Vital statistics
Physical: 100% - Feeling fine
Mental: 100% - Mentally stable
Emotional: 100% - Happy about life
Current Updates
August 2, 2012
I ran into Delton not too long ago! We ate a nice lunch of thimbleberries, and aspen leaves. I offered him a mouse, but he didn't seem to like it very much...
July 30, 2012
No old updates yet...
Name: Metis
Nickname: Spots
Gender: Female
Size: Blacktail Doe
Set: Deer mask, Argus pelt, Peacock feathers
Personality, Traits, and Quirks
A bit about Metis...
Metis is modeled after the Northern Spotted Owl (Strix occidentalis), and the black-tail deer (Hemionus odocoileus). Her coat is a dark brown with occasional spots of cream trending towards a cream-colored belly, and throat. She has feathers in place of antlers, and features feather patches on her rump, tail, and shoulders. All of these feather patches are used to convey emotion, and it is quite easy to get an idea of how Metis is feeling by assessing these feather patches. She isn't very big (About 3 feet at the shoulder), and is quite at home in thick underbrush where she can't be seen. When convinced to come out of the underbrush and be friendly, she is quite silly and cheerful.
She has a few owl-related personality quirks that most deer don't understand, or cause them to avoid her. She will offer dead mice (How she catches them is completely unknown), and offer them to friends and acquaintances. She also is known to climb trees (How she does no one knows - no one has seen her getting into or out of a tree) to vocalize like an owl. She is capable of reproducing most owl vocalizations and often adds owl sounds to her vocabulary when speaking.
Like the owl, she is most often found foraging and being active at dawn and dusk, preferring to sleep and nap during the middle of the night and day.
---: Delton: Very good pal.
---: Just met. (No one, yet!)
---: To be avoided. (No one, yet!)
Ohhh my God, she's so pretty!
Thank you! Come for the deer,
MareMare ♥ I'd love to
*Offers Oura a mouse!*
Pretty character