I walk through the night. I am alone, no deer is he near, no birds fly above me.
This night is strange, it has got a red glint. Red…like blood.
But the strangest thing is: I know this night.
A black silhouette appears at the horizon. It comes nearer and nearer.
But he doesn’t realize.
This night is so familiar. I had lived this night before.
My body goes cold.
His heart beats faster when he lifts his head and sees the black deer.
He. My heart stops. The black stag.
The one who killed…
Suddenly I realize. It was the same night.
The night, when the one, I loved died. I can’t breathe I can’t move.
The murderer of my parents.
‘Hello, little one’ The same voice.
‘How are you, he? Do you have friends? No? poor little one!’
His words bite through his face. He was the reason for his painful life.
His soul were broken by him.
‘Oh…you run away from every deer?!’ He laughs a terrible laugh.
Out of his mouth comes a black tough, it gets longer and longer and it’s end changes...changes into a snake head.
It started to speak.
I want to run, I want to hide. I don’t want to live this pain again.
‘You’ve ever been. You let your parents alone. You looked at them when they died. You didn’t do anything!’
It feels like it Inwardly discerp me. I shake.
I would be better if he ram his antlers against my chest.
I want to break down , I want to die. The death is better than this.
The snake laughs.
‘But you have a friend, right?!’ It turns its head.
A small deer comes through the dark.
‘No’ I whisper ’No. please. Not her’ It laughs again, its long though curls in its mouth like a worm.
‘Look, now he whine about grace.’
Nooit takes some more steps and stands next to the black stag.
‘Weak’ fizzes the snake. It lifts the head towards Nooit.
And bites her head off.
The small body falls on the ground.
He lowers his antlers and ram them in the body of the black stag.
He wakes up. There is no stag, no little doe on the ground.
His breath gets slower. It is sunrise.
He stands up and walks slowly towards the pond.
A Nightmare. He shakes his head. Just a terrible nightmare.
His whole body hurts.
When he lower his head to drink, he sees a stag, a stag with three bleeding scars along the face.
The scars of the black stag started to bleed
yeaaaah,ignorethoseenglishmistakesandthecrappyscreeshot-edits -.-
well, i had the idea while i'm dreaming xD strange, hu? But t wasn't really a nightmare xD i love snakes C8
aaaanyway...here it is (:
Wow. O_O It seems like you
It seems like you have amazing writing skills too. O_O<3 SEE! It makes hearts come out of my ear!
pfjgkos. Iwantthatblackpelt. It looks awesome. 8DD
Sun. You won. <3
The poor guy! Aww!! I love
--Stays a lonely Seele