physical late teens᚜
mental early teens᚜
rose and clover blossom; faint honey locust ᚜
Reference ᚜
Suffers from DPD and other anxiety disorders
Fears water
Likes baubles
Likes to nest in soft things.
Everyone is 'Mama' or 'Papa'
Positive mentality
Rabbit soft fur. Not waterproof.
Cannot handle cold well.
Right ear damaged, left eye gone. Impaired.
Scars cover his body. Bandana
Tail is wispy. Coat is scruffy.
᚛ Arietta MAMA! ᚛ Sol Not Mama but like Mama!
᚛ Jude Frand!
right column
“I feel as if I had opened a book and found roses of yesterday sweet and fragrant, between its leaves.”
- L. M. Montgomery
This is a smaller div, where you can put things like contact info.
-takes cute and runs away-
aaAA PREcious
right I love this little
Sol says yes, must protect