swaying blade my lullaby

HB's picture

- Scilla -
Selcouth, Cressa

Born on All Hallows' Eve of 2018.
Clouded leopard, striped & spotted hyena, caribou hybrid.
Androgynous female. Possesses a pseudo-penis and a faux scrotum.
Identification. #14. Pins. Toyhouse.

× One of Italia's two surviving cubs. Born with a scarred side and torn ears, the rest of her scarring having been earner later in life. Cannibalized her other womb mates whilst still in her mother's belly.
× Produces a multitude of sounds such as meows, hisses, growls, roars and hyena laughs. Communicates via body language.
× Highly food motivated. Predatory instincts. Feral but intelligent.
× Guaranteed to react with aggression if feels herself threatened, nervous or bothered. Protective of her family but otherwise tends to avoid violence. A lazy bean who enjoys lounging for hours.
× Long and sleek body with a muscular shoulder area. Thick front, slimmer back end. Large paws and a round head, feline-esque nose. Big ears, long tail. Fullbody mohawk is bristled up when excited or aggressive.

Italia - Mother.
Glace - Sister.
'Howlan' - Adoptive brother.
Devani - Aunt.

im in love!

im in love!

Sig: Aihnna

interesting ...

interesting ...
LostintheEcho's picture


Sigi by Wake



wake's picture

smol gesp

smol gesp
Shey's picture

im on mobilw again i cant add

im on mobilw again i cant add the shaking eyes emoji but i feel it in spirit
Osmotious's picture

ooooooooo!!! im so excited

ooooooooo!Exclaim!! im so excited
add me on discord: Krisaur#9391
HB's picture

thank u all for the interest!

thank u all for the interest! ♥

happy birthday

happy birthday

Sig: Aihnna

Sleepything's picture


adorable art by Tuoho! ♥
Echosong's picture


Hraeth's picture

battle beast

battle beast
HB's picture



(No subject)



When the wind blows.