Natali's Story Part 1

BouncyDeer1's picture
Natali was just born, she opened her eyes for the first time and saw her parents. Her mother had a bony skull mask and so did her father. They had skeletion pelts and huge red antlers. Her mother didn't say anything to her nor did her father. Natali was just a little newborn fawn and wanted to play so she tried to nuzzle her mother. Her mother backed away with a weird look. Natali was confused and titled her head. This went on for a couple of hours before her parents ran away. Natali mooed at them and ran as fast as she could to keep up but they were already gone. Natali still fears skull masks and scary pelts and big antlers because she's afraid the deer that is wearing them will run away and abandon her and leave her forever. But one day she is minding her own bussiness when a deer with a skull mask goes up to her and sniffs her! She freaks out but then calms down. She was confused. Was this deer going to run away like her parents? She decided she didn't want to know and ran away and hid.