I've never been part of such a beautifully-shaped party~ It was practically "campfire" style.
It started out fairly modest...
Grew into a nice, warm crowd...
And then our friend on the left with the venetian antlers led us in a dance~
If anyone else has pictures, post away. I'd love to see um~
That was fun! :')
I enjoyed it a lot :'D
I enjoyed it a lot :'D
Ditto, ditto~ Stuff like this
I went off and when I came
I went off and when I came back the party was already going on. I joined only for a few seconds though. I hope you guys had fun there c:
I thought the reason everyone
Nice crowd though.
the whole row there between
... was me. |D *one woman party*
^ I sat here and giggled by
I can't do things like that, cause my windows always crashes. xD
LOL, Alice!
ROFL ALICE. Go ahead and
Go ahead and shatter my warm fuzzies, why don't you!
I was wondering why all of those deer disappeared at once. I thought they were all friends.
well some of them where..
Welp, you made a beautiful,
I'm surprised your computer didn't upchuck its motherboard with all those TEFs running. You must have a nice system~
asus notebook, x52j
... nothing fancy |D
That tree is where
Alice; /impressed,
Nuevapaz; How cool >A> I had no idea it was something like that.