Merry Christmas!

Redkora's picture
Holiday stag wishes everyone a wonderful celebration! His special ability is to not only gift other deer his pelt and antlers, but he can also nuzzles several deer within a 20 ft radius at the same time. Eye

*nuzzles to all* Thanks for another great year!

It's not a very goo drawing, but I hope you all like it, anyway. Smiling
Flyra's picture

Very nice! Merry Christmas,

Very nice! Laughing out loud
Merry Christmas, too! :>

f l y r a b l o g avatar by tinkee, sig by Quamar
Emiva's picture



-steals and runs-

Fledermaus's picture

Woah, holly antlers would be

Woah, holly antlers would be awesome to have! Yesplz C: