Merry Christmas

sammygreen's picture
Today, I was strolling through the forest in the lovely winters snow (It snowed where I lived today and it made a nice end to the school term XD unfortunately it did not settle due to the rain last night but watevs) and I came across the most epic squirrel ever; a giant one Laughing out loud How do people become so big? Is it some glitch or is it coincidental that they become an animal so large??

Merry Christmas fellow deer xoxoxoxoxoxox

I too was surprised when saw

I too was surprised when saw this squirrel
Bayleen's picture

Ohhhh my goodness yay I'm

Ohhhh my goodness yay I'm soooo relieved!!! Wow, I'm glad Auriea and Michael made it snow for you guys <333 Ahh wow hope you guys enjoy that c: