Noortiss: Today is Nori's happy stag day! He turned into a wonderfull stag and he is full of joy because of it. ^^

Nori: I came across my nice friend Vala and scared him out with my great looks. We found some nice deer later and turned into mini deer and "played" a bit with Walter. I guess he got a little annoyed because he ran away very soon, but I sat with him for a while after I turned normal again. ^^

Noortiss: It's an deer Totempole!!
Nori: it's not
Noortiss: yes it is...
Nori: it's not...
Noortiss: Go back to sleep you!

Noortiss: teaparty!! =3
Haha, that mini deer is me.
I like your stag-day set!
Yeah teaparty was awesome!
Thank you Ephra ^.^ Edit:
Edit: woops dubbelpost, I thought the reply thingy worked like in DA... xD
I agree with 21, those
And congratulations on your stag day! Walter noticed and was glad for the company.
Awwww, thank you :3
Ahh, I was playing with you
But anyways, happy stag day! ^^
Yes, yes that was really fun
I'm uploading the screenshots of it at the moment, I couldn't do it yesterday because it was in the middle of the night when I played tih you. =P