Mister High and Mighty Part 2
July 4, 2010 - 3:23pm — Seele
This forest…
It never made sense to us.
It was a mirror-image of where we came from.
We arrived, hesitantly. Danger could be lurking anywhere.
Instead we found fawns bouncing motherless,
Every deer was an individual. No herds.
I didn’t believe my eyes. So instead of trying to learn from them, I shut myself away.
I couldn’t leave like the others did though. Something kept me here.
The mirror-image.. I had to investigate to what extend that was true.
To a terrible one I found.
A stag, carried the same name as I did. Just mirrored.
I killed him because
I didn’t like that.
I didn’t want that.
I was afraid of him.
Sometimes those weird deer would approach me. I would walk away, ignore them. Couldn’t cope with their happy faces. Had to be fake, I was sure. Some ambush was waiting for me. They wouldn’t accept someone like me. Their invisible herd would wait until one day I awoke, and send me to the next morning light.
That never happened...
Instead more and more weird individuals tried to approach me. With whatever goal that could have. Apparently to “play”. Since that was the only thing to keep these deer busy.
I was bored out of my mind!
Stupid deer.
Some started following me around. Some doe followed me around.
I shoed her off. She was persistent. Laughed about my grumpy attitude. I couldn’t get her to stop following me.
She would find me occasionally, and I would find myself trying to calm myself. I wouldn’t attack a doe. Not even her.
The other days I would spend alone.
Those days would be there frequently.
And something in me missed her persistent company.
So after a while, I was the one going after her instead…
It’s still weird to admit that. And I denied it, too, for the longest time.
So I learned the doe’s name was Taliene. I teached her mine was Gehirn.
She had a spot near the pond she would rest at. I would find her before she was awake.
I freaked her out a few times, heh.
Taliene and I grew quite close, in our own odd way. She teached me the ways of this forest, introduced me hesistantly to others. I would calm, in time.
We would become mates, in time.
My feelings for her grew until a form of recognition was reached. Much of like what I felt for Chism.
Though, this was not Chism. Not even close. Taliene could be quite a girly doe, really. She’d unintentionally flirt with other stags, looking much like her. But stags, ofcourse. I’d fend them off.
She was my doe. Not their’s..
There was a different take on love in this forest, I’d learn. You had one mate, and you would stick to that. And for a long time I submitted myself to that.
Though, with me getting more comfortable, also meant they’d start seeing a different side of me. Whom I really was.
I think that must’ve caused some disappointment.
I started to get more friends, so to say. Finally starting to find my place in this weird forest. It was quite relaxing, you know. No enemies, no hunting, plenty of food.
Plenty of does, haha!
Apparantly my charm hadn’t worn off. I remember playing with two of the does I certainly adored, Ravenflight and Luna. Apparantly, the forests resident asshole, Walter, didn’t really like me being successful with the girls, and attacked me. Ofcourse, I defended myself, and the does I was with.
Poor Ravenflight. I remember her being quite traumatized about it all.
Such things happen, though. Taliene was there too, that day. And after the fight, when Walter walked off, she choose to go up to him.
I don’t think I ever forgave her for that.
But apparently, she was jealous of me and the other does.
Jealous. Now, where did I hear that before.
Oh, yeah.
From the doe whom killed my son.
Oh goodness. You need to
Agree with Ginger. Go, Misa,
What nature divides, the spirit unites.
so lovely! your writing is
I track this, And I want
Again, awesome drawing,
Avatar by Awentia, signature by Wildflowerdeer
How come I didn't see this