It's the morning again, and Twinnie takes to the Endless Forest, her spirits alight and eyes ablaze with adventure! The roar of deer folk fills her ears and causes her heart to leap excitedly just as she, herself, leaps into a gallop to investigate. The spunky fawn comes across a large white buck with antlers as red as the sunset. Her tail flutters in anticipation as they exchange bows, and the buck takes off into the forest. Twinnie is not long to follow. Their hoofs kick up bracken and moss as they go deeper. Happening upon a fawn, they pause, and Twinnie takes the time to make her customary stand. Her hooves are up and head is down and she's challenging. She's showing the buck what she's got, paying little to no attention to the other fawn, they don't interest her as much as the white adult before her.
But as usual for the spunky fawn, their kicks and stomps soon subside for a short dance, alas, the day has truly begun. After some dancing, laughing and general merry-making the buck, and potential new-found-friend takes his leave, curling up to fall asleep for a time.
Twinnie turns her attentions to a red adult who happens upon the two fawns. A spell or two cast around and the red jumps straight to dancing. Of coarse Twinnie can't refuse, not even to be the tough little trouble causer that she is, and she joins in.
Of coarse, things don't last forever, and soon Twinnie finds herself continuing on. Though it seems a certain fawn has found her (again?), and it's time to dance, but not before showing just how tough she is!
Sometime after time spent with the fawn, she loses interest in favor of another adult. Heads-lowered and hooves up once more, they face off for a time before subsiding and biding each other fare-well.
Eyes and spirits all a-glow, she turns to follow a roar. It was a lonesome sort of roar, she thinks, and her cloven hooves take to the earth once more. Tilting around trees, leaping fallen logs and avoiding being snared in flowers, she soon happens upon a lone deer atop a hillock. He doesn't respond immediately, but once he does, he is very friendly and greets her with a nuzzle. Indignant, Twinnie shakes her proud little head at him and brandishes her hooves.
I suppose you can predict how this venture turned out... Dancing.
Twinnie just seems cute
The Dragonfly Deer's Biography
Pega's Forest Philosophy: "Look for Friends. Let Love find you."
"If you don't like something, tolerate it."
Haha thanks. I find her