. Lots of feverish nightmares that left him more exhausted at the end of it despite the fact he had been sleeping the whole day away. Briefly aware of a fight going on between two parties, and annoyed by the gathering crowd that watched. GET OfF MY LAwN.
Late in the evening, was pulled from his flowers by Sa and brought over to a doe and her children. Eagerly watches the small one that seems the most interested in him while Sa does the introducing. Content to finally meet his 'neighbor' and is eager to impress by showing off his skill around children. Lets the little one gum him to death without a care in the world, and eventually curls up beside Sa for a nap with the small one snuggling between them.
Woke up to the party gone, and so, drug himself back over to his flowers. Lazed around for a while until the sounds of a scuffle pull his attention toward the oak. Catches sight of Canary fleeing from some creature(Braam), and instantly jumps into the fray. Delivers some bites to the front of the creature's legs, and eventually wards them off, but not without a few new wounds himself. Several quills line the side of his face and mouth, and a few protrude from his shoulder. Didn't seem to notice them at first, too concerned with making sure Canary was alright. Some sniffs are exchanged, and he dotes on her a bit with a few licks to her wounds before inviting her over to his flowers to rest. If the creature showed up again, he'd protect her.
Once the quills are noticed, he tugs a few from his shoulder, though the ones in his face are a bit more difficult to retrieve. Thankfully, Canary helps him out. Allows her to pull them out of his face and mouth before trailing after her to the idol to wash up. Returned to his flowers just as his eyesight becomes a bit blurry. The sudden feeling of being ill overcomes him, bringing him to lay down and pant. The venom doesn't effect him as badly as anticipated, but still leaves him dazed and a bit out of breath.
Has been spending a ton of time out of the forest, more often than not he only comes back to pick up his girls and bring them home for some fun. Blames a good majority of this on the fact that he's gotta work to pay the rent. Picking up odd ended jobs, and some merc work here and there, but more often than not he finds himself at a bar as a bouncer. Plenty of perks there.
Returned to the forest and has been spending time with Ragnara and Sa. Ragnara's eagerness to return to his side leaves the wolf a little confused, but he's not complaining. Not that he'd admit it, but he's missed the hyena.
Pretty much just lazing around after a night of fun with Vallika back at his place. Pleased when he finds himself in the company of a crimson-colored doe. While not knowing her name, calls her 'Little Red' after they spend some time just staring at each other. Eventually, a conversation sparks up, and they learn a bit about each other. A pleasant surprise in the form of Bli shows up not long into their talk, and the wolf happily delivers some attention to the blind fawn before she disappears into the mass of the doe's tail feathers.
When one of your 879487598 girlfriends breaks up with you.

Feeling rather down, but tries his best not to show it. Doesn't want others to see this side of him, period. Sleeping a lot to pass the time, and enjoying some pets from World Eater who made his mind a little less scattered. Anxious about his other ties with other women, in fear that they'll start to leave him too. Doesn't really know what they expect of him, and tries to do his best when it comes to doting on those he's invested in, but still feels like perhaps it isn't enough. Stressed. Looking to fill the void.
Lmao consistent updates? No idea what those are, apparently.
Just being a bum, healing. Was given some potions from Vallika to help him out, and damn did they ever. Not as sore, but his tail still smarts on occasion. Been hanging out with Eydis and Reva a lot, ever together, but typically within the same day. Chatting with them both and generally lowkey flirting because he's a perv. Sorry.
Angry with Ragnara again, because she's intentionally trying to make him jealous by telling her all of what she and one of her other guys had done. Kinda shrugged it off, definitely frustrated because why is it okay for you to rub other men in my face, but not okay for me to do so with girls. Rude. Kinda 'whatevered' when she tried to play, just not in the mood.
Healing rather well with the help of both Sadhbh and Vallika. Still a little sore, but a good majority of his wounds are closed up and scabbing. His tail still hurts like a motherfucker any time he moves it just wrong, but not much he can do about that. Hello crooked tail. No touchy, I bite u.
Grumpy, and sore. Sleeping a lot, but still welcoming of familiar faces. Woke up at some point to find the same wolf staring at him, but this time she was nearly a leap away from where he rested. The two chat briefly, exchanging names. Fascinated by her accent, though has heard it before somewhere. Content to laze with her for a while until she disappears.
Rag showed up beaten again, and Star is just 'smh woman why.' Generally being a protective asshole over her and getting snarly at anyone that gets too close that he's not comfortable with. And that is the extent of my muse for writing past updates, rip.
Previous Updates <-- I will link this.. eventually.
@Mauvable NO okyespls @Shey
:eyes: :chomp:
♥ lovehim
♥ Tyty!
mouth pops
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by sleepything
(No subject)
well hello handsome.