8.10.2020; four months of recovery behind him and he is slowly regaining his strength. Most of his time is spent planning and obsessing over the revenge on the rivalry mob. Sleep deprived and stressed, cannot handle being on the side bench this long. Appears more irritable than normally, short fused and anxious.
Andrei Malkov
Deathwish, Moonshine, Wolf,
Adult canine & cervine hybrid, 12.01.2016
The spawn of The Ravenmother & The Headhunter
Masculine male,
♦ Confident and proud, some psychopathic traits.
♦ Easily gets hangery. Eats constantly, yet is fit and lean.
♦ Lives by the rules of the mafia. Strong favor for favor mentality.
♦ Over the years has gained a high rank among the mob bosses, just below the don.
♦ Private, doesn't speak much of his life. Lowkey about his profession as well.
♦ Monoamorous, monogamous. Respects relationships. Attempts to pair for life.
♦ Solitary yet finds comfort among his own pack, extremely loyal and protective, obsessive.
♦ Mostly raised by his mother and thus has high respect towards mothers and females in general.
♦ Predatory, brutal being. Has a good amount of blood on his paws and regrets nothing of it. Kills with pleasure.
Nadhezdha & Corso ♦ Parents.
Yvaine, Kira & Hrafn ♦ Litter mates.
Carmella, Asriel, Kali, Clarence, Icarus, Shanira & Bernie ♦ Half-siblings.
Skadi, Strega, Jin, Karu & Keagan ♦ Nieces, nephews
'John' ♦ Boss. Pillar. Loyalty
Ismay ♦ Close friend.
Naoki ♦ Friend? Former infatuation.
Lysa ♦ Close friend. Preferred company.
Sindile, Doitsu & Oliver ♦ Employees, proteges.
Ophion, Vesper, Dagmar, Evelyn & Iver ♦ Charges. Watched over.
! Dad/sister track ♥
Dad/sister track ♥
Brother ♥
bby number two ;u;
I love him.
chubby brother ♥ C:
Mommy double track c8
Aaand track. c':
So...dang...cute. Omgosh.
Thank you everyone for the
Aww, BEBE - those pawpads!
By Leuvr ♥
Quote:was struck by the fact
hhhhh say wHAT
Uhoh. It was Ivy who said it!
Plus it's a kickass mob boss name anyway.
Thank you for keeping my
It's okay. I should be
_speechless_ Isthatreallyyou
Yes ; w ; ♥ its me !!
Asfggsdh. She caught
She caught Andrei's eye real good btw.
Viper felt a disturbance in
; w; its good to see you.
He tried to be v quiet and
omg, same. It's been a while.
She's very hard to sneak up
but omg yeah i just like barely came back a couple days ago tbh ; w ; but its awesome to see you're still around !.
He was sorta disappointed in
Aw really? Saw your name on the online users list and was like naaaah, she been gone doubt its her. Was such a pleasant surprise to realize it was really you omg. You've been missed.
And yeah, got no other place to go so here I still am lol. c;
Viper's just very hyper aware
and yea ; w ; ahhh lol yeah no i uh got really nostalgic the other night and i was like man i wonder if anyone still hangs around TEF , and i missed a lot of my characters so i kinda packed a bag and headed back ; w;. im so glad to hear that it was a good surprise that i rolled in ; w ; ♥ but ahh i feel you i got like, bored of a lot of the other places so i kinda mosied on back here.
Yeah, he tripped quite bad
The characters and the people are the only thing keeping many of us here, like the game itself is kinda youknow. Somehow this place still has a pull to it, even after 9 years we still find ourselves here. ffff
That made her smile a little,
And yeah ahhh, gosh it really does i just was sitting there looking at all my characters going man i miss these guys. and i miss this community. so like i bounced back and yeah heck dude, its crazy that like some people have been here for like 9 to 10 years or more its like. even me ive been here what like 7 or 8 and it still is crazy to think that i always find myself back here but like you said definitely a pull. Oh heck btw do you have Discord ??
Boi gotta try to stay
It's good to know, somehow, that there are other oldies still hanging on. The community has exploded so much since. and OH yeah I do, Kaunako#2487 Add me up! (8
-fans over-
hello there. (8