Gentle / Quiet / Loving / Playful / Clever / Imaginative / Lonely
/ Moral / Pious / Scared / Anxious / Cowardly / Selfish
o inquisitive mind, will often stay very still for a long time in order to quietly observe what interests her
o loves hearing stories and easily finds amusement in her own imagination, little storyteller who can spin a tale out of nothing; would be a capable liar if the need ever struck
o extremely compassionate, a heart bleeding love
o has a strong connection to birds and other small animals; often guards their nests and dens while the parents forage, fixes small injuries, carries messages and reaches inaccessible food
o does not differentiate much between animate and inanimate, holds respect and affection for all
o playful, enjoys physical exercise and races
o impulsive when in a good mood or if her distrust has calmed a little; acts on instinct and gut feeling curbed by her more human mind; clashes may cause her to freeze in indecision
Hamlet approves
o not much concerned with her appearance aside from decorating her hair; her only vanity
o talented mimic of forest sounds, especially birdsong
o communicates primarily in body language, though will make herself
speak if the situation demands it; prone to silence and introspection
o highly tactile and physical being, processes and seeks comfort through touch; loves to cuddle and will often express her affection with small gestures and nudges, more than a little clingy in this way
o excellent memory with traces of obstinacy; it takes a lot to change her mind once a profound impression has been made
o more trusting of females, the small, the bird-featured and the young; wary of males and large, predatory-looking individuals
o gathered threat markers from eavesdropping and deep forest runs: prominent fangs, antlers, claws, size, all regardless of the bearer's species, will make her wary; prejudiced in that manner
o interprets everything in the context of immediate threat to her wellbeing; easily startled, light sleeper, slightly paranoid
o highly avoidant of conflict; submissive when insecure in order to 'keep the peace', but will keep her own opinions in silence
o quietly stoic in the face of suffering; not in the habit of sharing what troubles her emotionally and is hysterically avoidant of physical pain, wastes away slowly in face of injury or sickness
o in a fight or flight situation will always choose flight, even at the cost of leaving a loved one behind
o easily spirals into loneliness and melancholy; terrified of abandonment by those she loves and never dares to believe she is truly loved or cared about; double-standarded in that she expects more from herself than from others
o deeply devoted to and comforted by the Twins, loves and believes in them
with a child's simplicity
Howdy :3
Hello hello
She seems interesting. I'm
She is adorable.
She is ssoooo cute!! gonna
gonna watch as she grows<3 ~
Art by Aihnna & pixel by Mary13~
Brokken Saint: Thank you very
Waning-Sun: Thanks
Raventail: Thank youuu <3 she'll need it! xD
Trackers! She's so adorable,
Whee, thanks It's fun
It's fun finding it out
Aww, that's an adorable one!
Thank you so much!
Is my rp post okay? Just... I
She can relate to fawns, and that's why she likes them.
It's perfectly fine! I
Jezara really seems like the perfect random encounter for a little wild child.
(No subject)
Awww, I think Ol Jezzy needed
3000$ obviously! (I almost
Obviously! *starts counting
Tracks, this is great! I love
Oh wow, thank you so much!
Hey, would Doves like to
I need to RP with this pretty
Oooh, sure thing! Loved
I was thinking maybe over
Anything works for me,
Alright, I'll get to you
Edit: OHWOWJEEZ sorry to be a bother but I didn't note down the email because my laptop was dying...
Ahahahahahah go go me for not
Done, thanks!
Chain saw little Doves today
*cough* May or may not have
Aw thank you, also I bet
Aww you!
*eyes the snappy folder warily* They are so many...
My folder is filled too, but
Oof, I haven't had to deal
Oh my, yes. The design
God yes, I had to quit
You're so true! And the best
Absolutely! Also,
*wise nod*
Ah! There is a lot of people
Deer ball? xD (multitasking,
(multitasking, sorry for the slowness)
That would be fun, and it's
Also I'm going to change into my other IC account, his name is Caesar. Caesar is very kind like Chain, mostly because Caesar is Chain's brother.
Hehehhe good to find another
Hi Doves! I see today is the
Hi Ivy! Aww, thank you so
And a hoot shall definitely be given if need be!
I wouldn't blame you for keep
Ah too many messages
Hello Doves, I haven't spoken