my tongue sharper than a switchblade

!This 'bio' will certainly contain bad words, nfsw, gore and lots of blood!

Cherry Bomb
Meat Baroness, Butcher, Hellfire, the..

of Blood & Rotten Meat

nameless, doesn't associate herself with names or something like. called Ragnara by others
adult, late twenties. stripped & spotted hyena hybrid. direwolf traits
omnivore, eats everything. prefers meat, scavenger. neutral evil
female, masculine energy. bisexual, inclined toward females
speaks in #8b0000 | voice

Height Moodboard Spotify Toyhouse

Trivia & Personality

violent, obsessive, noisy, crude, greedy, cold, petty, warlike, wary
survivalist, reckless, elusive, emotionally unstable, unmannerly
persevering, protective, playful, humorous, flirty, devoted



Taveer; dear friend, beloved.
Nélida; dear friend, beloved.
'Sunniva'; ma waifu, friend.
Prism; comrade, trusted.
Magnús; friend, liked.
Aamali; ward, fond of.

+ 'Tthosser', Akina, Elliasén, Tsubaki, Orlaith
= Tállak, Kenna, Spencer, Hróðvitnir
? 'Starkiller', Sky-Sight, Umay
- Osha, Mikill, Fari, Garai, Ruuvik, Greitai, Hammel, Helm, Braam, Maggot

Noh pelt, magpie antlers, and skull mask. Yes, changing her set for the 98475 time.
| Damage accounted for. 200% IC and ALWAYS open to interacting, be good or bad!
Any question, RP or just babbling, contact me via discord; Luz#1288 |

there she is

there she is


yess, finally

yess, finally <3

yess, finally

yess, finally <3
sora1996's picture



(No subject)

Togetherness's picture



YALL &hearts;!! ;;

YALL ♥!! ;;

bout time I showed up

bout time I showed up


Sig: Aihnna

TYSM BOTH ;; &hearts;!


&hearts; lovely gal

♥ lovely gal




by paperflesh