thank you so much for sharing this - and thanks a lot for the quantity and quality of fun you
both bring to TEF.
sadly Halloween was a - how should I say? - quiet one (because there were no gods)
but happyly there are people/deer like you both and all the lovly other one wich make
this halloween great!
These are great to see! Happy
Happy Halloween! Very cute
Very cute screenshots ^^
What a fun celebration this
Thank you for posting all the adorable photos <3
thank you so much for sharing
both bring to TEF.
sadly Halloween was a - how should I say? - quiet one (because there were no gods)
but happyly there are people/deer like you both and all the lovly other one wich make
this halloween great!
Thank you! It was great
Starling - Thank you!
Hautakumpu - Thank you!
p - You're welcome!
Pink - Thank you for your kind words!