My deers description and name ~ you help

Okay, so, I need a good name for my deer. I have not fully decided on the costume yet. (ignore the avatar, my avatar has changed since then) I am planning on having a wolfy/grey body, a real deer mask, (NO! DX I just lost the real deer mask by jumping to deep in the pond water... -_- ) and real deer huge antlers (real deer, right?) or short stumpy antelope (I think antelope) antlers. Eye

Anyway, you decide, and try to get it to fit my personality. (You will probably know if you have met me mefore in the forest)

I like wolves (Well, der!) So I am going to keep the wolfy~type coat. I am pretty shy in real life, and I like dark~ish colours. Lighty~medium blue has to be my favourite colour!

Anyway, I'm sure you got enough up there. (^-^) Don't want to give out to much personal information. Oh, and, ignore my avatar, my deer has changed since then.

Almost forgot! Don't forget to pick a name... scarlet... sik'a...

Best wishes!


EDIT: Okay... so I got a magpie costume ~ a mirical. I was just playing with my deer friends, when I was given some magpie antlers, then the mask, then a zombie deer came and gave me the pelt. Wierd. So, now I need a name. Well, if you look at my symbol, I think I'll call myself hope. I'll post my bio in another entry. Thanx, and tell me what you think.
Lyeekha's picture

Lol, my first thought was

Lol, my first thought was 'Quote'. XD Pathetic I know, but everyone will remember your picto!
That's why I chose FIU's name. I mean... FIU? Laughing out loud

Ha! Lol, I decided the

Ha! Lol, I decided the magpie coat. (^-^) Now all I need to do is a bio. My deer is gonna stay the same age, a doe. lol
My deer has a magpie outfit, name Hope!
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/.........{.}___ <------- My deer Hope!
Kumiko's picture

If you haven't come up with

If you haven't come up with a name yet, you can do what I always do. I look on behind the name to find name's with meanings that I feel fit my personality.

Like there's Ylva which is Scandinavian deprived from the word meaning 'she-wolf'.

Or there's a few that mean 'dark' and some that mean quiet since you're shy.

I know! I'll type in

I know! I'll type in silver... XD

EDIT: It came out with two really good ones for silver, simin and yin. I think I'll choose... -_- Which do you lot thinks sounds better?
My deer has a magpie outfit, name Hope!
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/.........{.}___ <------- My deer Hope!