No Memories and No Name (RP)

Need to get Rook accustomed to TEF. My answer...RP!

Under the cut

The rook woke, startled from a deep sleep. He looked around him in confusion. Trees, endless trees spanning off in every direction. He shook himself and spread his wings to fly to the nearest branch to look around himself. Then, the rook have a confused noise and looked behind him. What he saw made him gasp. No wings, no feathers! Just glossy fur. It wasn't even the colour of a rook's feathers! He scrambled to his four feet. Hooves, antlers, fur...the rook was a deer.

He leaped back, startled. What!? I'm a DEER?

It made no sense. He was a rook and then...wait. The rook-no, deer, paused. He had no memory past waking up. Except about being a rook...

Where am I...what happened?


Rook needs someone to help him learn the ways of the forest...and to help him get his memory back.

(He is referred to as the rook/the deer in the RP, but his name is Rook. He names himself soon after the confusion of waking up)

*A rook is a member of the crow family that lives in the UK. That's all I know about it.

P.S. I have no bio for Rook but I will soon probably I think