November 2, 2008 - 12:51pm — Fledermaus
So, I missed the first Abio because I was busy, but I decided it wasn't all that bad, I could just attend the second one. SO, I figure out the time it would be (-5 hours from Belgium time, so it would be 5 AM). I logged on at 5 AM, according to my computer, and I was immediately greeted with a huge "THE END" in my face. xD
The daylight savings time screwed me over! Heh, I felt really stupid. But, the lag was so bad (about 1-2 fps) that it was hard to do anything.
And, on the bright side, I saw a god or two for a few seconds, those delicious golden ribbon antlers on Aueria, finally saw the cabin in the birch forest (that thing is oddly surreal), and I enjoyed the rain. So, it wasn't all bad.
I still feel like an idiot, though xD
Click on the link to see all my dragons!
FLED. LOL. I did the EXACT
I did the EXACT same thing. X3
lol now I dont feel as stupid...
I live in eastern time, and I thought it was 5 am as well.... I guess it was four?
I remember seeing those words "The End" And I thought they meant it by, you know, the whole celebration being about our dead loved ones, so I thought that meant the abio was just beginning...X3 but then everybody broke away into separate groups and I waited an hour later (to now) and well... it just dawned upon me.....XD
xD At least I'm not the only
Curse you, daylight savings!!