Trenton's picto is not what I thought it looked like. I wanted a smiley face, but instead got a frowny one- so if you see a fawn running around with a Circle picto with (EDIT; It only has 1 dot at the top) dot and a square in it, it's Trenton. Also let me know if the circle/dots/or square is missing or if there's something else there. It seems the pictos aren't functioning right.
'Biography of Trenton'
'The Stranger from Another World'
Under Construction
- To sit over the water? I'm
To sit over the water? I'm am no professional airsitter but I know you have to run and hit your space bar to jump. You'll be over the water then. When you're in the middle of the pond (wtv, where you want to float) you hit 'esc'. The menu will open and your deer will sit - airsit.
I'll email it to ya. 8D
Thank you, but that's not
Thank you, but that's not quite what I meant.I meant walking forwards and backwards and every which way on top of the water.
I know how to walk backwards and the esc way, but that leaves me stationary/backwards
Sablekat you're awesome ♥
Sable can you email it to me