December 12, 2008 - 5:44pm — Stephi201
i have announcment! *taps glass with spoon* i accidently uninstalled tef because my friends told me to because they think this game is wierd but i like tis game but thats not all thay also told me to replace this game with one called wolf quest wich is as equally as cool as this game (wierdly enough) so um yeah you kinda wont see savannah for a loooooooong time unless i uninstall wolf quest soo im reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaly reaaaaaaaaaaly sooooooooooo sorry D:
from the saddos stephi and savannah
I used to play wolf quest,
Lol, none of my friends even know I plat TEF, so they can't tell me to do anything about it. ^^ Why don't you use Wolf Quest and TEF? Just have both games?
Wolfquest, *sigh* x3 Its fun
Its fun in the begining, but after a while it gets boring. Its a work in progress through, as is endless forest. Have fun, and yes, we'll miss your deer!
you know, you should just do
Like everyone else, I have a right and a left brain. But there's nothing left in the right, and there's nothing right in the left.
no 1. i cant have both, i
Yeah really, play what YOU
The Divine Trilogy
I'm with not understanding
Please, don't uninstall TEF.
Lightcreator in the Forest
hmm.. yeah, does these games
Like everyone else, I have a right and a left brain. But there's nothing left in the right, and there's nothing right in the left.
Wolfquest... man.. that was
yeah, I'm sure you
Like everyone else, I have a right and a left brain. But there's nothing left in the right, and there's nothing right in the left.
My friends would never
They don't decide what i enjoy playing and you too should play the games you enjoy playing!
I played WQ for a day and uninstalled it. I just didn't like it much
WolfQuest? I used to be all
I agree with Quamar. If you don't want to uninstall it, then don't uninstall it. Just because someone else thinks it's weird, its your decision whether you will keep it or not. =]
Please click on Tanazen!
I tried WolfQuest, didn't
I installed WQ again and
Like everyone else, I have a right and a left brain. But there's nothing left in the right, and there's nothing right in the left.
Dear flyra, its too late i
how do i put dragon eggies in my signiture?
Oh... <.> That's sad
(Sorry, I dunno the answer for ur question...)
Lightcreator in the Forest
im sorry to say (being
HOOOORAAAAY! xD That's good,
That's good, really! Hopefully meet you there sometimes. ;D
Lightcreator in the Forest