Yeah I went on a little drawing spree with this. I also put it on my DA site
From the top left we have Mitra, Seele and Draak who has lost his lower jaw to his skull mask XD (I've always wondered how that actually stays on O_o). And then there's Quamar lolling.
Underneath Quammy is Mitra and Draak again :3
And underneath that is Mitra with a "female" skull mask.
And the one with the peacock antlers is Saan
I did most of these by memory so there are probably details that are off.
Deer belong to owners and such. Except Draak who is mine XD
Lol, Draak's jaw xDDDD Poor him. And Quammy is just laughing at him there.
Female skull mask - DO WANT D:
Aww, thank you soooooooooooooooooooooo much again for drawing Mitra and Quammy!! *tries to nuzzle but nuzzle-button is already broken*
Whee! 8D XDDDD yeah
XDDDD yeah lol
Draak: *literal jaw drop* D:
Mitra: XD
Seele: O_o
Quamar: lololololololol
Although I wouldn't need it, I say YES it's a must. Cos what about the Does who wanna be...uh...Skullified? XD
Hehe no probs! I love drawing them, its so much fun X) *mashes broken nuzzle button anyway XD*
That would so be my
--Stays a lonely Seele
XDDD. Thanks! I do XD maybe
OHMYGOSH i looove it!
lolz, Saan is just staring in disbelief at all the craziness thats going on behind her! o__O ^^
I love the whole sketchiness of it, but then again I love everything my friends draw! ^^
8DDD *nuzzle spams back*
I'm glad you like it
hehehe thats ok 8D