No place but the Sky bound Seas

OshiBoo's picture

Original design by Paleray ♥!
Viveca K'Sharr
The Auspex
Daughter to Turtoualdus(Tor) and Oymesci
Goddaughter of Adayti
Young adult- stunted growth and prone to sickness
Lynx hybridization of Snow leopard and dragon blood

jk no css here ever

Returned to the forest after a prolonged absence, missing the last two toes on her left paw and carrying some fresh scars. No longer as malnourished looking as she once was.

Rut Blog


LilyBlue's picture


HoneyBean's picture

give me some of that devotion

give me some of that devotion my ocs hate me and an uprising is sure to happen in my head haha XD TRACK
OshiBoo's picture

OOMMMGG Some of mine are like

OOMMMGG Some of mine are like that cough Aysel cough So i totally i understand
Hopefully his updates can be a little consistent but no promises i cri

much enjoy

much enjoy
Togetherness's picture




Sig: Aihnna