I don't understand... what happened? What is your name?
You had one name for a long time...
I recalled my previous appearance, and your name changed
and then suddenly, you changed too
There is a little body left here where you logged out. When I listen, I see the name you had as an old stag, but this little body has no halo overhead.
I think this is my name. I
I find much of this symbolic...
My name-changing symbolizes my lack of... self-knowledge. I don't know who I am or where I'm from. I feel like I should have memories before this place.
I do not.
Changing into an old stag symbolizes that I am not quite what I seem.
This fawn body represents only that I am new to this forest and its ways.
It was nice to spend my first day with you. Thank you for showing me around and spending silent time together. I would love to do it again.