No worth no purpose

I'm nothing
This soul is soo fragile
No ambition
Waste of life
Black and white
Day and night
No love
No sanity
Hope has deserted me
Loss is haunting
Making you change in ways you never thought possible

Struggling for what
Another day
That puts me one step closer to
That underground grave
Purpose do I even have one
Without one I am lost

Biding my time
Till that clock stops ticking
Until I take that last breathe
I love my family
But even that grasp
Is loosening
They say life is precious and you should often live it to its fullest
I had at one point agreed
And still encourage others to do the same
Yet it's ironic how I don't listen to my other voice

If I could sit in a corner and look out the window
And just fade away
I would
I don't think I'm meant for anything great in this world or even the next
I'm just a dreamer
That thinks reality is a nightmare
Because in reality
There is death,truth,fear,dishonesty and so many other things.

To think we used to live in a more peaceful state
And to see where we are today.
Children dying by anothers hands
Talking back against your parents has become common practice in some households.
Wars are unavoidable
Parents do the unthinkable as they bury there sons and daughters.
Chaotic in others words that is what we have become
Greed has taken some of the week souls in this worls

Mother Nature fights back to presrve what is rightfully hers
Yet we destroy it without a second thought
Animals die for our own need
How much more can the earth take till it finally says no more
Are my words meaningless to you the reader
Or perhaps by know you have already flitted away to another page.
Thinking that this is another rant and perhaps you even rolled your eyes.

At this I laugh
Tiss but a bit of humor that I see.
A rarity in fact that I smile
These days that expression seems to be so foreign to me
Don't ask me why
Because I don't know that answer
Just as you look out at the sea and see the neverending blue bliss
That how see myself trying to find my way
I know its out there.
But I can't see it
I'm tired of swimming trying to find it
The sharks are never at bay.
Will I drown
Or will I survive and find that purpose and find my self-worth.
quadraptor's picture

"You are nothing less than a

"You are nothing less than a miracle. There may be times when you feel that you are worthless. But you are nothing less than a miracle. The fact that you are here - alive and capable of breathing in and out - is ample proof that you are a miracle. One string bean contains the whole cosmos in it: sunshine, rain, the whole Earth, time, space, and consciousness. You also contain the whole cosmos."

- Thich Nhat Hanh, from Be Free Where You Are