A New Friend

Fahnette's picture
Fahnette felt very protective of you for some reason. She watched over you as you fell asleep.

Thank you for letting her share your little stroll.
Paralda's picture

he's Drache, Density's

he's Drache, Density's stag
he very nice =3

Fahnette's picture

We posted pictures of the

We posted pictures of the same stroll at almost the same time last night!
Drache was so sweet... he'd get ahead of Fahnette and look back like "Well? Aren't you coming?"
Fahnette would do the same thing.
Strangely, it was a very emotional experience for me. After Drache laid down to sleep, Fahnette just stayed there until he'd gone. She wants to find him again, make sure he's okay.
To fling my arms wide in the face of the sun, Dance! Whirl! Whirl! Til the quick day is done...