Idly playing with the concept of a favored coat-crown-and countenance.
Miraculously, I am finding myself learning to communicate and catch on to the needs and expressions of the other deer. After a frenzy of imitation and spell explosions I realized I was helping someone build a set look. It was a good look too!
While doing so (since the return favor was being showered in spells as well), I decided that since I didnt have a favorite look yet, Id just make something to match - and after a little tweaking, I find that I am very fond of my new blue coat!
I think it is supposed to be a whale. But I would like to think it very magpie-esque, or some other corvus bird... since I have spent the last few days as such.
Tra-la-la new blue coat!
Tra-la-la new blue coat!
That was you! xD We are/did
her name is Waarhijd
Righto! I got a nice pic of
Lookin' good!
aha it was you who helped me
thank you so much for that!
like your new look too!