
Reyy's picture
retired, inactive, but still entitled to cleaner css, so
consider lucille's bio as just a short story and concept
wip —


fawn, eternal

born from the violin smoke of a sun-bleached birch tree
sound asleep, into the world she arrived
coated in powdered sugar tree dust


Created at the hands of the Twin Gods, the forest bore at their feet in a rolling, liquid thunder. It spilled into the vastness of stars and space as if to be encompassed by crude oil that is the ever-expanding darkness of the universe. We were a buoyant, weightless light in the midst of an endless, dark canvas; and The Gods were proud of this little light which lit the darkness so warmly. So proud, and so full of love were they, that we were smiled upon; and they reached down to adorn our heads with golden crowns of light, and bestow us a power of our own. We have come to know and understand this phenomenon as forest magic, a force woven into the very fiber of our world in which all creatures are born with the innate ability to possess and harness it.
It is our unspoken, universal language,
our place within the universe
our origin.


...It is this very same magic which how Lucille came to be; an accumulation of violin tree smoke that, instead of dispersing, bonded together into the form of a female fawn. She is neither god-created nor intentional, but instead—a variable; a byproduct of the forest shift and evolution into its new phase. Her birth defies science and divine creation altogether; rather, her existence being symbolic of new beginnings and what is to come.
Peculiar enough, though the forest was created with intention and purpose at the hands of The Gods with their divine magic, this very same magic took on its own science and rules within our world.
Thus, there are unexplained events that happen by chance, appear to be coincidental and sometimes meaningless, or indented by The Gods.
Lucille's birth was by chance.


Despite her unusual entry into the forest, Lucille is empathetic, intelligent, and warm. She has no memory of her genesis, and no grasp on the concept of her birth. She remains like any other average fawn in the forest; pure, deeply curious, and eager to explore the world around her. Confident and shamelessly cheeky, she is prone to fits of poutiness and tantrums. Because Lucille has no family, or even the understanding or awareness of a family dynamic, she will often curl up next to complete strangers.

the soul of a sage, the heart of a child

Reyy's picture

