June 15, 2011 - 11:50pm — Kanaf
Hi there |D
It's been a while for me. I haven't just been missing the game and my friends, I've missed my old characters. So... guess what this blog is LOL
YEAH. RP blog.
So, friends, would you be so kind to humor me? I know a lot of my deer haven't seen their mates in a long time. Skokey's been pining a bit for his oldest friends. AndIjustneedsomethingtoDOOOOO.
Any of my deer are available, obviously. I know I only have two active right now, but that doesn't matter.
Yes the title has to do with Nightmare Before Christmas. As short as that last little song is, it's my favorite ;;
Count me in if you feel up to
This is relevant to my
8D Scythe: I would REALLY
Scythe: I would REALLY like Fulu and Zilant. I don't exactly know what's been going on with them, whether Fulu left or they've just been quiet or something... I dunno. My guess is that Fulu left to look for Skokey, so now she's coming back. Aww, it'll be cute ^^
Pega: IT BETTER. Who would you like then? I know a lot of our deer don't know each other... Skokey and Magnet or Scape, or maybe Tropa and Blue? I know they're still pond buddies |D Whatever works
I'm leaning towards the
We can most certainly work